November 4th, 2002, 11:47 AM
Hi all!
I am trying to capture the audio I have on Ch.2 only from my XL1 via firewire into Premiere. I cannot figure out how to do it? I looked in the manual and cannot seem to find the answer. How is this done? Thanks!
Brian M. Dickman
November 4th, 2002, 01:27 PM
Haven't used Premier's capture so I'm not sure if it can even do it (I suspect not), most recommendations I see are for Scenalyzer Live. Does ch2 capture, scene detection, etc, for $50.
Edward Troxel
November 4th, 2002, 02:59 PM
Not only can Scenalyzer ($33) capture channel 2, it can also capture Video and channel 1 into an .avi file while simultaneously capturing channel 2 into a .wav file - all over firewire IN ONE PASS(you have to ask the author for the latest beta version).
November 5th, 2002, 07:30 AM
I don't undertand then, how is one supposed to get Ch.2 audio off of thier tape? What is the point of having Ch.2 audio if I have to get another application to extract it?
Nathan Gifford
November 5th, 2002, 08:32 AM
You will have to ask Adobe. There have been only a few NLEs that have supported Canon 4-track. Vegas Video is another popular NLE that does not support 4-track either.
Scenalyzer is a program that users of the NLEs use to capture the sub channels.
November 5th, 2002, 08:51 AM
Is there a way to get it off the tape in analog format as a .wav and then I can import it into my NLE program?
Edward Troxel
November 5th, 2002, 12:57 PM
Yes, run a wire from your camera to the input jack of your sound card. Start an audio editing program and tell it to record the signal from the input jack. Press play on the camera. When done, the sound editing program can then save the captured audio as a .wav file. HOWEVER, you have now gone from digital to analog and back to digital and must rely on the quality of those components.
IMO, $33 is NOT a lot to spend in order to capture the second channel via firewire - especially given the fact that you can now capture video + channel 1 into an .avi file while simultaneously capturing channel 2 into a .wav file that, when added to the NLE, will be in perfect sync if you start them both at the same point in the NLE.
BTW, 4 channel input has been requested for the next version of Vegas Video. I just don't know if they will add it.