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Mike Kujbida
April 3rd, 2006, 12:42 PM
Douglas, the point is that sometimes, in spite of a user's best efforts (and the technical limitations of the DV format), there is a fringe around the subject being chroma-keyed. Using the SCC can help to clean up this extra fringing.

Mike Kujbida
April 3rd, 2006, 12:46 PM
Blush :-)

Thanks for the compliment.
After reading about this issue numerous times on various video forums and having the mode change come up as the solution, it was a good guess.
Glad you got it worked out.


Douglas Spotted Eagle
April 3rd, 2006, 01:19 PM
I'd be color correcting the image first; at event level or media pool level. Then when you assemble your master track, all the color corrections are intact on the master track.
Glad to hear you found the DVD useful!

Glenn Chan
April 3rd, 2006, 01:24 PM
Hi Jeff,
I'm glad you like the DVD.

To answer your question:
From what I understand, you have a multicamera shoot and you're wondering the best approach of tackling the project. One approach that would work well is:
Finish editing first before color correction.
If the three cameras don't match up, then match up their colors like the process I demonstrated on the DVD. Since the cameras are the same, the only thing that would be different between the cameras would be white balance and exposure (unless somebody messed with one camera's settings). It may be possible that some secondary color correction would be useful, but you probably don't need to touch it.

You can apply these effects at the media or trackFX level to just quickly apply the FX to each camera angle. Or if you know that you need to do more detailed color correction, you can apply the filters to each shot. Copy + paste event attributes will quickly copy filters over (copy from one clip, apply that to a group of clips). Paste event attributes will copy over other attributes like pan/crop, so be careful about that.

If you play through your sequence and find that there are some shots that stick out, then go in and color correct those shots (at the event FX level). To recap:
A- Match the camera angles first.
B- Then match shot to shot. This may not be necessary since it was shot in studio.

If you want to apply a look to the entire sequence, apply some FX at the video preview level. i.e. you might want to put in a bit of the color curves + secondary color corrector to make the image pop a little. You can play with the color corrector if you want to add a tint to the image.

If you need to apply a look to a sequence but not others, then you can use nesting.

I hope that answers your question.

Douglas Spotted Eagle
April 3rd, 2006, 01:25 PM
You can add an effect to an existing chain, which means you'd want to apply the chain first, and then apply the chromakey, and you can also move the chromakey forward in the chain after applying. It's a drag that Vegas removes plugins from the event when you apply a chain, no doubt.

Heath Vinyard
April 3rd, 2006, 07:49 PM
Ressurecting my own threads now. :)

This is what I'm thinking of doing with the third monitor:

1 PCI nvideo 6800 HDTV card (not sure of brand yet-dvi out)
1 Dell 2005FPW 20" monitor

This setup would be my preview monitor. Right now I have a dual vid nvidia AGP card running two ACER al1912's. I'd use this for workspace and the Dell for preview.

Anyone see any issue with this setup?

John McLaurin
April 3rd, 2006, 10:37 PM
Is there a way to know the exact length(time-in seconds) of a photo on the timeline as you stretch it out. I know you can set a preference for the still length in Vegas. In a former life I edited with a DPS Velocity which showed the time of a still if you clicked and dragged the edge out along the timeline.

Douglas Spotted Eagle
April 3rd, 2006, 11:08 PM
Double click it, this creates a selection. Look in the lower right corner of the timeline, you'll see the length indicated there. As you drag it out, you'll see the time indicator climb. Add the value of the indicator to the length of the selection, you'll have the total time.
Another option is to double click to know the length of existing, then in that time window, type in the desired length. The selection will size to that length, and you can drag your image to the end of the selection, giving you an image in place of exact length.

Jason Robinson
April 4th, 2006, 12:45 AM
2. You'll want to upgrade to Vegas ; )

I played with the demo of Vegas 6 and decided that there was no way I wanted the limited # of tracks that VMS provides. In just a demo I already had too many layers.

The first NLE I played with was Avid but their demo had the same problems... limiting the number of tracks. But they have to limit the Demo versions some how. I don't know if I like the water mark demos or the functionality limited demos. I think I prefer the watermarked ones. That way I can at least try to do what I think I need to do and get a good idea about what the full version will offer.


Fred Helm
April 4th, 2006, 08:57 AM
as you can see I have been almost ruined by a render issue. I see most of you started with an HDV project..I did not. I think I started with DV widescreen..can I change now that the project is done and still on the timeline? Ive got to try and correct the final image befoe i throw it away...and rebuild...uck

Douglas Spotted Eagle
April 4th, 2006, 09:07 AM
Yes...just change the project settings, undo any pan/cropping you might have going on, and you'll need to resize your titles. Otherwise, it should just fly for you.

John McLaurin
April 4th, 2006, 09:08 AM
Thanks Douglas, This forum ROCKS, compared to the old Velocity forum.

Fred Helm
April 4th, 2006, 09:21 AM
[QUOTE=Douglas Spotted Eagle]Yes...just change the project settings, undo any pan/cropping you might have going on, and you'll need to resize your titles. Otherwise, it should just fly for you.[/QUOTE Thanks Man! im trying it now. not sure what pan crop is. I have many stills in the project that I have resized to 16:9???? they are generally under a moving image with the video image as a composite "mask"..?

Douglas Spotted Eagle
April 4th, 2006, 10:47 AM
Pan/crop is likely what you used to set the 16:9 images in your stills... Look on the media, you'll see a little crop icon, or right click and choose "Pan/Crop from those settings.

Seth Bloombaum
April 4th, 2006, 10:51 AM
I have an m-audio MobilePre USB interface that is just fine. Does it sell for $150? It did. It opens up the world of xlr and phantom-powered mics, I think it's similar to what they include with the podcasting bundle.

The least expensive approach is the Samson CO1U, about $80, it's a large diaphram mic with an internal USB converter.

Bill Mecca
April 4th, 2006, 01:36 PM
Can't confirm this, but from one pic I saw, I think in BSW's catalog the software included with the Podcast factory, the screenshot in the ad looks a lot like the freeware Audacity.

if so, you might be better off purchasing a slighlty better mic and getting the software free.

Fred Helm
April 4th, 2006, 01:44 PM
Pan/crop is likely what you used to set the 16:9 images in your stills... Look on the media, you'll see a little crop icon, or right click and choose "Pan/Crop from those settings. Yes your right...i did use that a this problematic?

Mike McKay
April 4th, 2006, 02:51 PM
Vegas 6, FX1....can I mix 60i and CF30 in same project? Anyone do this, how does it look as mpeg2?

Douglas Spotted Eagle
April 4th, 2006, 03:19 PM
Absolutely. Looks fine, especially at SD resolutions. You'll notice a softening of the CF 30 compared to the 60i in HD resolutions, but some folks really like that look, me being one of them.

Dylan Pank
April 4th, 2006, 03:38 PM
It might look like old BBC TV drama and comedy productions. Pre 1990s, interiors were recorded on VT in a multi camera studio, and exteriors filmed single camera on 16mm.

In the 90s this approach fell out of favour, and shows were shot all video (as high quality video became more portable) or all film (for prestige productions more likely to be sold to the US).

The look will be different, so you should have some scheme as to what would be 60i and what CF30. What's the rational between swapping between them?

Ron Coleman
April 4th, 2006, 03:55 PM
The Podcast Factory sells for $150. The description indicates it comes with a professional quality microphone.

Jamie Hellmich
April 4th, 2006, 04:53 PM
Is this the correct Vegas 6.0 with DVD? Quite a bit cheaper than what Sony is offering. Sony is $575 for "upgrade from Platinum".;jsessionid=Gy44Jy6PpH!-1063885234?O=cart&A=details&Q=&sku=381028&is=REG

It looks the same to me, and I assume this is the "Pro" version with all the bells and whistles my Platinum does not have.



Douglas Spotted Eagle
April 4th, 2006, 05:00 PM
That indeed is the pro version. It may be that Sony is trying to not be too competitive with their dealers, therefore having the higher price.

Jamie Hellmich
April 4th, 2006, 05:04 PM
Thanks Douglas,

I had not checked pricing from other dealers and didn't realize it would be that much cheaper. Glad I saw the ad.

By the way, your book "HDV: What You NEED to Know" was included with Platinum and I enjoyed it.


Brian Vilevac
April 4th, 2006, 06:22 PM

Sony offered me an upgrade direct for $260.00ish. Try the following link:

Mike McKay
April 4th, 2006, 11:48 PM
Thanks guys, good to know. Not too worried about it for corporate stuff, but some documentary footage may benefit from switching to CF30 look, especially in low light situations where you gain a stop or so.

John Kang
April 5th, 2006, 05:41 AM
Don't forget that if you have kids or attending school, you can but software at academic prices.

You can get the full version of Sony Vegas 6 + DVD for around $300 at the academic price.

Just another option.

From the site, check the academic prices link which shows the sites selling it.

Fred Helm
April 5th, 2006, 10:07 AM
Finally spit out a clean render!!! Many issues with the template and the HC1 does not like a bright background with a darker moving object...I brought the contrast down on the vid track even slightly below scope and wammo! Dont run two tracks of titling, keep it all on one line. Clean and tight! My custom template was as follows.

best quality (good did not work)
top field first (bottom is unwatchable)
no second pass
192 for audio
3hours 15 minutes for 32 minute project.

We have been doing high motion off road stuff lately and will be doing a high def Gray Wolf doc this weekend..should be nice.

Richard Bender
April 5th, 2006, 10:58 AM
I can get Vegas 6 academic at a good price. What will +dvd do for me. I am not shooting or doing any HD right now and probably won't ...just bought a GL-2. I have been using Studio 10 and Liquid 5.5 and not real happy with the hang-ups.

Jean-Philippe Archibald
April 5th, 2006, 11:51 AM
If you don't plan to do any DVD, you don't have need for the +DVD version... +DVD will give you DVD Architech, a really good DVD authoring software.

Edward Troxel
April 5th, 2006, 11:53 AM
+DVD also gives the AC3 encoder!

Douglas Spotted Eagle
April 5th, 2006, 11:55 AM
Richard, the "HD" in the Vegas 6 marketing really takes away from what 6 is all about. HD is a great buzzword, but you'll be happy with 6 regardless. Using Liquid here as well, and really unhappy with the instability, even on a dual proc, fast machine. Sexy looking tho...:-)

The +DVD is important if you'll be authoring DVDs, because it contains the AC3 license, and you'll love the encoding. If you don't plan on doing any DVDs, then don't worry about it, but the two do go together as a suite, if you want the best of all worlds.

Paul Carlberg
April 5th, 2006, 12:32 PM
Has anyone tried rendering footage in Vegas to MPEG4 to play on an IPOD, PocketPC, or similar? I rendered a short clip and emailed to a friend of mine that has an IPOD but he indicated that only the audio worked. Thanks!


Chris Sigmon
April 5th, 2006, 03:08 PM
Does anyone know if Vegas 5 is optimized to take advantage of multiprocessor pc's? If so, how do I set the software to take advantage of the second processor. I have a Dual AMD Opteron 64, and I've heard rumors of close to real time rendering. What are some of your experiences.

Thanks for any help/insight you can offer.

Edward Troxel
April 5th, 2006, 03:25 PM
Vegas 6 has been but Vegas 5 was not. It WILL use both - one for video and one for audio which means one will be working really hard and one will be basically doing nothing. So... expect around 50% CPU usage (of course you could always open another instance of Vegas and continue editing!)

Seth Bloombaum
April 5th, 2006, 03:59 PM
I had *really* good luck with this. Documented here

I just used the template, then later tried again at reduced bitrate, check out the thread.

Does your friend know how to import video into an iPod? As I recall you have to go through iTunes, but my local iPod owner/operator is at school right now...

Jamie Hellmich
April 5th, 2006, 07:09 PM
Hey Brian,

I got the same offer. It is a good price for 6.0, but I believe I want the +DVD and AC-3 Audio package with it.

I think you need the AC-3 Audio function to use the Dolby audio encoding for DVD surround sound ability.

I do have the DVD Architect Studio which came with Platinum, and like it really well.

Perhaps some of the experts can correct me if I am wrong. If all I do need (want) is Vegas 6.0, then that is the route I would go, as it is a couple of hundred dollars cheaper. Anyone?

Edward Troxel
April 5th, 2006, 08:14 PM
I think you need the AC-3 Audio function to use the Dolby audio encoding for DVD surround sound ability.

You are correct. For the AC3, you need the "+DVD"

Jamie Hellmich
April 5th, 2006, 08:15 PM
Thanks Edward,

I am going to order as shown from B&H.


Peter Diamond
April 5th, 2006, 08:16 PM
Hello everyone. I actually have a question regarding Nero. I am trying to make a DVD movie that is a compilation of home videos. Nero has indicated to me that it is too large to fit on a 4.7 GB DVD and that either a DVD-9 disk must be used or quality will have to be reduced. I can't use DVD-9 disks, I do not want to loose quality and I have many added features (transitions, titles, chapters, etc.) that would be tedious to recreate so I am simply removing scenes that I can do without. Unfortunately, the size of the project does not reduce when I remove these clips. I literally removed a clip that was 2 GB and the size of the project did not change at all. In some cases it actually goes up when I remove clips. Is there some way to have Nero recalculate the project size without recreating it or reducing quality? Also, do you have any tips for reducing the project size of which I may not be aware?

Please note that I like to get as many responses as possible. If someone else has responded to this question, please feel free to respond anyway.

Thank you very much.

Peter Diamond

Fred Helm
April 5th, 2006, 09:25 PM
AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+ Toledo 1GHz HT 2 x 1MB L2 Cache Socket 939 Dual Core Processor - XP pro x 64?

Seth Bloombaum
April 5th, 2006, 09:36 PM
As I understand it that mobo & processor would be a solid performer with Vegas, but perhaps not optimal for native HDV. Still, it should chew through standard DV and HD intermediates (Cineform) for HDV just fine.

However, you want to stay away from the 64bit version of windows. At best, it does nothing for Vegas, at worst, Vegas may not run, according to reports such as this

Fred Helm
April 5th, 2006, 09:40 PM
As I understand it that mobo & processor would be a solid performer with Vegas, but perhaps not optimal for native HDV. Still, it should chew through standard DV and HD intermediates (Cineform) for HDV just fine.

However, you want to stay away from the 64bit version of windows. At best, it does nothing for Vegas, at worst, Vegas may not run, according to reports such as this
can you suggest what to replace with since i have my builder on line...? mobo that is...

Fred Helm
April 5th, 2006, 09:49 PM
I guess its a no go for 64 OS's? Then what should I have built for vegas?

Neil McLean
April 5th, 2006, 11:07 PM
Are there any decent scripts available to automatically render the project audio upon completion of the MPEG-2 render?

I'm using Vegas 6.0d (build 210) and DVDA 3.


Douglas Spotted Eagle
April 6th, 2006, 06:52 AM
DVDPrep ( will do both for you, and name them the same name, etc so they are found by DVD Architect and mated correctly.

Chris Sigmon
April 6th, 2006, 07:04 AM
Thanks, Ed for the reply..... I have been contemplating upgrading to Vegas 6, but I thought I'd wait til after NAB. Any rumors of a Vegas 7?

Paul Carlberg
April 6th, 2006, 10:56 AM
Seth, hit me over the head! I just noticed the Apple Ipod sub-menu. Thanks for the thread.

Richard Bender
April 6th, 2006, 10:58 AM
Thanks for the input.

I ordered both Vegas 6 +DVD....looking forward to learning it.

Seth Bloombaum
April 6th, 2006, 12:51 PM
I'm still working on a new computer spec, I'm sharing ideas rather than experiences.

Here are a couple of resources I've been reviewing.

A friend just built a couple of screamers based on ASUS SLI mobos, with nvidia chipsets and dual-core AMD.

Stay away from Via chipsets.

More HDV native m2t performance with the most expensive AMD dual-core processors.

Stay away from 64 bit Windows.