View Full Version : Private Classifieds listings from 2004

Bob Schneider
January 8th, 2004, 01:34 PM

If you want to discuss your Premiere Pro, e-mail me @


Dan Lahav
January 8th, 2004, 02:22 PM

Aaron Rosen
January 8th, 2004, 03:43 PM
How about the MA-100

Aaron Rosen
January 8th, 2004, 03:43 PM
How about the MA-100

- Not sure why it posted twice. Sorry.

Dave Stewart
January 8th, 2004, 05:21 PM
Hey look! Someone wants the lens, I'm interested in the body, someone else has his eyes on the MA 100. You just about got this whole thing sold.

Steve Nunez
January 8th, 2004, 09:35 PM
The DVC80 has been sold to Leonid.....thanks for the interest guys.

Daniel Hady
January 8th, 2004, 10:16 PM
Looking for a good condition VX1000 or GL1 with all the accessories and manuals. Thank you

Shawn Mielke
January 8th, 2004, 11:40 PM
Steve's gonna get a dvc30! Steve's gonna get a dvc30!
I can smell it on ya, boy.

Alfred Tomaszewski
January 10th, 2004, 09:38 AM
i have a gl-1 in good condition want to make me an offer. email me at

Jed Williamson
January 10th, 2004, 02:01 PM
Photos of my TRV950 in action:

Chris Pelker
January 10th, 2004, 02:47 PM
The GL2 is no longer available. Thanks

Jeff Neal
January 10th, 2004, 03:40 PM
After 4 years in video, I am getting out.
Everything is for sale.
All in better than average/excellent condition.
See complete list of items at

Collis Davis
January 11th, 2004, 04:39 AM

I am fewdays late reading your post but is the 16X Manual lens still available and how much?

Collis Davis

Lorenzo Cavalli
January 11th, 2004, 06:15 AM
Would anyone still have MotoDV and be able to make me a copy of the install CD ?
I just reinstalled the old Win98SE PC I was using, and only then found my CD was broken..! I use V 1.4.1 Euro.

Imran Zaidi
January 11th, 2004, 12:40 PM
Thanks everyone for your interest. This full package is sold.

Adam Lubkin
January 11th, 2004, 05:01 PM
I haven't had time to deal with ebay yet, so...

now only $380.

Dave Stewart
January 11th, 2004, 10:10 PM
I have a old copy of Edit DV which includes a version of Moto DV for windows 98. I believe it's a video capture utility. Is that what you are looking for?

Dave Stewart
January 11th, 2004, 10:54 PM
I bought it.

Dave Stewart
January 11th, 2004, 10:57 PM
The projector too?

Kalmin Fullard
January 12th, 2004, 10:13 AM
Pampered Canon GL2 (NTSC) with accessories for sale to a loving home. I can't afford to have two cams so I must part with 1.

Here's the rap sheet:

Canon GL2 used maybe 11 hours w/original box and packaging.
It includes everything (cables, remote) that came with it from Canon except the manual and can provide the printed copy from Canon, no problem.

This camera has never been repaired or had any quality issues.

An additional long life battery to compliment the Canon standard battery.
Canon WD 58 – Wide angle lens
Canon DC-58 Teleconverter lens
UV lens - a must have.
Tiffen lens – Black Pro Mist #3
BeachTek XLR Adapter DXA-4P
6 Pak of DV tapes - only used Maxell.
Tape Head Cleaner tape.
1 – Starter Tripod.
Nice Leather Case
Lense cleaning accessories.
DV Creator’s Shooting Awesome Video CD.

I'm asking for $ 2600 for the whole package or make me an offer!
I will pay for shipping the package via Fedex only (I'm a Fedex employee so I gotta keep the stock price up).

feel free to email me for any questions:

George Loch
January 12th, 2004, 10:21 AM
I am selling my 6 month-old G4 that is still under warranty. It has the following addtions to the stock configuration:

- 1 gig of ram
- Pioneer DVD-R burner
- 120 gig second HD

I'll even through i panther and iLife 04 so, I am asking $1650. Please contact me via email:george-at-motoxpress-dot-com

Thomas Opre
January 12th, 2004, 11:07 AM
camera package is sold. though I do still have 3 Expedition batteries and adapter for xl1 (new, still in packaging) for $100
(they were $190 new), Light wave systems isolater and mini mount (asking $50 each)`

Kalmin Fullard
January 12th, 2004, 12:58 PM
Someone said that I'm expecting to much for the package considering the market...I'll consider that advice....

I'm still open
to any offers and the new low blue light special today is.....
$2400 or Best offer!


Ross Weinshenker
January 12th, 2004, 02:05 PM
I'll offer you a lightly used XL-1 with accessories....

Kalmin Fullard
January 12th, 2004, 02:11 PM
Thanks but no thanks Ross.
I appreciate the offer.

Have you tried to sell the XL-1?

Ross Weinshenker
January 12th, 2004, 02:17 PM
Yes I tried to sell it on ebay once and I got ZERO bids. I had a professional auction with like 8 pics and my phone number and nobody bid on it. I did get a call, but he didn't buy it. Maybe I'll post it up on here....

Charles Papert
January 12th, 2004, 02:56 PM
I'm posting on behalf of a friend, so please address SERIOUS offers to the following email address:

Canon XL1 package (not XL1s), barely used, less than 10 hrs on heads. Perfect physical condition.

All factory accessories, plus:
Tamrac bag
Century .6x adaptor
B+W 72mm UV filter
MA-100 XLR adaptor

Total package new $3600,
asking $3000 obo.

Sound package:
Sennheiser ME 66 microphone
Tram Lavaliere, wired
Shock mount
Wind Protection
Gitzo Boompole
25 foot XLR cable

Total package new $930
Asking $550

This gear was bought for a documentary that didn't happen, and thus only used for 1-2 days of preliminary shooting. I know the seller very well and can confirm all this.

The camera and sound packages can be sold separately, however, the seller is not looking to split up the individual items. So please, no requests for "just the ME66" or that sort of thing at the current time.

Thanks all...

Lorenzo Cavalli
January 12th, 2004, 03:55 PM
Great ! Yes, I bought MotoDV back in 2000 as a bundle: 1394 card + driver/soft for capture + Premiere LE. What I need is the driver and capture software. I'm in France and my version says "Euro" - my cam is PAL... Will it work ?
How do we exchange e-mails/addresses in here ?
Thanks, Lorenzo.

Dave Stewart
January 12th, 2004, 04:46 PM
I'm not sure about that as the program is no longer on my computer and I can't check it. But usually when you capture, you specify the format in some drop down menu. If you have high speed internet, I could just e-mail the whole program as an attachment. Moto DV is in its own folder on the disc and I may be able to just send that portion of the CD to you. Post your address and I'll send it to you

Jean-Philippe Archibald
January 12th, 2004, 06:48 PM
Ross, I am very surprised that you had no bid. I bought a used XL1 at the beginning of summer and at this time, the xl1 units was very popular on eBay. Lots of bids. Perhaps your price was a little bit too high or your feedback profile to low?

Kurt Wojda
January 12th, 2004, 07:00 PM
Well, i've decided film is my calling more than video, so it's time to sell my camera to get some money for 16mm film. I'm selling a 5 month old GL-2, i used it for one semester in school, so it probably got a total of about 20-25 hours of shooting on it. The camera is in perfect working condition, and visibly still looks brand new (still has all the factory stickers on it). I am asking $2,000 for the package and it includes the following...

-Canon Gl-2 (NTSC), plus factory included accessories (remote, battery, charger, manuals, etc...)

-An extra 2 hour battery (after market, not made by Canon, but has worked just fine for me)

-Canon WD-58H Wide angle conversion lens w/hood

-Beachtek DXA-4P mic adapter (add's xlr inputs to the camera)

-3 Tiffen Filters + case (clear, warm uv, and polarizer)

I dont have a digital camera to take pictures right now, but if it's really important to you, email me and ill try to get ahold of a camera to take pictures of it.

Buyer has to pay shipping from Buffalo, NY. Or if by some chance you live in the area, let me know, i could always meet you somewhere, and drop it off. I'm pretty skeptical on selling online, so i'll only take paypal payments (again, if you live in the area, we can work something else out).

Sorry, but i am not interested in trades or breaking up this order and selling seperately.

Well, that seems to be it, feel free to email me with any questions. Hopefully, somebody out there is looking for exactly this package like i was 6 months ago (i would've loved to have gotten it for this price)

(as a bonus, if you want to pay the extra shipping costs, ill throw in a Canon es8400v 8mm camera for free. Got the thing for christmas a year ago and have literally only picked it up and used it once)

email address: (feel free to ask for my phone number in an email if you would like to discuss the camera over the phone)

Ross Weinshenker
January 12th, 2004, 09:07 PM
Yeah it was most likely my feedback, because I hardly use ebay. My rating is I can understand that...that's why I put my phone number up. But lets not whore up his thread here...

Bryan McCullough
January 12th, 2004, 09:23 PM
If you're willing to split up the lot, I'd be interested in the following:

Canon WD 58 – Wide angle lens
Canon DC-58 Teleconverter lens
BeachTek XLR Adapter DXA-4P

Joel Ruggiero
January 12th, 2004, 09:48 PM
kurt its joel i am intersted in all the acc. i haven't been able to get a hold of you catch me on aim i would really like tyhe lense and batt!!!! and ill come pick it up so you dont have to pay for shipping

Kalmin Fullard
January 12th, 2004, 10:36 PM
Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. Hopefully, those few pieces will aid in closing the sale.

Bryan McCullough
January 12th, 2004, 10:56 PM
I need to get these DVDs but before I go buy from them I thought I'd check here first.

If anyone has them and would like to rent them out for a bit, that would be great.


Jeff Wros
January 12th, 2004, 11:00 PM
Both cameras were purchased at the same time just under two years ago. Both have been used in 8 weddings, 1 seminar, 1 theatrical production and a couple of commercial shoots. Neither camera was used as a playback unit older XL1 handled the playback for capture.

Both include all items that come in the box including the manual. Both lenses have a 72mm UV filter attached to the stock 16x Auto II lens which is included in the auction.

Both cameras are in fantastic condition. They were stored in their own Craftsman rolling case with custom padded interior (not for sale or included with this offering).

You can see a montage of photos from both cameras at the following URL:

I'm selling because I am getting out of the wedding videography business. I'm keeping my XL1 which will more than serve my needs.

If purchased together I'm asking $5100 which includes 2 day FedEx shipping upon receipt of payment.

If purchased seperate I'm asking $2600 each which, again, includes 2 day FedEx shipping.

I can accept PayPal (please add 3% to cover PayPal fees). You may send USPS Money Orders or we can arrange for a wire transfer or bank-to-bank transfer of funds.

These are two fantastic cameras that need a good home ...hopefully to somebody who will get more use out of it than me!

This is a big purchase ...with that in mind I will do everything I can to make the transaction as smooth as possible. If you'd like to find out more about the cameras please feel free to do so! Questions are welcome by e-mailing me: or phone 563-650-0505 (10:AM - 8:PM Central).

Kurt Wojda
January 12th, 2004, 11:18 PM
hey joel, i should be online tomorrow night, but i dont really wanna sell just the accessories man. I'm trying to get rid of the whole package. If i sell you the accessories, then im trying to sell a used gl-2 with no incentives, and that task is a bit harder. I apologize man, i wish i would have known i was selling this a few months ago when you were on the markey for a camera.

David Sanborn
January 13th, 2004, 05:45 PM
Hey all,

Selling the Film look kit from Tiffen.... It comes with a Warm Black Diffusion FX 1/4 --- Black Pro Mist 1/2 --- Black Diffusion FX 1/2 --- Soft FX 1 ---- I only used this once on a test so it is SUPER mint!!! basically never been used!!!! It will come with 4x4's listed and the Tiffen Cases for them too..... (Retail for 550)

Also, I'm selling a 4x4 Polarizer (Retail 200)

Any offers???

David Sanborn

Blake Woods
January 13th, 2004, 11:25 PM

Dave Stewart
January 14th, 2004, 12:00 AM
Well? Do you want it or not? Disez-moi.

Tyge Floyd
January 14th, 2004, 12:18 AM

You have mail in regards to your GL2.

Ed Chu
January 14th, 2004, 01:12 AM
Also left e-mail.

George Loch
January 14th, 2004, 08:25 AM

Matt Gettemeier
January 14th, 2004, 01:56 PM
Hey guys... take a look at the "Now Hear This" threads and you'll see a lot of praise for the Rode NT3 mic. I bought one just to check it out. It's a hyper-cardioid mic which can be powered from an internal 9v battery or phantom.

If you want to read more about this mic you can go to and see the specifications, brochures, and positive reviews.

Otherwise you can read our posts about it in "Now Hear This".

Since B&H is a sponsor I think I can post this link so you can see it at it's lowest national price!;jsessionid=AFdL9q7TPY!-643735079?O=productlist&A=details&Q=&sku=233750&is=REG

Just click "Add To Cart" and you'll see that they sell it for $152.50

If you do a Google Search for all the other microphone sellers you'll see that it sells for $179, and sometimes with free shipping.

So here's the deal. I buy SO many mics just to check them out that I've got a lot of friends in the business... sometimes I get a mic at a good price... experiment with it for a couple days... then sell it for what I paid or even less.

I have a couple new mics on the way right now so I need to sell this one even though it's less then a week old. Since I get such a good deal on these I don't like to make them do a return.

This is NOT an ebay item, but if you email me I can send you my ebay NAME just so you can see that I've sold lots of pricey mics for DIRT CHEAP... just like this one. Everybody is ALWAYS 100% happy! I can send you any info you want on this mic... including photos, macro-photos, and even recordings of whatever you want to hear!

This will be my first time selling an item on here and since it's a good deal I thought I'd offer it to the members before the general public.

I paid $108 and change. I'll sell this for $108 plus INSURED SHIPPING of $9.95 including box and packaging.

You can Paypal me if you have a confirmed address OR you can send a check and we'll wait for it to clear OR you can send a money order and I'll ship it the same day.

Jeff Farris
January 14th, 2004, 02:38 PM
1 barely used KATA CCC-10 case for sale. It's just a little over a year old and has only been out of the house once. The camera wasn't even in it most of the time. You won't be able to tell it from new.

$165.00 includes shipping anywhere in the continental USA.

Nick Hiltgen
January 14th, 2004, 03:07 PM
Yo! I'm interested and live in L.A. so I could pay you in cash and just meet you some where to pick up the filters. What kind of price are you looking to get? (I'm not really interested in the pola.)


Jean-Philippe Archibald
January 14th, 2004, 03:15 PM

You have mail in regards to your mic.

Mike Murri
January 14th, 2004, 04:27 PM
I'm looking for a body only. One that is in mint or good condition. This will be a back-up body for a shoot in Mexico. If you have one at a good price $$$ please let me know. Thanks!


Matt Gettemeier
January 14th, 2004, 05:15 PM
Wow! I think this mic is already sold within' the first HOUR it was listed... Man you guys are quick!

Hey I'll follow this post up later tonight and let you know if it's still available.

I have to ask that you hold any new requests until I verify whether or not the FIRST person to inquire actually takes it.

Jean-Philippe... I'm sorry that you are second in line... but it may still be yours depending on the current "buyer"...