View Full Version : Media Composer and NX 5
Dan Asseff April 3rd, 2010, 07:30 PM I am trying to decide on which editing platform to edit these files with. I edit with Liquid now using Avi files from PD170 and the mpeg from the NX5. It was a no brainer on which platform to go with (Edius) until I got the email from Avid for $495 for the complete full program. I have downloaded both programs for a test drive and found to nobody's suprise that Edius works pretty good with the AVCHD files. I have saved some AVCHD files from Edius timeline out to AVCHD and it works in MC. But the same files won't work in MC. My computer is the new I7, with 6 gigs of ram. MC won't even play the MPEG files from the NX5. What should I do?? Some of the programs that come with Avid are really good programs, I just can't afford both of them after buying the camera and the computer.
Ron Evans April 3rd, 2010, 09:58 PM I would certainly wait to see what NAB has to offer in the next two weeks. Edius will have an upgrade to 5.5 that will be even better. IF you don't need some of the Edius PRo 5.5 features then Neo with Booster 2.5 is less costly.
Ron Evans
Perrone Ford April 4th, 2010, 08:27 AM For me this would be a slam dunk. But it doesn't sound like Avid is the correct solution for you if you want to edit your native files.
A team of horses couldn't pull me away from the mouse if I could get Avid for $500. That's the bargain of the decade.
Dan Asseff April 5th, 2010, 08:16 AM Thanks for the response.
Perrone, If I went with Avid what would be the work flow? Its weard that it is so pickey with codec.
Ron, what is the difference in Edius 5/5.5 and Neo?
Perrone Ford April 5th, 2010, 08:46 AM Thanks for the response.
Perrone, If I went with Avid what would be the work flow? Its weard that it is so pickey with codec.
Ron, what is the difference in Edius 5/5.5 and Neo?
Avid is not picky with the codec. It transcodes video to a known quantity and then is able to accelerate that codec. Same thing that happens in Edius, Final Cut Pro, etc. This is why those editors are the choice of professional editors.
Essentially it boils down to a choice. You pay the piper up front in transcode times, or you have an open timeline and pay the piper later in stability and speed.
You choose.
Ron Evans April 5th, 2010, 09:22 AM There used to be a comparison chart on the GV site but I can't find it now. Professional Video Products | Grass Valley (
The main difference at the moment between Neo Booster and Edius Pro 5 is that Neo has accelerated AVCHD playback in realtime which will be included in the Edius Pro 5.5 release. The programing differences are that Edius Pro has multicam editing and native file operation for the professional cameras. Look at the url above and you can download the specs for each and compare. If you are just going to edit one camera in DV, HDV, MPEG or AVCHD then Neo may be sufficient at less cost AND you can have your upgrade to AVID!!!!
Ron Evans
Charlie Steiner April 6th, 2010, 07:33 PM someone writing in dv magazine and in videography predicts that at NAB Avid will announce AVCHD support, and I've got my fingers crossed that it happens...
Devin Termini April 18th, 2010, 12:28 AM Avid has announced AVCHD support with the release of Media Composer 5. Avid reps at the show said the software should ship in June.
Dan Asseff April 19th, 2010, 06:31 AM I hope that former liquid users who get the $495 price to switch MC get MC5 and not MC4. If they don't that would just be wrong.
Forever Moments Video Productions (
Charlie Steiner April 19th, 2010, 07:28 PM there's a free upgrade to MC5 for buyers of the current release 4. don't hold your breath until June as Avid major upgrades are sometimes late...
Ervz Tia July 27th, 2010, 01:13 AM Hello,
So, did our AVCHD wishes come true with MC5?
I'm really attracted to Sony NXCAM.
Perrone Ford July 27th, 2010, 08:54 AM Hello,
So, did our AVCHD wishes come true with MC5?
I'm really attracted to Sony NXCAM.
Well, I have Avid MC5, but no NXCam to test for you. Maybe someone else knows.
Dan Asseff July 27th, 2010, 09:16 PM Yes dreams do come true. Haven't had time to play/learn the program, but it will edit AVCHD codec. You must have a very fast system to play it though. Does any body know of training DVDs?
Forever Moments Video Productions (
Perrone Ford July 27th, 2010, 09:28 PM MC5 doesn't know all AVCHD, that's for sure. There is a great set of online tutorials right on the Avid web site. They were VERY valuable to me getting started. When I ordered my Avid from The Videoguys, they sent along a good training DVD. It was for MC4, but nearly everything translates right over.
Dan Asseff July 27th, 2010, 09:33 PM Perrone,
Thanks, I check it out. Are you still using the DVD? Would you want to sell it?
Forever Moments Video Productions (
Perrone Ford July 29th, 2010, 08:21 AM Dan. I might consider it. I'll get back to you on that soon.
Ervz Tia August 4th, 2010, 08:51 PM hello,
Any updates so far? Has anyone actually tried to import-edit-deliver with the format?
Ervz Tia August 4th, 2010, 09:06 PM Hi,
I guess my main question is:
Which gives less trouble to ingest and work with, AVCHD or HDVtape?
Perrone Ford August 4th, 2010, 11:07 PM Tape is a non-starter for me. I don't want to sit around nursing a tape machine loading in hours and hours of footage. I can batch transfer AVCHD overnight if need be..
Dan Asseff August 5th, 2010, 08:08 AM Not to mention, drop outs. For me was the reason I had to buy a new camera. I import the AVCHD codec, and start to edit. I haven't had time to learn MC5 yet,but I did import some files and played around with it. It worked fine here. I think what I can tell MC5 is one of the best editors on the market. Look at the movies they cut with it.
Forever Moments Video Productions (
Marc Myers August 5th, 2010, 08:08 AM I think at present the choice is best defined by what you do. If you shoot high ratios (documentary, long interviews, nature, etc.) I think the balance still favors tape. You do have to "nurse" the tape machine but you are watching at the same time so are already performing your edit. When you are ingesting clips, particularly if you are transcoding at the same time, the work is lengthy and you are working blind. Doing the initial review is now a completely separate step. This is the real waste of time.
Now if you're shooting from a script or a story board, then it's no contest. Record to cards.
The bottleneck is not the media but the hardware and software used in post. I was fooling with a demo version of Edius last night and on an i7 computer it seemed to to deal with AVCHD just fine for projects without too many layers.
Ervz Tia August 9th, 2010, 09:18 AM Thanks, very helpful responses.
Yes, I still appreciate tape for long forms. I too does docus, but recently, HDV batch capture is working against me. I just don't have time to troubleshoot. The last project, I was forced to crash record (no TC!).
I'm also relieved to hear MC5's direct AVCHD support. I wish to see a screen grab of your settings or even timeline!
more power guys!
Ervz Tia August 10th, 2010, 04:43 PM BTW, I'm trying out MC5