View Full Version : Water Housing

Chris Westerstrom
March 23rd, 2010, 05:32 AM
Anyone recommend anything for the 7d?

I have the 10-22 Canon wide angle lens and am off to the Maldives for two weeks in April.

I was hoping to rent a house for the camera but there is not 1 single dive shop or camera rental house that does this (argh!!)

It'd be a shame to go to a place like that without some good water shots, so I'd be happy to hear any recommendations.

And if there are any other scandinavian posters here that have something like this that'd they'd rent out to me (i'd pay a deposit of course!!!!) please let me know...I'd be happy to return the favor with equipment of my own!

Ray Bell
March 23rd, 2010, 07:33 AM
There are several offerings that are now available... its going to cost you though...

As of today, the underwater housing now shipping for the Canon7D include the Ikelite 7D, Nauticam 7D and Aquatica 7D. The following housings to be available in the first quarter of 2010: Seacam 7D, Subal 7D, Sea & Sea 7D.

Chris Westerstrom
March 23rd, 2010, 09:49 AM
maybe I should just invest in one and rent it out myself haha.

Thanks for your tips.

And again, if any Scandinavian posters on here have one they'd like to rent out, please let me know!!!

Richard Hogben
March 25th, 2010, 10:31 AM
There are several offerings that are now available... its going to cost you though...

As of today, the underwater housing now shipping for the Canon7D include the Ikelite 7D, Nauticam 7D and Aquatica 7D. The following housings to be available in the first quarter of 2010: Seacam 7D, Subal 7D, Sea & Sea 7D.

What do those housings run?