View Full Version : Another stupid question about IOS on HM100...

Frank Catscottage
March 23rd, 2010, 02:51 PM
Yesterday the postman delivered my DVD, 'ProHD Shooter's Guide to the GY-HM100".

It is of great help understanding the camera better!!!

Working through it, I reached the chapter on IOS where Tim Dashwood is telling that there is a small "shaking hand" visible on the display when OIS is turned ON...

On my camera display I do not see this little hand popping up....does this mean that OIS is not working or,even worse, that the mechanism went broke??

Can anybody please enlighten me?

Thanks in advance!

Michael Mackay
March 27th, 2010, 12:27 PM
Hi Frank, mine is the same. I only get the hand (with a line through it or something) when OIS is turned off. There is nothing on screen to show it is on.


Frank Catscottage
March 30th, 2010, 07:40 AM
Thanks a lot for your response Mike, so we have to believe that the OIS system works if no symbol shows up on the display?!

Uh, does that make sense or is this Ergonomics-JVC-Style?