View Full Version : Is it possible to expect an update version now?

Asaf Benatia
April 5th, 2010, 03:04 AM
After the new model was announced, the HM790, and that it has the ability to record in SD, will you think that our HM700 will have an firmware upgrade that will give us the ability to record in SD too?

I think it will be nice, not all costumers want HD, and if we can record SD it will be easier to edit.

so what is you opinion?

Tim Dashwood
April 5th, 2010, 07:05 AM
I knew this would be the first question asked so I asked JVC even before I posted the HM790 news. The simple answer is "no" it is not possible to add NTSC or PAL recording function to the HM700 through a firmware update. The HM790 has an updated processor chip that allows SD recording (I assume in DV format avi or mov, but that is not confirmed.)