Rob Cook
March 21st, 2010, 08:15 AM
Short We filmed with the Canon T2i, Enjoy and feed back is always welcome.
"DESERTED" Canon T2i Camera Test in "High Def" on Vimeo
"DESERTED" Canon T2i Camera Test in "High Def" on Vimeo
View Full Version : "DESERTED" Short Movie Shot on The 2Ti Rob Cook March 21st, 2010, 08:15 AM Short We filmed with the Canon T2i, Enjoy and feed back is always welcome. "DESERTED" Canon T2i Camera Test in "High Def" on Vimeo Bruce Foreman March 21st, 2010, 10:17 AM Was that a "deserted" military installation or an unused portion of a base somewhere? The buildings had the look of the Korean conflict era type barracks at a training base. The general look sure built suspense. You did very well with the "kit" lens, many "pan" it but all in all it is not a bad lens at all and as you have shown with this film it is quite adequate to the task if the owner will "work" with it. As you have. Well done. Rob Cook March 21st, 2010, 12:33 PM Thanks Bruce, I have had the T2i for a few weeks (been reading the book) but this was the first time I really used the camera for video. The kit lens worked better than I thought it would, but hard to do any rack focus work. I could have used a fast prime for inside of the building, it was a little dark, and that hurt the image a bit. It was an old army dorm complex that was from the 40's and was shut down in 1995. We stayed at a campground right by it on an army base. I saw it and could not help myself, I had to film it. We shot this on a Sunday afternoon and the place was dead, perfect for it! John Vincent March 27th, 2010, 01:49 AM Agree with the comments about all the hate for the kit lens - it's made well, and clearly is meant to work with the T2. Is it fast? No. Is it terribly sharp? Nope, not terribly. But it is a quality piece - a fine starter lens; some thing to sharpen your desire. Thanks for posting! Nice to se quality stuff w/ the kit... john |