View Full Version : Use the AB Tandem charger as a power source for HD110u

Evan Agee
March 23rd, 2010, 05:35 PM
Hello all,

A friend told me that it's not a good idea to attach the Tandem charger to the Gold Plate mount and use that as the power source for the JVC HD110u because of the output of the Tandem charger. Obviously it would be nice to be able to power the camera and charge a battery simultaneously in a pinch. Can any confirm that this is a bad idea?


Don Bloom
March 23rd, 2010, 05:50 PM
I've used HD250s with the charger to power the camera but I don't think you can power the camera and charge the battery at the same time. I know you can't with the older model Tandem 60 charger and even with my 2702 intellicharger you can't do that.
Other than that I can't see any problem with slapping the charger on the back of the camera and using it to power AC to the camera. Like I said, I've done it and never had a problem.

John Sirb
March 23rd, 2010, 06:25 PM
Don's correct. you can't pwr the camera and charge the battery at the same time. When the camera is shut off, it switches to charge mode. it's also cool that if you have a battery on the backside, you can pull the cord and it automatically switches to battery.

BTW the pwr output of the tamdem is 16 volts, so I'm not sure why they told you that was a problem.

Shaun Roemich
March 23rd, 2010, 06:39 PM
Other than that I can't see any problem with slapping the charger on the back of the camera and using it to power AC to the camera. Like I said, I've done it and never had a problem.

I've done it and the only thing I've noticed is that the camera seems to soak up a LOT of heat in the process, especially when compared to battery operation. I discontinued the process out of concern, not failure.

Robert Wiejak
March 24th, 2010, 05:53 PM
In my opinion it is OK because it was designed to be used like that. When you read the Tandem manual, you will find that it will only do one thing at a time: charge or supply power to the camera. Any heat generated is normal function of regulating the voltage. The output must be regulated to a precise voltage dictated by the camera. In case of ‘110, it is 7.2V. Most other cameras will use higher voltage like 12 or 14V and the charger can output as much as 18V. So, higher the voltage drop, more heat is generated in that process. I have it and use it on my ‘200UB without any concern.

Shaun Roemich
March 24th, 2010, 07:03 PM
In case of ‘110, it is 7.2V.

Going in the AB Gold Mount instead of the yellow pin thingy, it will still be nominal 12v.

And when I said a lot of heat, I meant "WOW, I'm afraid for my tape" lots... Lots of variables, though... I seem to ALWAYS have some kind of issue - my lot in life perhaps...