Peter Jefferson
July 14th, 2005, 06:07 AM
what is up with that??
I mean yeah we all know about the love and romance kinda thing, but what about all the couples who are ravers (here in Aus, ravers refer to nightclub goers)
When i look back, i love it when i chat with a couple and they tell me, "Pete, were clubbers, we love house and trance and u can use whatever music u see fit"
Now to cut to THIS kind of music is so much more fun (to me and the couple in question anyway) and to be able to shoot naturally in this way and have fun at the shoot, (ie, be human) without having the need to present oneself as being overtly businesslike, is a blessing.
I just went over to a Jewish couples home to discuss their wedding requirements, and it turns out that once all the formalities are out of the way, the DJ's are breaking out the vynil and going hardcore. Now for a wedding this is unexpected, but im glad. Im glad i dont have to work with music which has been overused by other producers. Im glad i can use my own discretion with the tunage. Im glad i can cut to a pace of music which reflects my clients and their friends characters and demeaner on the day, and most importantly, im glad i dont have to present something in a way where a romantic element is created at the loss of a persons character.
Which leads me to my point..
Ive seen many wedding videos here and all of them have their merits on one way or another. Im not criticising, as peoples tastes are all different, but lately, i have seen many works from here as well as producer clients i train and i have to ask one question.
Where is the character?
Where is the individuality in these pieces which show the people for who they are? hm... i dunno.. maybe im missing something here...
i fell into that trap of creating things overtly cinematic, big sweeping shots and all that other typical stuff that u see on alot of demos...(which is one reason among many why i dont post clips, alot of my old stuff is what u see here) and even though it looks stunning and yes, my clients love it blah blah blah, when i look back at them, i think.. how empty.
Yes its technically good, but whats it missing?
Yes it shows alot of what went on but why does it feel like im tryin to show off my skills as opposed to showing off the couple?
Was it teh fact that i was starting out in business and tryin to make an imporession? I dont know.. as i have been in this game for many years, and ive never had anyone concerned about my "years"
But how much of the same thing are we gonna see??
Wheres the individual flavour? Everyone is different, so why are these Presentations im seeing all have a similar flavour?? whether their my own or someone elses?
Hell im guilty of it too, but being producers with probably the most artistic freedom in the industry, why does it all feel the same?
The same shots, the same words, the same effects, the same pace, the same music.. then to the next lot.. whch is pretty much the same..
Yeah Weddings are very linear, but do the clients really choose this cheesy music?
So i went a little crazy one night and thought id redo a whole prep shoot and left in afew choice spoken words. I also went natural with the filming style without overly cutting or setting up a shot, and the results were much better. Much better i mean it felt alive.. It felt fresh and it felt natural... It felt like a Doco as it was shot that way, but choice filters, grading and those spoken pieces really made a difference to the flavour of it.
My own remix of an old timeless Bon Jovi track (i cut out the bit where he says your clothes are still here.. lol ) , Robbie Williams Angel and afew other tracks also helped..
It showed the couple who they were, and it represented the preparation as they happend with a decent pace and with out the need to feel "when is this gonna end"
I took a risk and it paid off, and with that one job, i have scored another 6 from memory (just by using that one full presentation as the demo.. i dont use demo dvd's i use actual pieces i give to the client)
So where does that leave those of us who do this for a living?
Ive had to evolve with my clients to portray their true natures. Ive also adapted my editing style to a fresher rawer piece as oppsed to somethign which is so tightly cut that if u blink u miss out on it.
I dont want perfect. Perfect is plastic without character IMO. Yes its easy to do but at what cost?
Ive become lax with my filming style.. kinda, taking it easy on the day and having fun with the bridal party.
Im doing what needs done, but also gettin to know the clients intimately. ALso by the time the reception is rolling, most of the guests know me by name and want me to be their best man at their weddings. I usualy decline and offer my services though ;)
BUT the point im making is that i have had to evolve with each individual client. I have had to evovle with the guests and teh clients..
Evolution is good.. but how far does it go? When is it time to evolve?
When you get bored? Or when your clients look at your work and realise that youre showing the same play only with different actors?
Does your style change for each client or do u stick with what u think works?
Do we stick with the McDonalds production line of burgers until we get overweight with the same food? Ive noticed alot of work which is of that mould and yes it works, but is it TRUE to the client as an individual? Is it fair on the client to b represented in this way?
I dont know... each to their own, im just curious as to what people think about their artistic choices when cutting...
So what do you think? Am i wrong in thinking that originality has slowly died? What about ones own individuality as a producer and photographic artistic? Would you sacrifice that to fit in the mould??
i made my choice and im happy with it. Im crazy and eccentric and my clients know it. Im glad for that ;)
I mean yeah we all know about the love and romance kinda thing, but what about all the couples who are ravers (here in Aus, ravers refer to nightclub goers)
When i look back, i love it when i chat with a couple and they tell me, "Pete, were clubbers, we love house and trance and u can use whatever music u see fit"
Now to cut to THIS kind of music is so much more fun (to me and the couple in question anyway) and to be able to shoot naturally in this way and have fun at the shoot, (ie, be human) without having the need to present oneself as being overtly businesslike, is a blessing.
I just went over to a Jewish couples home to discuss their wedding requirements, and it turns out that once all the formalities are out of the way, the DJ's are breaking out the vynil and going hardcore. Now for a wedding this is unexpected, but im glad. Im glad i dont have to work with music which has been overused by other producers. Im glad i can use my own discretion with the tunage. Im glad i can cut to a pace of music which reflects my clients and their friends characters and demeaner on the day, and most importantly, im glad i dont have to present something in a way where a romantic element is created at the loss of a persons character.
Which leads me to my point..
Ive seen many wedding videos here and all of them have their merits on one way or another. Im not criticising, as peoples tastes are all different, but lately, i have seen many works from here as well as producer clients i train and i have to ask one question.
Where is the character?
Where is the individuality in these pieces which show the people for who they are? hm... i dunno.. maybe im missing something here...
i fell into that trap of creating things overtly cinematic, big sweeping shots and all that other typical stuff that u see on alot of demos...(which is one reason among many why i dont post clips, alot of my old stuff is what u see here) and even though it looks stunning and yes, my clients love it blah blah blah, when i look back at them, i think.. how empty.
Yes its technically good, but whats it missing?
Yes it shows alot of what went on but why does it feel like im tryin to show off my skills as opposed to showing off the couple?
Was it teh fact that i was starting out in business and tryin to make an imporession? I dont know.. as i have been in this game for many years, and ive never had anyone concerned about my "years"
But how much of the same thing are we gonna see??
Wheres the individual flavour? Everyone is different, so why are these Presentations im seeing all have a similar flavour?? whether their my own or someone elses?
Hell im guilty of it too, but being producers with probably the most artistic freedom in the industry, why does it all feel the same?
The same shots, the same words, the same effects, the same pace, the same music.. then to the next lot.. whch is pretty much the same..
Yeah Weddings are very linear, but do the clients really choose this cheesy music?
So i went a little crazy one night and thought id redo a whole prep shoot and left in afew choice spoken words. I also went natural with the filming style without overly cutting or setting up a shot, and the results were much better. Much better i mean it felt alive.. It felt fresh and it felt natural... It felt like a Doco as it was shot that way, but choice filters, grading and those spoken pieces really made a difference to the flavour of it.
My own remix of an old timeless Bon Jovi track (i cut out the bit where he says your clothes are still here.. lol ) , Robbie Williams Angel and afew other tracks also helped..
It showed the couple who they were, and it represented the preparation as they happend with a decent pace and with out the need to feel "when is this gonna end"
I took a risk and it paid off, and with that one job, i have scored another 6 from memory (just by using that one full presentation as the demo.. i dont use demo dvd's i use actual pieces i give to the client)
So where does that leave those of us who do this for a living?
Ive had to evolve with my clients to portray their true natures. Ive also adapted my editing style to a fresher rawer piece as oppsed to somethign which is so tightly cut that if u blink u miss out on it.
I dont want perfect. Perfect is plastic without character IMO. Yes its easy to do but at what cost?
Ive become lax with my filming style.. kinda, taking it easy on the day and having fun with the bridal party.
Im doing what needs done, but also gettin to know the clients intimately. ALso by the time the reception is rolling, most of the guests know me by name and want me to be their best man at their weddings. I usualy decline and offer my services though ;)
BUT the point im making is that i have had to evolve with each individual client. I have had to evovle with the guests and teh clients..
Evolution is good.. but how far does it go? When is it time to evolve?
When you get bored? Or when your clients look at your work and realise that youre showing the same play only with different actors?
Does your style change for each client or do u stick with what u think works?
Do we stick with the McDonalds production line of burgers until we get overweight with the same food? Ive noticed alot of work which is of that mould and yes it works, but is it TRUE to the client as an individual? Is it fair on the client to b represented in this way?
I dont know... each to their own, im just curious as to what people think about their artistic choices when cutting...
So what do you think? Am i wrong in thinking that originality has slowly died? What about ones own individuality as a producer and photographic artistic? Would you sacrifice that to fit in the mould??
i made my choice and im happy with it. Im crazy and eccentric and my clients know it. Im glad for that ;)