View Full Version : UWOL#15,5 - A Sunday in March by Geir Inge B. Brekke

Geir Inge
March 24th, 2010, 03:15 PM
This is my uwol 15.5 video.
This is my day off and I'm practising cross country skiing,
in the mountains close to where I live.
That is on the mid west coast of Norway.
It's recreation for my heart and soul :)

Feel free to comment my video.

Geir Inge

A Sunday in March 2010 on Vimeo

Rob Evans
March 24th, 2010, 04:57 PM
Beautiful Geir! I haven't been able to hit the snow this year, but watching that was almost as good :-)

Trond Saetre
March 25th, 2010, 12:41 AM
The scenery in your part of the country is amazing, and as always you let us see exactly how it is.
I like that you find your way in front of the camera, and the handheld shots while skiing downhill adds to the visuals. Can be difficult to keep the camera steady while skiing, but you did that very well.

Your music is a good choice.

Thank you for sharing!

Dale Guthormsen
March 25th, 2010, 07:29 AM

You do a fantastic job glorifying your countryside!!! Just beautifully done, great compositions in particular. My favorite shot was your shooting the moving shot as you skiied down the slope!! A difficult shot to make and keep steady enough to enjoy but still giving the sense of skiiing.
I would have liked a litlle more movement in the beginning, perhaps slow zoom or pan. some wildlife would have added a bit of dimension to the view as well.

Great Job Geir.

Bill Thesken
March 25th, 2010, 11:50 PM
Thanks Geir for taking us skiing with you. This was probably my favorite for the action photography actually going down the slope, and getting out into the natural world. Very smooth and relaxing. This could easily be expanded to a show for the cable channels, for those who don't have the chance to see this incredible wilderness.

Finn-Erik Faale
March 26th, 2010, 07:55 AM
Geir Inge,
Your video is, as usual, honest and free for outer effects. The steady camera emphasize the peace and tranquillity: just you and the nature.
You show the world what a great natural experience skiing can be far away from the widely known skiing resorts.
You focus on man in nature and not on equipment, speed, glider and skiwax. Your struggle uphill is rewarded by a wonderful sea view and a quick and easy return.

You have made a good choice of music. "The herd girlīs sunday" is an appropriate title for a Sunday film from the mountains.
Current year is the 200 years anniversary of the violin virtuoso and composer Ole Bull. Did you know that this melody originally was a folk tune?

Im am leaving my snow-melting area soon, heading for some days in the mountains. I hope for good conditions for cross-country skiing.
Your overwhelming pictures inspire me.

Geir Inge
March 27th, 2010, 03:13 AM
Thank you all for nice comments on my video, something I appreciate a lot.

Dale, when it comes to wildlife I had just one clip/scene and I found it too unsteady.
I had some hare tracks and a glimpse of a snow shoe hare. But unlucky for me it ran away too fast. Just a stuttering clip of it's back :(
I tried with a still from the video and then the runaway clip. Look for yourself.

Rejected scene - Snow shoe hare running away :( on Vimeo

I had to figure out how to make some shooting, down hill (down the slope).
And as the good husband I am, I stole my wifes little makeup bag :)
I made some holes in it, and whoops there was my "down hill film bag".
You can see it on the 2 pictures attached.
Well, on the video it's turning a little much down to the right. Sorry for that folks, but it's the shape of my body doing that :/

Geir Inge

Dale Guthormsen
March 27th, 2010, 11:02 AM

Is that a Mountain hare or a snow shoe?

I think people make to much out of a little camera movement!!! Life is never smooth, opportunites seldom perfect. I would rather have seen the hare with a bit of movement than not at all, it was part of your day, and would have been the most important to myself, the standing shot was magnificant!!

If you watch professional film, there are all kinds of diversities in their films from camera movement to unlevel skylines, you name it.

I think we should try to do our best.

We are often over critical! Or perhaps over obsess about things.

Your bag is rather interesting!! inovative to be sure. don;t forget to patch it before you put it back in your wifes drawer!! you think she will notice?? LOL Oh yea, if she buys a replacement tell her to buy a camoflage one!
