View Full Version : Software installation order?
Bruce S. Yarock March 25th, 2010, 09:57 AM We have been using Aspect HD with Adobee Premiere for a few years. We built a new fast pc, and upgraded to CS4. In addtiuton to capturing hdv tapes, we've also been using the Canon 7D, for which we purchased Neoscene , which we're happy with.
Here's our problem-
As per your instructions, we installed Aspect HD first, then Adobee Premiere CS4. After we installed Cs4, we find no Cineform project prests ( like those in CS3) in cs4. Therefor, we can't capture or import Cineform clips into CS4.
If Aspect is problmeatic and if Prospect ( or Neo HD?) would definately work, we would go one of those routes. We also emailed Jake with this same info.
We are seriously backed up with two large projects and need to get our system working. It would be graet if we could also speak to someone by phone, since we've been bogged down for several days.
Thanks again for your help.
Bruce Yarock
Giroud Francois March 25th, 2010, 12:43 PM "we installed Aspect HD first"...
hey , the setup of aspect is supposed to find the plugin folder of Premiere to install his stuff in it. No premiere, no install. Sounds logic no ?
reinstall aspect over premiere, it should work .
Adam Gold March 25th, 2010, 12:59 PM I may be really wrong about this, but I thought we were always supposed to install all Cineform products AFTER we install Premiere....
EDIT: D'oh! Giroud beat me to it...
Bruce S. Yarock March 25th, 2010, 01:56 PM We got an email from Jake at Cineform, which solved our problem. The issue was that Aspect HD doesn't work with cs4, so we downloaded a trial version of Prospect HD and now it's working.
What I don't know is whether I need to install Neoscene on that computer ( for transcoding my 7d clips) or whether Prospect has neoscene all ready in it.
Bruce Yarock
Adam Gold March 25th, 2010, 02:06 PM Well, yeah, there is that whole CS4/Aspect thing....
But I still think you're supposed to install Premiere first. Curiously, I just spent ten minutes over at the Cineform website and can't find any basic info on how to install or run Cineform products. You'd think there'd at least be a manual for download on their support home page, but no.
Marty Baggen March 25th, 2010, 02:58 PM Along the lines of what you are saying Adam.... I wish there were some details as to what all the additional installs and scripts (register components, etc) do and when they should be utilized.
If instructions for those exist, I haven't discovered them.
Seems like a simple readme file with the install would solve it.
Adam Gold March 25th, 2010, 05:30 PM I think there actually is a readme with the install, but it seems to me this is a little like having the owners' manual for your car become available only after you are on the highway.
A downloadable manual seems like a fairly logical thing to have available.
Paul Cascio March 25th, 2010, 05:43 PM I would never help anyone who posted a topic labelled like this one. Suppose one of your customers lodged a complaint by placing a permanent billboard in front of your business?
Chris Hurd March 25th, 2010, 06:26 PM Paul's right. Not only that, but "David Newman- We need help" is an ambiguous thread title that says nothing specific. I'm changing it now.
Edit: went with "Software installation order?" as the new thread title.
Please, please, please avoid ambiguous thread titles on DV Info Net. Thanks in advance,