View Full Version : Video "dropouts" when using a PC, Not a Mac

Kent Winrich
April 2nd, 2010, 02:16 PM
I have an XH A1, and can ingest just fine with my Mac Book (Premiere or FCP). I can also do fine with On Location.

When I go over to a brand new Lenovo i7 Thinkpad (4G Ram), I see what looks like drop outs -- lines that get broken up or little segments that pixelize. I have tried different Firewire cables and that didnt make any difference. The processor is running at about 18%.
What am I Missing her? I am surprised that I am having issues.

Thanks in advance!

Kent Winrich
April 2nd, 2010, 04:29 PM
Freudian slip? Missing SOMETHING HERE is what I meant.