Finn-Erik Faale
March 24th, 2010, 02:48 PM
I have made a film from the town where I live and was born. A river flows through this town.
My film shows you the bird-life of the river the way that any person visiting Porsgrunn on this very day could watch it from the eastern riverside.
The day is 2010, March, Sunday the 4th. My better half Tone is doing the narrating, playing the piano and feeding the birds.
Dale Guthormsen
March 25th, 2010, 08:20 AM
It is always nice to see other places, paticularly on the other side of the planet!! Being mostly a wildlife guy I really liked the birds. the tufted duck (a diving duck that feeds on aquatic plants like a swan but is to small to reach them) was beautiful. It is a facier version of our NA Scaup.
I liked the veretical pan of the sculpture, two geese and a??
The scene of the Mallards slipping and sliding on the ice was entertaining, liked the music change too.
Life at the river/city was epitomized by the nice river shot with the Mallards and the POP can floating along with them!!
I liked the end of the resting ducks and the credits coming up underneath them.
good Job!!! very much enjoyed, and you showed me a new species in the tufted duck!! Only ever seen a picture!
Thanks for taking the time to participate and share your work.
Trond Saetre
March 25th, 2010, 08:35 AM
Hei Finn-Erik,
You and Tone did well with this one.
Great images, nice VO and music. I enjoyed watching your film.
Poor birds struggling on the slippery ice. :)
Geir Inge
March 25th, 2010, 09:05 AM
Good afternoon Finn.
Liked your video very much.
I loved the way you show the life by the river and we both have the "Sunday" aproach :)
Especially I like the funny part, where the ducks are "skating" in the ice to that piano tune.
Great mix of educating about the life by the river and amusement I will say.
I'm glad to see that not all of the birds suffered in the oil disaster.
Great VO!
All the best
Geir Inge
Sam Mendolia
March 25th, 2010, 10:35 AM
Hello Finn-Erik,
How do I get to see the video?
OOPs, never mind, I found the links.
very nice video.
I love to film water fowl, and my children love to feed them, even when we have signs telling us, that we are not supposed too.
Bill Thesken
March 25th, 2010, 11:58 PM
Now this film has some incredible photography. I don't know what camera it is you are using, but some of the shots where the birds are on the water are perfection in color and focus. You have crystal clear water reflection shots. Ahh, but the narration and the piano add the finishing touch.
Finn-Erik Faale
March 26th, 2010, 10:36 AM
Thanks to all of you for the comments.
After watching the rare birds in your video, I am proud that my shots of the tufted ducks have impacted you.
You must come to Porsgrunn with your camera, then you can go back home and impress the Americans with a film on tufted ducks.
The rough metal sculpture pictures a sea wave, flanked by two seagulls and a mermaid.
I will tell Tone about the VO and music. The slippery ice has melted and the ducks has to swim now.
Geir Inge:
Happily for the river birds, the oil did not reach into the fjord and the river. Oil drifts with the current and not against it.
I think the birds in the river are spoiled. So many people feed the birds with bred and cookies. There are no restrictions on feeding.
The colors and reflections are emphasized by the low sun.
I have used a Canon HV20 for the shots. A consumer HDV camcorder.
Happily it has zebra and a easy way of handling exposure compensation. It helps.