View Full Version : Errors + Stress x Frustration = PLEASE HELP ME!!!

Jerome Niko
March 23rd, 2010, 12:18 PM
Hi folks, I'm in definite need of some advice in regards to my Adobe Premiere Pro project. I use Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 and recently I was working on my project when it decided to close and reboot my computer all by itself. The last thing I did was scan (jog using my mouse) over some video clips in my timeline.

After my computer rebooted I tried to open my project and it gave me an error message to the effect of "Cannot open project, file may be damaged". And so I did some research and found a forum that led me to the XML:Wrench - The simple XML Editor ( website. So I tried using 'wrench' and it appeared to fix my damaged file.

But now I'm getting a new error message which reads something to the effect of "backend lib.dll". At this point I am ready to turn into a massive green monster and smash my computer to bits.......but I'll hold out on that, for the moment, heh heh. Anyway, if you have any helpful advice I would greatly appreciate it. On a side note, I am also using Cineform's FirstLight in conjunction with my Premiere project. Thank you in advance folks!!!

Chad Haufschild
March 25th, 2010, 10:31 AM
Hey, Jerome. Bad luck, man, but don't break anything! There is a chance...

Put the corrupt file aside for the time being and check PPro's auto-safe folder (named "Adobe Premiere Pro Auto-save"). Depending on your version and OS, the folder may be in different places so one trick is to do a full system search for all *.prproj.

I think you'll find a copy of your project as an auto-save. It may have missed a few of your very last changes to the timeline, but that's better than starting over!

If the auto-saved files generate errors, then I'd say you have a bigger issue with the software/OS.

Good luck this time! Think positive!