Enrique Orozco Robles
April 15th, 2010, 09:31 AM
...for AB dionic / EX3 users out there:
is it safe to use the titan-charger (attached to the QR-EX3 plate) to power the camera instead of the battery ??
(with an AC power outlet near the camera, off course...)
any comments would be greatly apreciated....
Bruce Schultz
April 15th, 2010, 07:48 PM
I do it, no problems. In fact I power two EX cameras with one Titan unit for a 3D rig.
Andrew Stone
April 15th, 2010, 10:44 PM
Enrique you probably know this but worth mentioning anyway... On the rear panel of the Titan charger is a 4pin female XLR power outlet. You can switch the charger over to put power through this outlet.
You would obviously need a 4 pin XLR male to an EIAJ-04 connector that the EX3 utilizes to power this way. I know Vortex Media sells a reasonable priced cable that fits the bill.
Bob Hart
April 15th, 2010, 11:16 PM
I would be inclined to have a battery attached to the charger in the hope of soaking up any inrush surges unless there is also a hard switch between the charger and camera. Those currents could be a bit savage if you experience a series of flickers on mains power that happen sometimes just before a blackout.
I have used a Titan on back of a SI2K recorder unit which has an AB Gold dock and observed a distinct surge in the touch screen blue "power-on" display when mains was switched on. The SI2K is hard switched, the monitor was non-genuine and was not switched through the SI2K.
The EX1 is soft-switched, thus cannot be isolated from inrush currents unless a hard switch is introduced between camera and charger. It may not endure inrush currents forever. The EX3 might be soft-switched too, however I do not know this.
Anton Bauer may have more information to give you if you were to ask. This is only my unproven observation and theory on the matter and I may be propogating misinformation here.
The Titan has been a compact and convenient "international" mains power source for the SI2K so far but it does get a bit hot on our mains out here 240vAC 50Hz.
Enrique Orozco Robles
April 16th, 2010, 09:33 PM
thank you all... AB just let me know that the Titan (or Tandem which is the new version) is safe to use with the EX3 as external power supply...