Dan Holly
February 3rd, 2004, 12:14 PM
on the second kit: Smith-Victor (3) 650W light kit
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Dan Holly February 3rd, 2004, 12:14 PM on the second kit: Smith-Victor (3) 650W light kit Stuart Brontman February 3rd, 2004, 02:29 PM Does the Lowell kit have a number, or is it a conglomeration of lights you bought? Thanks! Guest February 3rd, 2004, 03:01 PM The Lowel was bought is a kit, I believe it is the Ambi Tungsten set. Brendan Getchel February 3rd, 2004, 04:06 PM This is a NIB Century Precision Optics DS-TC20-GL bayonet-mount 2.0x teleconvertor made for the GL1/2 cameras, but I believe it works on the Sony VX2000 as well. Again, this was our second unit for a backup GL2 that never got used. We moved up to a couple of new DVX100a cameras and sold the GL2's. This TC is truly new-in-box and was purchased late last year from B&H for $399 + shipping. Here's the B&H URL: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=productlist&A=details&Q=&sku=252929&is=REG It works much, much better than expected. I have shot a couple hours of nature (small birds) footage and the recent lunar eclipse (the moon nearly filled the entire screen!) using this TC on a GL2 which makes the GL2 lens an amazing 1600mm @ f/2.8 (just use a STURDY tripod)! When stopped down to f/4 or better any fringing and/or chromatic abberations disappear. It's an awesome (but heavy) optic that is worth every last penny if you need the length. Price: $300 shipped (UPS Ground) to CONUS. US residents only, please. First to CALL and commit gets it. Brendan P. Getchel 1470 Baldwin St. Waterbury, CT 06706 203.435.3818 - tel. Email: b g e t c h e l [at] i b s c o n v e n t i o n [dot] c o m Guest February 3rd, 2004, 05:18 PM The Smith & Victor Kit has (2) model 740 fixtures with barndoors, lamps and stands and (1) model 710 fixture with barndoors, lamps and stand. Included is a black light kit case. Guest February 3rd, 2004, 05:19 PM If anyone would like a picture of the kits, leave your email and I'll forward you some picts. Dan Holly February 3rd, 2004, 05:42 PM ifish@ak.net Stuart Brontman February 3rd, 2004, 07:53 PM Hi Don, Could you e-mail me some pics of the Lowel kit to: stuvg@aol.com Thanks! Stuart Dick Steele February 3rd, 2004, 08:32 PM Leaving sooner than originally planned, willing to deal. First 2700.00, gets it. Also, will throw in I-cuff for viewfinder. Shipping paid by buyer, insurance required. Camera package sold as-is. Contact if interested 806-744-0539 Cheers, Dick Steele Donie Kelly February 4th, 2004, 08:45 AM Hi all Does anyone have one of the above they would consider selling? I've bought a lot of gear latley so my budget is quite limited. Thanks Donie Adam Lubkin February 4th, 2004, 10:13 AM I'm selling my bogen 3040 legs for $95. They're pretty much identical to the 3046. You could buy a 503 head, then later upgrade the legs and add a ball. You can email me if interested at adamsculpt@yahoo.com Donie Kelly February 4th, 2004, 10:39 AM Hi Adam Thanks for that. But I need the 503 head as well. It's expensive. Does anybody else have one complete or just the head which I can combine with Adam's tripod? Thanks Donie ps: Must be prepared to ship to Ireland and accept PayPal payments. Juan Parra February 4th, 2004, 01:05 PM Anyone wanting to sell one of those? Cheers Imran Zaidi February 4th, 2004, 03:01 PM When I click that link I get a different product... Brendan Getchel February 4th, 2004, 06:15 PM <<<-- Originally posted by Imran Zaidi : When I click that link I get a different product... -->>> Thanks Imran. I cut-and-pasted the VZ-ROCK link accidentally. I fixed it to reflect the proper link now. Brendan Chris Staab February 4th, 2004, 07:28 PM doublevisionproductions03@hotmail.com I am very interested. Victor Muh February 4th, 2004, 09:38 PM Consists of the WM-PRO belt-pack transmitter and the WR-PRO receiver, which comes with both shoe-mount and velcro. This 2-channel switchable VHF system allows you to switch to the other channel if one is being used, or is noisy. The range is more than 200 feet. All receivers and transmitters in the "PRO" Series are on the same 2 frequencies (169.445MHz and 170.245MHz) and use the same circuitry, making them interchangeable, and allowing you to add to your system at any time. $100 or best offer. Tyge Floyd February 4th, 2004, 10:00 PM Victor, I'll take it. Assuming both mics are included and everything works great. Shoot me an email to editor@texasoutdoorsman.com with details. Michael Middleton February 4th, 2004, 10:17 PM Hey Tyge, fancy seeing you here! This is the same system I'm using. I believe it only comes with one transmitter/mic. Victor, correct me if I'm wrong. Michael Tyge Floyd February 4th, 2004, 10:20 PM Well, Michael. You know when I grow up I want to be just like you! How do you like this system? I mean, when you have your XLR plugged in right. LOL Tavis Shaver February 5th, 2004, 12:11 AM actually i know a guy here in vancouver that's selling one, along with a macro adapter, wide adapter and 2 long life batteries. I'll send him your e-mail address if you want. Juan Parra February 5th, 2004, 09:31 AM Thanks. Go ahead and send him my email address juani@yahoo.com or give me more details on the camera. Jarl Kenttae February 5th, 2004, 01:36 PM Hello, I have two Sony VX2000 for sale. They were used to tape a cooking show pilot and were used less than 20 hours, still in perfect condition. They come with all original accessories that came in the box plus two NP-F750 battery packs and one VariZoom stealth zoom each. I’m looking to get $1850.00 each for them. If any one is interested I happily provide pictures or if you are in the Los Angeles area you are more than welcome to come and inspect them. Tavis Shaver February 5th, 2004, 09:33 PM done, hopefully you hear from him soon. Jarl Kenttae February 6th, 2004, 05:59 PM How much are you asking for the Varizoom monitor and can it be switched for 16x9 viewing. Thanks, Jarl Patrick Coker February 6th, 2004, 06:37 PM still available? if so please email me at e.patric@verizon.net thanks Bernard Diaz February 6th, 2004, 11:24 PM I'll take it off your hands for $130. email me filmconcepts@yahoo.com Roze Ann February 7th, 2004, 03:36 PM Hi Patrick ...I just emailed you and yes the Bogen head is available. I'd like $275 + shipping for it. If that works for you please email me at: "fatcatmedia@yahoo.com" Thanks! Gayle Bryan February 7th, 2004, 09:54 PM Nick, Do you still have camera? Gayle Tavis Shaver February 8th, 2004, 04:48 AM interested in more info also Please e-mail tshaver(atsymbol)shaw(dot)ca Bob Fitzgibbon February 8th, 2004, 12:36 PM Hi Jed, Do you still have the 950 for sale? Bob Fitzgibbon Nick Stavropoulos February 8th, 2004, 01:15 PM Thanks everyone for all your interest---there's more demand for specific items rather than for the entire pacakge, so I'll take offers on individual items. The following are still available: Canon GL2 camera Kata CCC-102 Camera Case Kata RC-13 Rain cover B+W 58mm UV Haze 010 (MRC) Multi-Resistant Coating Glass Filter B+W 58 mm Neutral Density (ND) 0.3 (2x) 101 Glass Filter B+W 58 mm Neutral Density (ND) 0.6 (4x) 102 Glass Filter B+W 58 mm Neutral Density (ND) 0.9 (8x) 103 Glass Filter Tiffen 58mm Circular Polarizer Glass Filter Please drop me an email if you are interested in anything, or if you've got questions. Jed Williamson February 8th, 2004, 06:48 PM Bob, Yes, it is still for sale. I do have a fallback offer from a friend that he will buy it in July after he finishes with Med school with the understanding that I can sell it anytime between now and then with no problems between us. The catch for his deal is that either way he'll get to use my dvx100 for 4 weeks for a documentary & I know that I will have the money for the Dvx100. So right now I'm looking at a sure $900 cash in July, but I would love to sell it for $1,100 now & get the DVX100 sooner rather than later :) Let me know if you are interested. Thank you, Jed Bob Fitzgibbon February 8th, 2004, 08:47 PM Hi Jed, Would you consider $1000.00 For the 950.00 now? Bob Fitzgibbon Tim Borek February 8th, 2004, 08:54 PM Sold on eBay. Luke Sauer February 9th, 2004, 10:00 AM I might be interested in the 950. How many hours aprox does it have? Joel Ruggiero February 9th, 2004, 11:55 AM I have a stock sony vx2000 battery for sael if any one wants it just post here or email me at shad0b0x69@aol.com I am only asking 20 bucks Bob Fitzgibbon February 9th, 2004, 03:47 PM Hi jed, email me this evening so we can figure out how to get this done. I have never purchased in this manner so you'll have to tell me how we'll accomplish the transaction. I'll look forward to hearing from you. Bob Fitzgibbon bobefitz@comcast.net Kris Carrillo February 9th, 2004, 04:05 PM Sony DSR-PD150 3CCD DVCAM in excellent condition with all original accessories and box. This camera is less than a year old and includes lots of accessories to get you started. I'll include: (1) NP-960 8hr. battery, (1) Kenko Pro .65x 58mm wide angle lens, (5) 58mm Tiffen Filters (UV Protector, Circular Polarizer, ND 0.6, 812 Warming, 1/2 Black Pro Mist), and I'll throw in a new Sony DV Tape as well. $2600 OBO. Money order or Paypal only. If you're in the LA area you can come and see the camera for yourself, otherwise I can e-mail pics to interested parties. Bob Fitzgibbon February 9th, 2004, 04:50 PM Hi Shawn, Is your PDX10 Still available? Bob Fitzgibbon bobefitz@comcast.net Nick Hiltgen February 9th, 2004, 05:12 PM are you still selling the viewfinder? has it come down in price any? Is there a link I could see it, or could you e-mail me a picture? thanks nick Shawn Mielke February 9th, 2004, 05:23 PM No, Bob, sorry. In fact, I now have two of them :-) . Funny how life works, eh? Thanks for responding! Shawn Jed Williamson February 9th, 2004, 09:08 PM Luke, I haven't kept track of the exact hours. I've used a new tape everytime I go videotape an event or something so I've got a box of 30, of which I've used a few in my ZR60 so I'll say 25 hours Max filming + the same capturing into Premiere. Bob, I've already come down from $1,250 so it's $1,100 firm for the trv950. (Plus I'm guarenteed $900 in July) If you are interested in it at that price point then let me know which of the following options you'd like to go with. A: Shipping - you pay, so your choice. Fedex, UPS or postal office + whatever insurance. B: Payment: 1. Personal check or money order 2. PayPal 3. Escrow.com Dick Steele February 9th, 2004, 10:25 PM The viewfinder is still available. The price is not set in stone, will accept reasonable offers. I will get some pics to you via email towards the end of the week. Thanks for the interest. Cheers, Matthew R. Steele Dick Steele February 9th, 2004, 10:27 PM Also, If anyone is interested I will break up the cam. Leaving in a month desperate to sale. Reasonable offers please. Case is not included in body or lens purchase. Also available, an O'connor 50D fluid head with Peter Lisand JR-A-74 sticks, and spreader. Super heavy-duty acquired from cinematographer two years ago, looked over by O'connor includes camera plate (1/4 and 3/8) and original pan arm. Asking 600.00 USD OBO Cheers, Matthew R. Steele Vince Debart February 10th, 2004, 06:00 AM what is the model # Vince Barry Gribble February 10th, 2004, 08:39 AM Does that camera include the stock 16x lens also? Or just the Manual? I might be interested.... Joel Ruggiero February 10th, 2004, 10:53 AM NP-F550, 7.2 V 10.8 Dick Steele February 10th, 2004, 11:33 AM Unfortunately just the manual 16x, the cam was purchased as a body kit and the 16x manual lens for a film short project. If your still interested send me an email, looking to deal. Cheers, Matthew R. Steele Michael Struthers February 10th, 2004, 12:00 PM This unit has been sold, thank you! Michael Struthers www.buzzdigital.com |