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Michael Best
May 18th, 2006, 08:38 PM
File to external drive worked - thank you

Justin Deming
May 19th, 2006, 07:36 AM
I am just learning to use Vegas 6d, and one thing is not working for me. I am attempting to slow down a small video clip, and it just isn't working right.

If I use the shuttle controls while previewing I can get the video to look exactly the way I want, but getting it to render the same way isn't happening.

I have tried using a velocity envelope to change the speed, but it only affetcts the video, and I can't add the same envelope to the video.

If I just stretch it out by dragging it (sorry I forget the term for this). I have 2 problems. 1, I can't slow it enough this way. 2, the audio sounds horrible. The audio takes on this chopped up, echoey sound that is nothing like what the shuttle controls do.

So, how do Vegas users normally create a slowmo event? I need the audio to stretch out with the video, the slowed down audio is a big part of why I want the slowmo in the first place.

Any help would be appreciated, thank you!!

Emre Safak
May 19th, 2006, 09:02 AM
How should I monitor the dynamics if the track sounds different once encoded? Should I work by the numbers; learn what +-6dB, +-12db etc. relative to the dialog baseline sounds like? Currently I use a trial-and-error approach of mixing by ear, rendering to AC3, then fixing the mix. I also want to learn how to use Dolby Digital's DRC feature.

How different is mixing for DTS?

Tim Goldman
May 19th, 2006, 09:26 AM
i'm looking to get vegas in a few months along with my camera. So I was wonderign is it worht it to go ahead and pick up the vegas bundle with the dvd tools in it. Is this a good dvd creation program?

Chris Davis
May 19th, 2006, 10:50 AM
I really like it, but I don't have much to compare it to, other than the cheapie DVD creation tools that normally come free with a computer.

You can save markers in your Vegas projects that can be pulled into DVD Architect. You can also render directly to MPEG2/AC3 in Vegas which makes creation of DVDs much faster in DVD Architect.

Unless you have another DVD authoring program that you absolutely love, I'd go ahead and get the Vegas+DVD bundle.

Don Bloom
May 19th, 2006, 11:14 AM
DVDA is a wonderful DVD creation program and well worth the few extra dollars to get it with Vegas.


Takis Takop
May 19th, 2006, 01:45 PM
i can see that there are many people using vegas with their laptop and many others (like me) asking "which laptop can run vegas"
maybe its a good idea through this thread for the users who already use a laptop with vegas,to write the specs of their laptop and if vegas runs ok or not, just like a tiny vegas-laptop database for the rest of us who keep asking/searching

Chris Davis
May 19th, 2006, 02:00 PM
I just got a new laptop:

Dell Inspiron E1750
2GHz Centrino dual-core processor
100GB 7200 RPM SATA drive
17" WUXGA screen (1900x1200)
256MB ATI Radeon X1400 video
8x dual-layer DVD+-RW

I have installed Vegas, but have not yet had the opportunity to do any editing on it. I expect it to perform very well.

BTW, this was sort of a "gift" from Dell. I was having a reoccurring problem with an 18 month old Inspiron 8600, and Dell sent this as a replacement.

Joe Bowey
May 19th, 2006, 03:40 PM
I use a laptop for my vegas 4 and it works great. I see Sony is coming out with a new laptop with Blue-ray burner and a 1920x1080 screen for around $3000.
I have a HP zx6000 what are you guys using for a monitor for preview?

Edward Troxel
May 19th, 2006, 06:48 PM
3.4 GHz P4
1 Gig RAM
2 60Gig 7200RPM drives

Vegas runs great on it.

Fred Foronda
May 19th, 2006, 10:35 PM
I was able to deliver the final product onto DVD with the audio being stereo using DVDA. Audio was perfect. When I printed the same project to HDV tape the audio was distorted I had to turn down the volume on my audio system. Did I do something wrong or is there a setting I missed on both the fx1 camera and or on Vegas 6..


Don Bloom
May 20th, 2006, 07:11 AM
Fred, Like I said in the other post on Edwards Vegas site-AC3 calls for some manipulation of the audio so when it's played it sound correct levels wise-we set the normalisation to -31 and the RFline to NONE and off we go. For tape however you need to set your audio effects and levels to what you want and when you finally happy with it lower the master level to -20db as its playing. Tape will produce a "real time" sound and if you don't lower the master level it will snap crackle and pop-remember that -12db in digitalspeak is the same as 0db in analogease and 0 will clip (so will -12 on tape)
just reprint the project anf you lower the master level and you should be set to go

Sean Seah
May 20th, 2006, 10:15 AM
I used HDVspilt and now I have a 26Gb of clips in 1080-50i. How do I batch conver all of em to the CF intermediate avi? I'm doing it manually n it is one hell of a pain in the a**!!

I found this batch render script but when I run it, I select this avi 1080-50i, render selection, and it starts running. Nothing useful came out of the file. Do I have to put all the files on the tracks? If yes, do I put them into seperate tracks? Thanks in advanced...

Fred Foronda
May 20th, 2006, 11:06 AM
Thanks for the response, when I adjust the volume its on the master not the audio track right??

Don Bloom
May 20th, 2006, 11:58 AM
Well I guess it wouldn't matter if you only have 1 audio track but I have found the MASTER works for me. Just the way I was "trained". Obviously if you have multiple audio tracks then the MASTER is the only way to go.


Paul Selph
May 20th, 2006, 02:47 PM
I have been looking at old post trying to fix a problem
I have been having with JPG photos in my video.
If I put a photo on the time line and then use pan/crop,
when I make it an AVI 720x480 and watch on TV set alot of the photos get
very jaggy and have the newcaster with the wrong tie effect, shimmer,. I have tried downsizing the photos to 720x480, no good, and I have set to progressive non-progressive and I still get same look, I have tried MPG2 format also. When I did some stuff in Moviemaker I didnt have that problem, lots of other problems but the photos looked fine. I am working on a project now with a combo of lots of photos and some video for my school but I want it to look good. If I dont use the pan/crop they are fine. I have 4 days to finish this. Thanks for the help

Jim Ohair
May 20th, 2006, 06:23 PM
Render at best quality in project properties or when rendering at end. I do this
and it eliminated this effect along with reduce interlace flicker in each photos
right click
then check reduce interlace flicker.

I don't resize pictures, I've never seen the need.

Edward Troxel
May 20th, 2006, 07:48 PM
Very fine lines cause this problem. As mentioned, rendering at BEST and using Reduce Interlace Flicker help. Adding a very slight blur can also help.

Paul Selph
May 20th, 2006, 08:01 PM
That helped quite a bit, I still have some but not a anoying as they were. What are your media settings on,
I hav mine on the 1.000 multimedia with progressive scan off and smart resample on, should these be the best or will progrssive work better. Thanks hopefull I can get to
work on putting it all together by Wed.

Jeff Baker
May 21st, 2006, 12:29 PM
Everything was working fine (famous last words) and then I bought this new RiData 16X DVD-R media to use with my NEC ND-3520AW DVD Burner. When I tried to burn a project with the new media, DVD architect thought it was 24X CD media.

So I noticed a firmware upgrade for the NEC drive and flashed it to the latest (3.07 in my case).

Now Sony DVD Architect does not see the drive at all. Adobe Encore sees it (and also sees the 16x media), the Architect does not even see the drive anymore.

I have this whole project authored in DVD Architect, so I really need to burn from it and I can't seem to download the old firmware to get back to the point where it was working with Architect.

Any ideas? This is driving me nuts!

David Delaney
May 21st, 2006, 12:53 PM
I am trying to put in the DayforNight preset from JetDV, but I cannot figure out where to put it in the folders?

Never mind, downloaded the Preset manager

John Rofrano
May 21st, 2006, 06:46 PM
You could buy GearShift ( and it will automate this process for you. Just point it to the M2T files in a folder and it will bring them all in one at a time and make CineForm AVI’s (or DV Proxies or both) for you.

You can try it for free for 15-days so it should help on this project and then you can see if it’s worth the money for future projects.


John Rofrano
May 21st, 2006, 07:21 PM
By default Vegas is trying to maintain the proper pitch of the audio and just slow down the time it takes to play. You don’t want this behavior so you have to turn it off.

Right-click on the Audio after you stretch it and bring up the properties dialog. On the Audio Event tab under Time Stretch / pitch shift make sure you check Pitch change: [x] Lock to Stretch option. This will make the pitch of the audio lower as you want.

It won’t follow the velocity envelope however. If you want it to gradually slow down you need to process it in Sound Forge with the Pitch Bend plug-in. This will let you apply an envelope to the audio to make it gradually get lower. Then you have to time stretch it in Sound Forge to make is last longer.


Bob Safay
May 22nd, 2006, 06:43 AM
Question, I just finished loading the Vegas 6 and DVD 3 updates. Can I now remove Vegas 5 and DVD 2 off the hard drive, or are the eccential for running the updates? Bob

Chris Davis
May 22nd, 2006, 07:03 AM
This weekend I loaded a project on my Dell E1705 and I am extremely pleased with the performance of Vegas on my laptop. It's much smoother than my desktop editing machine, and the TrueLife 17" display is fantastic for editing. I really can't fit more than one project at a time on the laptop, due to the size of the hard drive, but this will be very nice for taking projects home to work on after hours.

Rob Lohman
May 22nd, 2006, 07:34 AM
They should be full installs. However, you can run both versions at the sime
time. So I would keep the previous versions around a bit longer just to make
sure everything works with the new versions (check the AC3 encoding for

Good luck!

Richard Bender
May 22nd, 2006, 07:57 AM
I watched the sample on how to 2nd color correct change the color of a persons shirt. Is is possible to change hair color? Tips on how if it is.

David Jimerson
May 22nd, 2006, 08:27 AM
I watched the sample on how to 2nd color correct change the color of a persons shirt. Is is possible to change hair color? Tips on how if it is.

You would do the same thing you do to change the shirt color.

Sean Seah
May 22nd, 2006, 10:05 AM
Thanks John. I tried it n it works well. I hope to purchase it but I have one more problem with it. The manual says I can batch convert the files into a DV proxy while the YUV/CF conversion is optional. My aim is to edit the CF intermediate files n render em to DVDA3 PAL widecreen.

I converted a few DV proxy files (w/o the CF files) n edited them. They worked fine. But when I attempted to shift gears, an error popped up. Is it necessary to render the CF files in this case to shift gear? Reason is I'm using this for wedding-same day edits so time is critical. It took me 9hrs to convert 2hr15min of 1080-50i footage into CF! (The manual did mention its supposed to be like that!)

Please let me know if it is possible to render just the DV proxy, edit them on the timeline, then shift gears back to m2t, finally render to DVDA3-PAL widescreen. Oh yes, I rendered the DV proxy to a different folder as the m2t. Could that have caused the m2t error? Otherwise I have no choice but to downconvert using the FX1 and download it directly as PAL widescreen. I will give it another go tomorrow but if you have the answer please enlighten me. Gearshift is indeed a pretty nice product! Thanks!

Sean Seah
May 22nd, 2006, 10:07 AM
I attempted to convert HDV>DV directly from the FX1e. I'm now confused if the downloaded file is a DV-PAL or CF intermedia 1080-50i. The manual isnt clear on this. I'm not sure what to set for the file properties of Vegas 6. Thanks!

John Rofrano
May 22nd, 2006, 12:22 PM
Please let me know if it is possible to render just the DV proxy, edit them on the timeline, then shift gears back to m2t, finally render to DVDA3-PAL widescreen.Yes, what you want to do (work on DV proxies and swap out for M2T later) will absolutely work.

Oh yes, I rendered the DV proxy to a different folder as the m2t. Could that have caused the m2t error?If you rendered only the DV Proxy, GearShift should have forced you to place them in the same folder with the M2T files. If it did not, then you’ve found a bug. Please explain what you did step-by-step so I can reproduce it and fix it.

For now, if you move the DV proxies into the same folder as the M2T files the Shift Gears option will work just fine. Yes, they need to be in the same folder for the swap to work.


John Rofrano
May 22nd, 2006, 12:31 PM
If you downloaded from the camera to your PC with the HDV>DV camera option it's PAL DV Widescreen. Drop it on the Vegas timeline, right-click on it to bring up the properties dialog and look at the Media tab. It should be pretty obvious from the stream properties what type of file it is. Just look under Format. It will say DV or CineForm (not that the size of the frame wouldn’t give it away too) ;-)


Fred Foronda
May 22nd, 2006, 08:02 PM
After many attempts to get the supplied CF codec to work and Vegas was not operating correctly I had re-booted my computer. Vegas 6 software (CD) is not able to install anymore. Anyone knows whats going on? I will try tech support but they're closed at the moment.


Edward Troxel
May 22nd, 2006, 08:19 PM
Not sure how to get DVD A to see the drive but many people "prepare" in DVD A and the "burn" using something like Nero or Record Now.

Edward Troxel
May 22nd, 2006, 08:20 PM
Yep, you have to use the "Preset Manager" which is a free download from Sony. Glad you figured it out.

Edward Troxel
May 22nd, 2006, 08:23 PM
NOTE: some people have lost some of the default effects when uninstalling Vegas 5. If this happens, first try reinstalling Vegas 6 and if they're still gone reinstall Vegas 5.

Brian Luce
May 22nd, 2006, 09:08 PM
After many attempts to get the supplied CF codec to work and Vegas was not operating correctly I had re-booted my computer. Vegas 6 software (CD) is not able to install anymore. Anyone knows whats going on? I will try tech support but they're closed at the moment.


Is you're computer a little older? vegas 6 won't install on older computers sometimes., I had to use vegas 5.

Jeff Baker
May 22nd, 2006, 09:32 PM
Thanks, I had forgot of that alternative.

Fred Foronda
May 22nd, 2006, 09:44 PM
Nope, I previously had it up and running until I added the Connect HD trial verison. When it expried thats when I started to have problems. Thats why I rebooted my computer.

Rob Gregory-Browne
May 22nd, 2006, 10:03 PM
I'm new to HDV, via the A1U. I've been using Vegas since version 2, I believe. So let me get this straight:

In order to edit realistically in Vegas with HD footage, you have to render it down to DV. Then after you edit, you have to render again. But there' s no real point in rendering to HDV, because there's no real mechanism for delivery.

Am I understanding this correctly?

What's the difference between doing the conversion in Vegas and doing the conversion in the A1U during output/capture?

Douglas Spotted Eagle
May 22nd, 2006, 10:07 PM
Conversion in-camera:
You can never recapture frame accurately to have an HD master. YOu can only ever have an SD master.

Conversion in Vegas:
you can have an HD master, SD master, HDV master.

The rest is debatable. Although it takes longer, I prefer to convert in Vegas.

Michael Stowe
May 22nd, 2006, 10:18 PM
I'm new to HDV, via the A1U. I've been using Vegas since version 2, I believe. So let me get this straight:

In order to edit realistically in Vegas with HD footage, you have to render it down to DV. Then after you edit, you have to render again. But there' s no real point in rendering to HDV, because there's no real mechanism for delivery.

Am I understanding this correctly?

What's the difference between doing the conversion in Vegas and doing the conversion in the A1U during output/capture?

Basically...SD is now pretty much the only delivery opton, but with viable HD delivery options in the near future it is good to have an HD back up. You are actually not rendering the video to dv (atleast I don't believe) in vegas. You would use an intermediate codec which is similar to a layer in photoshop. You can then edit the video without degrading as much as you would by rendering the HD to DV. You then, from there, can go back to tape as HD or render to SD for DVD purposes (or for computer, etc..)

Michael Stowe
May 22nd, 2006, 10:21 PM
If it is a ConnectHD issue you should uninstall, which I am sure you have done. You also may need to get rid of the registry entries that are left behind which I will not get into since there is a risk involved with this. I just recently reinstalled Sony 6 without issue and had a trial version of ConnectHD onboard. What is the exact error you are getting?

Rob Gregory-Browne
May 22nd, 2006, 11:28 PM
Okay so what stops me from doing the following:

1. Do the conversion in camera during capture.

2. Edit in Vegas.

3. Render as needed in SD.

4. If and when I need an HD version in the future, simply recapture the original footage in HD and replace all the SD footage with the HD footage in the Media bin.

5. Render to HD.

I'm not sure I understand why this wouldn't work.

Fred Foronda
May 22nd, 2006, 11:29 PM
I load the cd and the intro vegas screen pops up along with the funky music in the background with the selections. I click on install vegas there a very long pause then an error comes up and reads: "Set up.exe Application error. The application failed to initialize properly (0XC0000006.)" That don't look so good. Should I reboot again?? This is so time consuming spent all day trying to figure this out.

Sean Seah
May 23rd, 2006, 06:48 AM
You were right John, Gearshift does force the files to be placed in the same folder. Silly me must have rendered both the DV proxy n CF files together is a different folder, den deleted the CF n tested if I could swap to m2t. Its working fine. Now to find out my other question on FX1 converted DV before I make a conclusion. Thanks again for the quick support!

Sean Seah
May 23rd, 2006, 06:50 AM
Oh yeah.. thaz a good tip I forgot. Anyway. I cant tell because my mini preview window at the lower corner doesnt have the 2 black bars when I have a m2t or Cf files on the time line, just like DV-PAL. Thaz why I cant tell the difference. I'm not sure if there is something wrong with the preview screen.

Michael Stowe
May 23rd, 2006, 07:51 AM
Okay so what stops me from doing the following:

1. Do the conversion in camera during capture.

2. Edit in Vegas.

3. Render as needed in SD.

4. If and when I need an HD version in the future, simply recapture the original footage in HD and replace all the SD footage with the HD footage in the Media bin.

5. Render to HD.

I'm not sure I understand why this wouldn't work.

Nothing that I can see. Many will say you get better results letting vegas do the conversion but many say they do not see a difference. Not sure about any editing you may do from the start though. If you had a lot of editing you may want to put it back on tape afterwards rather than redo everything. The experienced on here can give you the advantages and disadvantages.

Douglas Spotted Eagle
May 23rd, 2006, 07:53 AM
4. If and when I need an HD version in the future, simply recapture the original footage in HD and replace all the SD footage with the HD footage in the Media bin.


the lack of frame-accurate recapture would prevent you from accomplishing this at this time.

Rob Gregory-Browne
May 23rd, 2006, 08:43 AM
the lack of frame-accurate recapture would prevent you from accomplishing this at this time.

Ahh. Now that makes sense.

Maybe this will all be moot in a year or two when the computers have caught up to HD.