View Full Version : 7D compared to Z5

James Strange
March 28th, 2010, 04:42 PM
Hi all,

Not sure how much interest this will be, but I used my new 7D side by side with my Z5 today at a wedding, not started the edit yet, just took a few frame grabs so I could upload for the folks here to have a look at.

The Z5 was at f2.6 (I think) cos I was zoomed in a bit, had the gain up at 9db (I usually dont go passed 6, but the venue turned the lights down 2 mins before the first dance even though I asked them not to)

The 7D had the cheap and cheerful Canon 50mm 1.8 prime on, shutter as 5o, iso at 1250, and wde open at 1.8. (with the crop factor, I think the 50 becomes like an 80 ?)

ps the venue is full of purple lights (Oran Mor in Glasgow)

As much as I love my Z5 (and I do love it by the way) I have to say, I think I'd be better with 2 7Ds, one with a wide and one with the 50 on it.

Focussing on the 7D +50mm prime wasn't too hard as they didn't really move about much. but if they were all over the dance floor, it would have prob been very difficult.

Interesting times...

Peter D. Parker
March 29th, 2010, 05:53 AM
That's very interesting James, thanks for posting the pictures.

Have you sussed out the conversion for CS3 yet?


John Wiley
March 29th, 2010, 06:16 AM
Were you shooting with the standard/default picture profile? (I use a GH1 not a 7D so not sure exactly what the profile's are called).

The blacks are really crushed and alot of detail is lost in those darker areas. The Z5 image looks alot softer and noisier but I think once it's graded it could look alot better.

EDIT: After zooming in on the Z5 picture it looks like it is interlaced. If this is the case then the Z5 frame grab would look alot better if you de-interlaced it... otherwise it's not really a fair comparison!

James Strange
March 29th, 2010, 06:44 AM
Ended up just getting cineform neoscene (£60 ish), seems to be working good so far, smooth playback, smooth scrubbing.

Thats a fair point about the de-interlace, I just took a frame grab from VLC medai player from each video, not loaded the project into CS3 yet.

The profile was a flattened version of the neutral setting (cant remember the specifics, still playing about with it to get what I like in camera to save some grading in post).

As far as i'm aware, the Z5 can shoot native 25p(?)

I might do a few tests with that to see if 25p Z5 footage mixes better with 7D that regualr 1080i HDV footage.


Jonathan Palfrey
March 30th, 2010, 11:34 AM

Thanks for posting these. Like you, I own a Z5 and I love it, but I am very tempted to get a 7D sometime soon.

Nice to see the comparison, I do agree once its been graded I'm sure the Z5 will look better. That said the shallow depth of field along with the colours of the 7D make it very impressive and a nicer image to look at.