View Full Version : shooting HIP HOP / SALSA dance 30p vs 60i

Josh Chan
March 26th, 2010, 07:04 PM
as the title states, im shooting a hip hop/salsa dance troupe - should i shoot in 30p or 60i?

im fairly new to the camera and have mostly done work with people moving at a minimum. i would like to shoot at 30p, but would the dancers be to blurry at this frame rate?

any advice would be well appreciated. you guys gave me great advice for my last shoot, thanks again!

Danny Winn
March 27th, 2010, 11:23 AM
I shoot everything in 30p. I can't stand interlaced footage. If you're noticing any unwanted blurring during shooting you can bump up your shutter speed, but make sure you open the iris a little more to compensate the lower light level from the faster SS.

Don't increase your gain for the lack of light though, it will just create grain.

30p & 24p is also better for screen grabs, you don't have to deinterlace before hand.

Good luck!