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Yi Fong Yu July 31st, 2004, 12:01 AM on the editing track there is an option to 'crop' a 4:3 dv image into widescreen. but if you have multiple video clips, you have to do this several times and sometimes they don't match from clip to clip. is there a way to universally change all clips crop?
Gary Kleiner July 31st, 2004, 12:10 AM Make a preset of your Pan/Crop setting and it will be the same every time.
Also, if you have nothing else applied. you can copy from one event and paste event attributes onto the others.
Brent Marks April 23rd, 2005, 03:44 PM I did an interview and had an airplane going over... I didn't realize it at the time... but my shotgun mic picked it up too well...
I've read that Vegas has some really excellent clean up tools for audio but I have not played with them yet...
What would be the eaisest way for me to fix this problem?
thanks guys!
Glenn Chan April 23rd, 2005, 04:51 PM This thread belongs more in the audio forum, but it's not a big deal as it pertains to Vegas.
1- How loud is the plane?
If it's not that loud then it is more fixable.
If you could, posting up a clip (mp3, uncomrpessed wav, a file encoded with a lossless algorithm) would be helpful too. Because people like me would try to clean it up and show you what's possible.
2- You can use the parametric EQ filter to get rid of some bass frequencies and some of the high frequencies. Put the cutoff high and change the frequency around until you hear the voice get 'damaged', then back off.
Use the low and high frequency shelf settings under filter style.
First filter:
Low frequency shelf
Output gain = 0dB
Amount = -60dB
Cutoff freq = start with 100hz ish vary the filter frequency as described above
Transition Width = 0.1 oct
Set it on high
Second filter:
High frequency shelf
Output gain = 0dB
Amount = -60dB
Cutoff freq = start with 6000Hz ish vary the filter frequency as described above
Transition Width = 0.1 oct
Set it on whatever
This will only get rid of some of the noise... there will still be noise in the track.
3- If you have a noise reduction plug-in you can get better results. NR plug-ins can be though of as noise hiding, so if the noise is too great you can't do a good job. (see 1)
Sony NR, soundsoap, are some of the plug-ins out there.
I don't know if there are any free ones.
I don't know of any other good ways to deal with that noise. You could try dialogue editing, but that would get very tedious and painful.
Other possible options would be reshoot/ADR, cut/edit around your problem, or add subtitles.
Johnny Lucus July 11th, 2005, 01:26 AM preview on external device?
Ok, I was wondering...Is it possible to hook up a regular television to preview as an external device via a camcorder in vegas 6? I see the option near the preview window but I dont really know the process. Can someone help me out? Also though...if I preview on the TV and if the video stutters sometimes while previewing in Vegas will it do it on the TV? Thanks!
Graham Bernard July 11th, 2005, 02:06 AM "Is it possible to hook up a regular television to preview as an external device via a camcorder in vegas 6?" Yes - your camera - and most do nowadays - need to be able to do the "PASS THROUGH". This means the ability for your camcorder to convert the incoming DV (digital video signal) from your PC's firewire OUT to the firewire IN on your camera and convert to AV ( analogue video signal). You will need to research your Users Manual.
"I see the option near the preview window but I dont really know the process." When I have done this I need to have set my camera up with OUTPUT going to my TV. THEN switch on the camera. My PC recognises camera as a DEVICE. This is good! Then go to Vegas, access Option>Preferences>Preview Device and select the Device "OHCI Compliant 1394/DV" - click okay and exit. Place some media on the timeline and lay your cursor on it. Click the External Monitor Previewing Icon - the tiny PC screen on the Preview Toolbar Screen - and as long as your TV is switched on and ready to accept an incoming signal, you will see your images pop up on the TV!
"Also though...if I preview on the TV and if the video stutters sometimes while previewing in Vegas will it do it on the TV?" Yes. But it could be other issues. Mostly a stuttring is the PC trying to keep up with the effect and/or work you have created. But it could be another issue.
Hope this helps,
David Bird September 24th, 2005, 08:56 AM Hi folks,
I'm looking for a way to "preview on external monitor" to a television. I have a video card with 2 digital monitor outputs. Just wondering if I could use the ADS Pyro signal out through Pyro to analog tv. Has anyone tried this...if so, do you get a decent picture?
Thanks for your help...
David Bird
Boyd Ostroff September 24th, 2005, 09:28 AM Not sure what computer or software you have, it sounds like it might be a PC. I'm on a Mac so I can only give you a generic answer. I've tried the Pyro ( and it works fine.
However it has nothing to do with computer video cards. It's an external box that transcodes between firewire (ieee-1394) and analog. So you would plug it into your computer's firewire port, then connect your TV to the analog output. The best quality will come from the component video outputs if you're TV can handle it (most new TV's will have red/green/blue RCA plugs for this). Otherwise S-video will be best. But if you have an older or cheaper TV you would use the yellow RCA jack to connect to the TV's video input. If your TV doesn't have any of these then you're out of luck. Regardless of how you connect the video, you'll need separate audio cables for the L and R stereo channels (red and white).
Now the rest depends on your computer software. Read your manual to determine how to send the preview out via firewire. But basically, the Pyro box is just an alternative to sending firewire to your camera and connecting a TV or monitor to it directly.
John Rofrano September 26th, 2005, 08:09 AM I use the ADS Pyro A/V Link all the time to go out to an external TV monitor from my PC using Sony Vegas 6.0. It works great. It looks like a firewire device to your computer so any software that will export video via firewire should work.
David Bird September 26th, 2005, 08:15 AM Thanks guys...I "get it" as respects firewire out to Pyro to TV. For some reason I keep confusing the "preview" issue with my video card. Gonna order an AV link today.
Thanks - David
Carl Downs October 17th, 2005, 10:28 PM Hello, I have it down to Avid Express or Vegas 6. Although my love for video editing is making independent movies... I will have to pay the bills and thrash some weddings/corporate videos ect. One of my top priorities however is to get the final product on the web, either streaming or download. I spend a couple months a year in Japan and everyone there has extremely fast connections (cheap!) and all the new apartment buildings are built with built in 100Mbs connections. When I am there, I can watch video right off the net (high quality) without having to use DVD`s (so why is sony making Blue Wave? the future is High Band Internet!) Anyways... Avid Express comes with a "light" version of Sorenson Squeeze which gets great reviews (for the "full" version) but, I have not found anything about Vegas and it`s ability to squeeze files down to a nice small yet "good looking" video off the timeline. Does Vegas have an internet file (.mpg .wmf .mov) export/function? If so, Is the output decent? Is it simple? Any examples stored on your servers?
Edward Troxel October 18th, 2005, 07:27 AM File - Render As - choose WMV as the file type and pick the desired preset. You can also click on "Custom" and manually adjust the settings. It can also do MPG and MOV.
Scott Brickert October 18th, 2005, 08:47 AM Hey Boyd,
you're saying you can output from the ADS to your TV using component connections? Just looking for a little clarification since the webpage lists component on the input side but not on the output side.
Boyd Ostroff October 18th, 2005, 11:39 AM It has both component in and out. Download the manual here:
The Component Video jacks are dual purpose and bi-directional. You can capture from analog video sources via the component jacks and you can export DV to Analog video via the Component jacks.
Scott Brickert October 18th, 2005, 03:59 PM Yes, the manual clarifies it. Very cool. So with the right TV I could check colors using component output.
Mark Duckworth October 28th, 2005, 02:24 AM Hi. I am posting this here because there are no support forums at VASST. I have just finished editing a short project. I captured my m2t clips. Put them on the timeline. Did a rough edit. Used gearshift to convert them to dv proxy with the color correction. Edited the rest of the project. Applied MB Film look and Misfire. Went to swap out my proxies for the original m2t and got an "errors were found when replacing media" message. I am using the latest version of Gearshift. I have tried closing down my project and reopening it. Closing vegas and restarting. Removing all the MB filters. Has anyone had this problem? I just need to know if there is a fix for this or am I SOL and have to start over. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Sorry if I sound kind of PO'd but I just spent 10 hours doing this project and I dont want to start from almost scratch.
Douglas Spotted Eagle October 28th, 2005, 06:57 AM GearShift only looks at the file name of the proxy and filename of the actual media. If either of those change at any time in the editing process, then you can lose a file. Or, if you move a file from its current location to another location, GearShift won't know where it is; it does not search. It knows where the file was when it created it, and remembers that value too.
Changing file names or locations is about the only way I can see you getting this end result. More information about whether you've moved a file's based location/folder/name would help.
Also, if you look on the GearShift help pages, you'll find a link to active fora on just scripting.
Mark Duckworth October 28th, 2005, 08:43 AM Thank you for your response. I didn't move any of the files from their original locations or changed any names etc. When I had Gearshift make the proxies I had them sent to the source folder too. I tried a test project and I got the same result with me doing nothing but putting the media to the timeline and using the time line source function on gearshift. It rendered out the proxies and replaced the original m2t files on the timeline. Then I tried to get Gearshift to switch out the proxies for the real media and I got the error message. Now when I did the same experiment but I used the make proxy from source files function and not the from timeline function It worked fine and I had no problem switching back and forth. Any suggestions? I used the link on the Gearshift page to that forum before but there were not any similiar problems when i searched and I know that I always get prompt responses from this forum. Thank you again for any help.
Jim Montgomery October 28th, 2005, 09:22 AM Douglas - How about if you use "create subclips" from within Vegas. Is that considered altering a filename by Gearshift's definition?
John Rofrano October 28th, 2005, 03:54 PM I used the link on the Gearshift page to that forum before but there were not any similiar problems when i searched and I know that I always get prompt responses from this forum.
Hi Mark, The reason Douglas told you about using the official support forum is because we moderate that forum. So I get an email every time someone posts. That means as the developer of GearShift you are sending me a direct email with your support question simply by posting. ;-)
I have recreated your problem and I’m looking into why it didn’t work.
For now, all you need to do to fix this is run GearShift again only this time, take the M2T files from the filesystem and render them to DV Proxies. This will restore the proxies to the full length of the original source. Then when you shift gears, everything should work fine.
Sorry about this. I’ll get GearShift updated as soon as I formulate a fix. Let me know if my workaround worked for you.
Douglas - How about if you use "create subclips" from within Vegas. Is that considered altering a filename by Gearshift's definition?
No, GearShift has been tested with SubClips and it works correctly. A SubClip is just a “view” on the actually media and GearShift deals with replacing the underlying media, not the clips.
Mark Duckworth October 28th, 2005, 07:27 PM Thank you for your response. If I have a problem like this again (I hope not). I will post in that forum. I did what you suggested and it worked fine. Thank you again.
Mark Burlingame December 20th, 2005, 03:32 PM edit*sorry wrong vegas forum I reposted this in the SD forums.*
So I am about to set up network rendering on my second box and was reading that I cannot use it to render either mpeg2 or ac3 files. My question is, will vegas direct those rendering jobs to my main box and send the other jobs to the second box, or will it try to render them on the second box and then barf because of licensing issues with the second box.
I generally render 5- 10 minute shorts into a couple different .wmv files (higher and lower bitrates), an mpeg2, and and .ac3 (for DVDA). Normally I'll open 3 instances of vegas (with 3 different shorts) and use the batch rendering script and do it, either overnight or while I watch a movie. If I enable network rendering will I still be able to do it that way or will I have to use "non-distributed network rendering" for the mpeg and ac3 jobs.
Also, can I run "non-distributed" and "distributed" network rendering jobs at the same time.
Thanks, I hope I was clear enough. Mark
Frank Delucia December 26th, 2005, 09:04 AM Last time I used Sony Vegas and DVD Architect I borrowed a DVD burner to make some DVD's.
I now have a laptop with a DVD burner. Can I burn a DVD from the video-editing workstation onto the DVD device on the laptop? I didn't want to install DVD Architect on the laptop...
Edward Troxel December 26th, 2005, 10:55 AM As long as you can get the prepared Video_TS and Audio_TS files to the laptop, there should be no problem at all in burning on the laptop. Just use whatever burning program you have and point it to those two folders.
Why don't you want to install DVDA on the laptop?
Frank Delucia December 26th, 2005, 11:16 AM First I wasn't sure that the Sony licence would allow me to put DVDA on two machines...
Plus that laptop really isn't used for editing - it's got other purposes...
But the biggest reason, I thought anyway, was that having the media and files and all on the editing workstation with all it's bells and whistles (canopus advc110 with tv monitor...) just made the most sense.
But from what I think I'm hearing you say is that DVDA can not only burn to the DVD like I did previously but also produce the video and audio files and I can copy them to the laptop and use Sonic Recordnow and put the two files onto the DVD as if they were going on in "Data Disc" mode?
Edward Troxel December 26th, 2005, 11:39 AM The license will allow you to install on both machines as long as you don't use it on both at the same time. However, I understand the desire to build everything on the editing machine.
You can certainly copy those two folders to the laptop and then use Record Now to burn the DVDs using those two folders. I haven't used that particular program for burning a DVD but you typically have to tell it you want a VIDEO DVD and then point it to those two folders.
Mike Tesh December 27th, 2005, 11:33 AM Everytime I create titles in vegas and render them to widescreen they end up boxed in. Why is this and how do I fix it? I want them to match my widescreen 16:9 DV footage.
Keith McLeod December 27th, 2005, 11:51 AM I am trying to take original 4:3 DV footage that has been imported into Vegas 6.0 and convert this to a 16:9 look (for eventual playback on DVD over a 4:3 size TV). I don't want anything squeezed, just a black bar crop on the top and bottom of the picture to appear upon eventual playback on a 4:3 TV. I'll pan and scan to make sure everything is framed properly.
How do I do this in Vegas 6.0? So far, I've switched off the "maintain aspect ratio" on each event after putting it on the timeline. When "panning and scanning," I've used the 16:9 ratio aspect and locked that when panning. When rendering, do I set it for NTSC DV or NTSC DV Widescreen? Is there anything I'm missing?
Thanks for the help.
-- Keith
Matt Brabender December 27th, 2005, 05:14 PM If you want a 16:9 look on a 4:3 display, I'd keep the project and final render in 4:3 and use the 16:9 preset in the crop tool.
Bill Binder December 27th, 2005, 10:14 PM The minute I see "pan and scan" it makes me think you are starting out with 16:9 original source video, but other comments make me feel like you have a 4:3 source.
So, are you trying to take true 16:9 source video down into a letterboxed 4:3 output? Or do you want to take a full 4:3 source into a cropped letterboxed look back out on 4:3?
Ian Stark December 29th, 2005, 06:15 AM I seem to recall seeing a post on this subject a while back but I can't find it so apologies if this is a repetition.
1. Is it possible to use the print to tape function to print to a DVD/hard disk recorder with DV-IN?
2. Is it possible to render from the timeline direct to a DVD/hard disk recorder with DV-IN?
Examples of the devices I'm thinking of are the Philips DVDR3300 or the budget models from Liteon and LG. They're so cheap now (especially in the sales) and this seems an ideal way of archiving without putting extra wear and tear on an expensive camera.
Happy New Year to you all.
Ian . . .
Kim Kinser December 29th, 2005, 10:34 PM I know that for some applications the video card impacts performance. For Vegas rendering does the video card make any difference?
Gary Kleiner December 29th, 2005, 11:03 PM Nope.
Ken Plotin December 29th, 2005, 11:05 PM Kim,
In Vegas rendering, the CPU does the work. It doesn't use the video card (unfortunately) to speed up the process.
Hope this helps.
Paul Kepen December 30th, 2005, 01:41 PM There MUST be a way to just enter a Time ie 2 seconds, or # of frames for a transition in Vegas, isn't there? The dragging thing on the time line is a pain cause its hard to select and versus dragging one clip over the other. Every other editing program I've seen - even basic like pinnacle studio had this ability. Is there a way to set a default transition length? Please help! Thank you, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Edward Troxel December 30th, 2005, 03:18 PM If you're dragging multiple events to the timeline, setting the transition length Options - Preferences - Editing tab will apply to all items you drag.
As you overlap items, Vegas 6 will show you the overlap amount (if you have that turned on). Then you can just drag to the desired length. It may help to zoom in on the timeline or move the event using the 1 and 3 keys on the numeric keypad.
You could always put your cursor at the end of the fade (i.e. end of the left event), double-click the left of the three timecodes at the bottom, type in -2:00 to move the cursor backwards 2 seconds (smpte timeline), and then drag the right event to the cursor.
And probably the easiest way is to use a script to overlap the exact amount you wish. This can be applied to a single event or a BUNCH of events at once.
Mike Kujbida December 30th, 2005, 09:15 PM I haven't used that particular program for burning a DVD but you typically have to tell it you want a VIDEO DVD and then point it to those two folders.
Sorry for the delay but I just got back from Christmas holidays.
Anyway, I've been using RecordNow for a few years and I just burn the completed VIDEO_TS & AUDIO_TS folders as a Data disc. I have yet to get a complaint.
Edward Troxel December 30th, 2005, 10:26 PM Thanks for the info, Mike. DVDA has, fortunately, worked with my burners for me.
Frank Delucia December 31st, 2005, 09:15 AM Sorry for the delay but I just got back from Christmas holidays.
Anyway, I've been using RecordNow for a few years and I just burn the completed VIDEO_TS & AUDIO_TS folders as a Data disc. I have yet to get a complaint.
Mike - thanks for verifying that info...
I'm just making a holiday montage for the kids - so it wasn't a deal-breaker issue, or I would have borrowed the drive I used last time...
Thanks again!
John Rofrano January 1st, 2006, 11:39 AM Is your project set to DV Widescreen? I do this all the time and my titles are widescreen. Make sure you set your project to DV Widescreen BEFORE you add any titles. Then any titles you add will be generated as widescreen. (I assume you are using the Generated Media titles)
Keith McLeod January 1st, 2006, 02:14 PM Bill:
Thanks for your reply. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I am taking original 4:3 footage (from a TRV-900) and converting it to a 16:9 look. I am working with an older DV tape. I now have a Sony FX-1 and really like the 16:9 look. So, I want to duplicate the 16:9 look with my TRV-900 tape but realize I can really only put black bars on the top and bottom of the TRV-900 footage. This is fine. I'll pan up or down to make sure I'm tracking the subject matter.
I guess what I am doing is correct? I've turned off "match aspect" on each clip and have set the crop on each clip to a 16:9 aspect. When I render, I am planning on using the DVD NTSC setting.
-- Keith
Paul Kepen January 1st, 2006, 07:02 PM Thanks Edward. This first choice you gave me works and is what I have been use to in the past. The second way, I'd have to try while reading your post to follow it and really understand it. The last choice - scripting - I don't have a clue on yet. My Vegas demo expires in 6 days, so thanks for the help and "Happy New Year" to you.
If you're dragging multiple events to the timeline, setting the transition length Options - Preferences - Editing tab will apply to all items you drag.
As you overlap items, Vegas 6 will show you the overlap amount (if you have that turned on). Then you can just drag to the desired length. It may help to zoom in on the timeline or move the event using the 1 and 3 keys on the numeric keypad.
You could always put your cursor at the end of the fade (i.e. end of the left event), double-click the left of the three timecodes at the bottom, type in -2:00 to move the cursor backwards 2 seconds (smpte timeline), and then drag the right event to the cursor.
And probably the easiest way is to use a script to overlap the exact amount you wish. This can be applied to a single event or a BUNCH of events at once.
Peter Jefferson January 2nd, 2006, 09:37 AM dude, u can electronically convert 4:3 to 16:9
do a search in the forums, there are quite afew questions about this and i KNOW ive answered this about 4 times in as many months.. lol
Jeff McElroy January 2nd, 2006, 01:30 PM I have footage that was shot in black & white using an xl2 custom preset I made. I edited in Vegas (5), and everything looked great. I rendered out using the 24p widescreen mpeg2 default (with some minor VBR changes).
After burning the disk in dvda, the image is much too dark, and the blacks seem crushed.
Should I do something special when rendering for black and white mpegs?
Gary Kleiner January 2nd, 2006, 01:33 PM What are you using to monitor on before the process? After the burn?
Jeff McElroy January 2nd, 2006, 01:41 PM Aye... thanks for the quick response!
Everything with my computer monitor; I just have a regular flat panel display. I previewed the dvd on several different players/monitors, to the same results. It is definitely a problem occurring during the render, as all the footage is fine up until that point.
Edward Troxel January 2nd, 2006, 02:01 PM In Vegas, do an EXTERNAL preview to an external monitor. I think you'll see that the colors are off. You can't go by the computer screen to accurately determine what the final result will be on a TV. Get it right on an external monitor preview and the render should be fine.
Jeff McElroy January 2nd, 2006, 02:23 PM You know, that would be an awesome solution…
If I had an external monitor.
Okay… this is my fault (I am obviously not very adept at communicating), so please bear with me.
It isn’t a color problem perse, nor a minor correction quibble … The blacks are overpowering… the image is irrevocably altered to a degree that affects detail… and this is clearly a result of the mpeg rendering, as evidenced by the very large dissention between the source material, renderings on other formats, and the final product... all present on the same monitor.
I was kind of hoping that this was a common problem, and would be resolved by a simple “click this setting”… but I guess not. Sigh.
Ian Stark January 3rd, 2006, 01:56 AM Well, I did some research into this and it seems that all the DVD/HDD Recorders I investigated that have DV-IN are only able to accept input from a camera and not directly from a PC's DV-OUT signal. Shame.
Despite that, I went ahead and bought a Lite-On LVW-5045 HDD+DVD Recorder in the January sales. It has DV-IN and a 160gb HDD and for regular TV recording I am, so far, impressed ( I read many mixed reviews of this machine, but for the price I thought it was worth a gamble).
Back to the original issue, ie printing from Vegas direct to the recorder, can anyone give me any idea of what sort of degradation I'd see if I was to take the DV-OUT signal from the pc and run it through a Hollywood DV-Bridge (ie to convert it to analogue) and into the composite ins on the recorder?
Ian . . .
Yi Fong Yu January 3rd, 2006, 07:21 AM mine doesn't work with the source files rendering into DV Proxy via gearshift.