View Full Version : Color depth A1P footage

Ben Amos
March 21st, 2010, 09:52 PM
Just recently acquired a second hand A1P and tested it as a second camera on a shoot. I have concerns over the apparent color depth of the footage though. This is seriously washed out and in no way compares to my primary Z7 footage.
Is the camera functioning properly in your opinion? or am I doing something wrong?

As this was locked off on a tripod and unmanned for the shoot I left it on full auto lock.

Any comments, suggestions appreciated. Thanks


Clip on Vimeo here;
A1P test-Vimeo Compression on Vimeo

Mike Calla
March 23rd, 2010, 09:10 AM
First off, i can't view vimeo here in China, sorry...

But i've had two years of HvrA1 ownership/use under my belt and in good light, unsaturated it is not! In bad light...give your client their money back!

Seriously though I've had it match with colour-wise with V1s, FX7s, FX1000s, Z5s - obviously rez wise it's comparable - but not equal!

James Harring
March 30th, 2010, 05:11 PM
I've shot similar stuff with an A1u and it looks like you'd expect.
I think you better dig out the manual and hit the master reset. Some setting is wrong.

If that's not it and you have to repair it, Sony is pretty prompt on the repair. I think it's a flat fee, check with them for current prices. My thoughts are this iss an incorrect setting though.