View Full Version : From the land of Butter Chicken

Sareesh Sudhakaran
March 27th, 2010, 10:43 AM
Funny I've been a user for some years now but have never introduced myself. I am a Producer and Director based in Mumbai, India; mainly focussed on feature films.

Aren't there any Indians here who are in the indie scene?

Also, a suggestion...can't we group this forum according to country to help find people better, or is the software too limiting?

Anyway, happy filmmaking!

Chris Soucy
March 27th, 2010, 02:39 PM
Glad to have you on board, and always good to see someone from India.

Yes, there are Indian members into the indie scene, even a few from Mumbai, tho' as you've discovered, actually finding them is almost impossible.

You've just reminded me, I haven't banged on about this subject for some time now, maybe it's time to give it another airing..............

Chris & Jeff must just love me!



If you'd like to add your name to the requests for this, just add a post to that thread, that'll cause it to pop back up from obscurity down on page 4 and get noticed (again).