View Full Version : assembly time needed for Britek softbox v. Rifa or Chimera

Maximo Salaberry
July 12th, 2005, 09:17 PM
as one man operation i'm trying to compare how much time it takes to set up a softbox from Britek compared to the supposedly very easy and quick set up for a rifa or chimera 8000.

Has anyone been able to use both the britek and one of the other two to compare?

Thank you in advance


Kevin Wild
July 13th, 2005, 01:54 AM
I have a Rifa. Don't buy the marketing hype. Set up time for any of these isn't substantial. Less than a minute. The great thing about the Rifa, which I like very much btw, is that it folds down to a very portable unit. You can put it in a tripod case with your tripod if you want. Great unit and highly recommended. Got mine from and they were very helpful.

I don't have experience with the others, but I do with some Chimera softboxes on Arri lights. Again, those take about 60 seconds to set up, if that.

Hope that helps.


Graham Bernard
July 13th, 2005, 02:57 AM
Rifa here too! Brilliant. Folds down and SPRINGS into action .. . Velcro on the soft front .. switch on! Done!


John Rakis
July 13th, 2005, 07:18 AM
It takes me a minute and a half to assemble the Britek softbox. The Britek light and softbox are not as portable as the Rifa, but they do give you the option to shoot with the light alone.

Maximo Salaberry
July 13th, 2005, 11:46 AM
The rifa 444 weighs about 9 lbs. how much more does the britek weigh?

at this poin i'm partial to the britek simply because i can get almost 3 lights for the price of 1 rifa or chimera.

I'm very tempted, except that I'm willing to pay the exta price for convenience of assembly if indeed that is a major difference with the other brands.

But from what you say Britek should be fine give or take a minute or 2 of assembly and perhaps 4/5 lbs extra. Would that be the extra weight?

than you for the quick replies

John Rakis
July 13th, 2005, 12:35 PM
The Britek 250 Watt light (without the barndoors) and softbox (with all the attachments) weighs 5 pounds, give or take an ounce.

Maximo Salaberry
July 13th, 2005, 01:48 PM
thank you

I forgot to mention that 9 lbs is for the rifa lite kit (includes stand). So, it seems the Rifa and the britek are about the same weight. and assembly time should be similar as well.

Thank you. I'll try the Britek. I never used lights for my videos before, so I think this should be enough for me for now. I'm planning to do mostly interviews.
