Bram Corstjens
April 12th, 2010, 06:23 PM
Anyone know if it it's possible to import a, lets say 32 gig SXS card, as one big file? When I was using my older Sony FX1 I used to capture a whole tape as one big file. Scrolling through all the video was really easy like this, but now with the EX1 and the Sony Transfer tool I end up with like 80 files!
Enrique Orozco Robles
April 12th, 2010, 06:40 PM
.. XDCAM clips are stored on cards as files using FAT 32 file system (not bigger than 2 GB)... you can "join" them with Clip browser to make "bigger" clips (PC), but if I can just drag and drop all the native files I want or need on my timeline, I think is all I need (again, PC workflow with Sony Vegas...)..... just my 2 cents...
Ilya Spektor
April 12th, 2010, 09:16 PM
When you record a live show or wedding ceremony, the duration often exceeds 1 hour. As a result, you get several small MP4s, sitting in separate folders within CLPR folder inside BPAV folder. Clip browser shows them as 1 file and can play it as a single file. I use for editing NewTek SpeedEDIT program, which is able to edit MP4 files natively, without re-wrapping them to MXF or MOV container.
The question is - how to merge them into1 big MP4 file in order to place it on the SpeedEDIT timeline? If you place separate pieces one after another they have gaps in video and audio, i. e., the file is not seamless. I did not find any options of exporting these multiple MP4s from a card as 1 big MP4 file, the only option I found is re-wrapping to .MXF one, but this takes extra time and also stutters playback in SE vs. playback of native MP4s, which is quite smooth and much easier to deal with... I want to see 1 big MP4 in Windows Explorer instead!..
Any ideas, please?
Bram Corstjens
April 13th, 2010, 11:10 AM
I'm familiar with the Sony Transfer Tool which automatically stiches the different parts of long clips together. So recording a live session of an hour and a half ends up nicely as one big file after using the Sony Transfer Tool.
The 'problem' arises when I have multiple takes (as in pressing rec start and stop a lot of times over a day shooting) In this case I end up with a lot of files. An option like 'Export all clips as one' would solve this... however there doesn't appear to be a function like this in the Transfer Tool...
Ilya Spektor
April 13th, 2010, 03:36 PM
I'm familiar with the Sony Transfer Tool which automatically stiches the different parts of long clips together. So recording a live session of an hour and a half ends up nicely as one big file after using the Sony Transfer Tool.
Transfer Tool is used with Macs but I use a PC and want to stitch multiple MP4s from 1 long take into 1 long MP4 without re-wrapping (it should be shown in Windows Explorer as 1 file.) I guess, it should be done with Clip Browser somehow but I don't know, how to...
Please, Help!