View Full Version : NeoHD trial/going back to Neoscene

Craig Coston
April 8th, 2010, 11:57 AM
I currently own Neoscene and would like to try the NeoHD trial to see if I like FirstLight. However, I wanted to be sure I can back down to Neoscene without any hiccups if I decided to stick with that for the moment. My questions:

1. Can I just uninstall the trial of NeoHD and reinstall the Neoscene and have everything in CS4 function properly?

2. If I use FirstLight on a clip, how will that function with NeoScene if I go back to it? Will the clip be unusable?


David Newman
April 8th, 2010, 12:13 PM
1. Yes, that works prefectly. However don't deactivate NeoScene -- some users go overboard and remove their NeoScene license .

2. Your FirstLight color corrections will remain even after restoring NeoScene. Without FirstLight you can't make any more changes, but you can globally turn them off (all First Light changes are non-destructive) using the Active Metadata controls in the CineForm systray tool (also in NeoScene.)

3. It going to be really hard to go back to NeoScene from NeoHD, but not for any technical reasons. ;)