View Full Version : Himalayan kayaking video

Stuart Martindale
March 21st, 2010, 03:23 PM
Hi all, this video was produced from our kayaking trip out to the Indian Himalayas last summer. Any comments would be welcome as I still feel I'm very much learning what I'm doing. I know that some of it is pretty shakey and would benefit from something - but since all my kit has to fit in a bag between my legs inside the boat (because the back is already full of camping kit and food) I can't really afford any extra space or weight. I don't really know what the best solution to that would be. Also a lot of the rapids I wanted footage off were missed as we were only three on the harder stuff and we all needed to be on the water for safety and I couldn't be out on the bank for filming.

My editing also needs work - but suggestions for specific improvement would be greatly appreciated.

India09 on Vimeo

Bill Thesken
March 21st, 2010, 03:40 PM
Great color.

What is that plant waving in the breeze at the 1:30 mark?

Stuart Martindale
March 21st, 2010, 04:01 PM
Wouldn't like to tell you for certain my botanic knowledge is rubbish - but pretty sure the kids were waving some marijuana variant around us - it grows everywhere around those Himalayan foothills, along the side of pretty much every road.