View Full Version : Anyone have any experience with this rig
Cam McKinlay April 16th, 2010, 10:53 PM I am curious if anyone has had any experience with this DSLR rig. I cant seem to find any reviews on it anywhere.
thanks in advance
Complete DSLR Rig (
Nick Hiltgen April 17th, 2010, 08:23 AM haven't heard of this company, but it looks they do offer rentals, I wonder if they would rent the support gear without the camera so you could try it out and see if you like it before buying.
Regis Hervagault April 17th, 2010, 11:15 AM looks very much like the proaim rig from india that can be had for dirt cheap over ebay...
Carlo Zanella April 17th, 2010, 11:46 AM I am curious if anyone has had any experience with this DSLR rig. I cant seem to find any reviews on it anywhere.
thanks in advance
Complete DSLR Rig (
I know the Matte box, FF, and monitor. The mattte and FF are made by PROAIM, India. The quality is OK. We use it on an EX-1. It does the job but it's not the best quality: cheap though. The monitor is a LILLIPUT (it comes from somewhere in Honk Kong), good for framing and focusing, but NOT for setting up your shot on the 7D.
You can probably go on Ebay and buy that stuff separate for less. For a shoulder rig that is good quality and costs only $299 I would probably get the "ultracompact" from (only $299). We have and it works great (and you can attach the monitor to the "c" bar without purchasing expensive articulating arms).
Carlo Zanella
The Santa Fe TV Show (
Cam McKinlay April 17th, 2010, 12:40 PM Thanks for all your feedback guys! I really appreciate it!
Bill Pryor April 17th, 2010, 03:58 PM I'd also go with Indifocus. I've see their stuff in person and it's well built and reasonably priced, and you're dealing with local people who build it in Iowa.
A.J. Aguirre April 18th, 2010, 04:58 PM thats hilarious how much their selling that for... classic..
Thomas L. Phillips April 19th, 2010, 09:05 AM I recently purchased the ULTRAcompact, and love it. The C-Bar with Handle is the best part of it. Great weight, great build, and Tim is great work with and buy stuff from.
Cam McKinlay April 24th, 2010, 11:15 PM Can anybody post some feedback on this rig and all the pieces. I have been doing alot of research but I still want some outside input on everything. will it all fit together? looking to keep the price reasonable as well.
I am shooting with the Canon 7D and kit lens. I also have canon 50mm and canon 28-105 rode video mic and going to buy Zoom H4
indisystem ULTRAcompact
D|Focus V2
Still deciding on Matte box. any suggestion that are not ridiculously priced?
I would also like to be able to have a quick release on the camera to move to tripod. Suggestions on that?
thanks in advance
Thomas L. Phillips April 26th, 2010, 10:07 AM Can anybody post some feedback on this rig and all the pieces. I have been doing alot of research but I still want some outside input on everything. will it all fit together? looking to keep the price reasonable as well.
I am shooting with the Canon 7D and kit lens. I also have canon 50mm and canon 28-105 rode video mic and going to buy Zoom H4
indisystem ULTRAcompact
D|Focus V2
Still deciding on Matte box. any suggestion that are not ridiculously priced?
I would also like to be able to have a quick release on the camera to move to tripod. Suggestions on that?
thanks in advance
I have the indie compact and the D focus will work perfectly on it. On The ULTRAcompact you can raise or lower the camera on the mount, so the focus will fit just fine.
The ultracompact has a quick release plate on it, the camera attaches to it and slides onto the rig, You can take the camera with plate directly off the rig. That is not saying that the quick release plate on the ultracompact will fit your tri pod, but it does have one.
As for mattebox, I went with a cheap one from the indian company, but I like it, it is sturdy enough and i think worth the money, as it is cheaper.
Here is the link:
Matte box - V-11 Mattebox with French Flag & Front Adjuster (Without Rod Support); mattebox (
Cam McKinlay April 26th, 2010, 02:21 PM thanks for your response. did you order the rod support? or does it just fit to your 7D without it?
Carlo Zanella April 26th, 2010, 03:14 PM Remember, when you buy that matte box the filter trays are plastic and NOT wide enough to securely hold the filters in place. The filters will fit, but they will come off very VERY easily, with the risk of dropping them (and you well know how expensive those filters are). NOT a good solution if you are planning to use 4x4 filters often. Just a heads up...
Carlo Zanella
The Santa Fe TV Show (
Cam McKinlay April 26th, 2010, 06:27 PM Found this on ebay...any thoughts?
Matte Box+French Flag Canon 5D MK II,1Ds,D3x,7D,GH1 - eBay (item 130384037832 end time Apr-27-10 14:59:14 PDT) (
Thomas L. Phillips April 26th, 2010, 06:48 PM thanks for your response. did you order the rod support? or does it just fit to your 7D without it?
I did not order any separate rod support. I just use the rod support system that is with the ULTRAcompact, and the mattebox that I ordered form the indian company, fits on there perfect, as it will fit any standard 15mm rods.
Thomas L. Phillips April 26th, 2010, 06:51 PM thanks for your response. did you order the rod support? or does it just fit to your 7D without it?
Remember, when you buy that matte box the filter trays are plastic and NOT wide enough to securely hold the filters in place. The filters will fit, but they will come off very VERY easily, with the risk of dropping them (and you well know how expensive those filters are). NOT a good solution if you are planning to use 4x4 filters often. Just a heads up...
Carlo Zanella
The Santa Fe TV Show (
Cam, maybe Carlo has had more experience with this particular Mattebox, the one from india that I am using. I have only used 4x4 filters with it twice. I have had not problems with it yet, but that is not to say I will not. The filters I own fit in pretty snugly, and I am always very careful though when putting them in and removing them.
Carlo Zanella April 27th, 2010, 05:01 PM The filters do fit perfect...They are just very easy to come off (just by shaking the filter holder with the glass filter in it will cause it to fall. I have a Chrosziel matte and the filter tray holds the filter VERY well(tight). You can not get them out unless you pull the release mechanism. It's just up to the user...if you are extremely careful all the time, you will be OK. NOT and ideal solution for me: if you forget, the filter can be on the floor in no time...
If you are planning to use it a lot, I would personally suggest something better built (Red Rock MIcro, Cavision, Indifocus is coming out with something interesting real soon...)
Carlo Zanella
The Santa Fe TV Show (