View Full Version : You Tube tests

Gary Nattrass
April 8th, 2010, 02:59 AM
Dont know if any of you guys will be interested but I have been doing some upload tests on you tube with various delivery formats.

There are four uploads of simple bars and tone originated from pro res HQ:

1: 1920x1080p H264 (5mbs) YouTube - Bars and Tone-1920x1080-5mbs.mp4 (

2: 1280x720p desktop/apple tv H264 (1.5mbs) YouTube - Bars and Tone-Desktop-1.5mbs-desktop.m4v (

3: i-phone 900kbs YouTube - Bars and Tone-iphone-900kbs-iPhone.m4v (

4: i-phone 56kbs YouTube - Bars and Tone-iphone-56kbs-iPhone-cell.3gp (

Just doing this to check streaming speeds against original upload quality, remember to click for 720p/1080p for the two HD files, these also can show 360p and 480p resolution.

Dale Guthormsen
April 11th, 2010, 07:05 PM

Variable bit rates, constant?

I thought the 720 was surprisingly good for 1.5 mb

Ervin Farkas
April 12th, 2010, 11:23 PM

what is your purpose really? I doubt you will ever need to upload a static image...