Sander Vreuls
March 27th, 2010, 03:37 PM
What I have wondered for some time, seeing as 2/3th inch Ikegami B3 mount lenses go for a lot cheaper than the equal B4 mount lenses, is if it is possible to convert a B3 lens to B4 mounting?
I have searched low and high across the web but I can't find an answer. Terms used were "B3 to B4 mount" "Ikegami camera mount to Sony camera mount" "Ikegami bayonet mount to Sony bayonet mount" etc etc.
I did find Canon conversion kits on ebay for the box/studio/sport lenses not not for handheld EFP/ENG lenses.
The difference in price between the various lenses might be enough to justify a modification, if it is possible.
Sander Vreuls
April 12th, 2010, 12:05 PM
Anyone got a clue? May have a lead on a nicely priced J8ax6B3.. My AJ-D800 aches for a nice lens :)
John Carroll
April 20th, 2010, 03:09 PM
I seem to recall from years ago that there are B3 to B4 adapters that work fine as long as you lens has a user friendly back-focus adjustment.
Brian Drysdale
April 20th, 2010, 05:01 PM
Check with Les Bosher, he makes adapters for many mounts.
Les Bosher - Camera Engineer (
An alternative may be to get the B3 mount changed to a B4. Although, I believe the lens to camera connectors may also different, I seem to recall adapter leads being available.
Sander Vreuls
April 21st, 2010, 10:21 AM
Thanks for the answers.. Got an old B4 mount lens (well.. half of it.. the rear half :)) so if I find an Ikegami lens I can see about converting it.
Oscar Miron
November 11th, 2010, 02:12 PM
Sander, did you succeded in converting the B3 lens to B4?
Brian, can you remember about the B3-B4 pin-out connector compatibility?
Brian Drysdale
November 11th, 2010, 02:21 PM
The connectors were different, so you'd to check that one out and get it changed.
Sander Vreuls
November 11th, 2010, 05:24 PM
Never did find a B3 mount lens for the price I wanted. I did find some but the sellers were asking too much. Then I had the chance to buy a cheap B4 lens(Canon J14ax8.5) so I went that direction.
Oscar Miron
November 11th, 2010, 05:50 PM
Thank you guys, for your answers.
I'm going to try experimenting myself.
I'll keep you posted if I get something to work.
Martin Drew
March 19th, 2011, 04:57 PM
An old thread but I thought I would add something. I used to have an Ikegami B3 mount J8 which I mounted on a B4 camera, It required 2 adapters. An electrical adapter which was reasonably straightforward but included generating a split rail supply for the lens and adapting the push on push off switch to a momentary. The mechanical adapter included some optics to compensate for the B3 optical relay unit in the lens.
At the time the adapter was about £1000 new, though I doubt if anyone still makes them so you would be looking for something used.