View Full Version : Vegas Pro 9d problems with Cineform clips, and rendering.

Robert Gadsdon
April 13th, 2010, 06:19 AM
With a project with 140 clips in HD Cineform AVI format - takes over 10 minutes to get to '25% complete', appears to have hung, but then then suddenly completes loading soon after that...
Rendering to M2T fails at the end of the first clip, with the old "The system is low on memory. You may be able to reduce memory usage by closing other applications" error, and then Vegas hangs completely. No other application, or 'antivirus' software, is running.
The same project loads and renders correctly using Vegas Pro 9.0c...

Using Vegas Pro 9.0d, with a similar sized HD project from 2007, with clips in M2T format, loads as normal (approx: 10 seconds), with a slight pause as it (re?)creates thumbnails and scales the timeline to fit the window. It then renders with no problems..

Already reported to Sony..

Robert Gadsdon.
Vegas 9.0d on a Core Duo 3MHz, with 4GB RAM, WinXP SP2 NeoHD 4.3.0 Build 240

John Estcourt
April 13th, 2010, 10:00 AM
Robert, Ive got the same issue I wonder if it is a sony vegas 9d and cineform issue.
perhaps yet again sony have broken the cineform handling as they did before with version 9a
vegas 64 9d loads cineform but no video, only audio appears.

also reported to sony.

Sean Seah
April 13th, 2010, 11:06 AM
I have no problems with Cineform CODEC 6.0 but the preview is indeed SLOW. I can do it very quickly in V8 but 9d is slow. The incorrect field problem causing a wrongly interpreted progressive as interlace problem is not solved as well.. It still reads upper field first for the avi clips

Robert Gadsdon
April 13th, 2010, 11:42 AM
Just noticed... For M2T clips in a 'new' project, 9.0d creates .SFK files in the folder, as before.
For Cineform AVI clips, _no_ .SFK files are created...
This might well explain the extended load times for a Cineform project on my system...
(Just FYI, 9.0c on my system _did_ create .SFK files for Cineform clips..)

I will add this to my info reported to Sony....

Robert Gadsdon.
Vegas 9.0d on a Core Duo 3MHz, with 4GB RAM, WinXP SP2 NeoHD 4.3.0 Build 240

Robert Gadsdon
April 13th, 2010, 03:15 PM
Latest news..
A possible workaround has been found by user 'malowz', on the vegas pro forum.
Just substitute the 9.0c version of aviplug.dll for the 9.0d version, and this problem no longer occurs...
I have tried this, and the loading time and missing .SFK issues are no longer there. This is for the 32-bit version...

David Newman
April 14th, 2010, 02:11 AM
The incorrect field problem causing a wrongly interpreted progressive as interlace problem is not solved as well.. It still reads upper field first for the avi clips

Info on this Cineform Tech Blog Blog Archive Progressive AVIs in Sony Vegas Pro (

John Estcourt
April 14th, 2010, 02:57 AM
for all your info Sony replied to my fault ticket saying this was an uncommon problem,,hmmm, not that uncommon.
however this has been passed to the engineers so hopefully will get an update soon.
thanks john

Ed Kishel
April 22nd, 2010, 10:40 AM
Having the same problem here- ginormous load times opening my cineform projects in 9.0d I tried a system restore to 9.0c but that resulted in NO media files being recognized by Vegas. My media bins all showed empty in Vegas. So I upgraded back to 9.0d- can now import media but loooong load times.

how do I get access to the aviplug.dll from 9.0c if its gone after the upgrade to 9.0d? Is this dll specific to each persons machine or can I use if from someone elses?
