View Full Version : Vegas Video discussions from 2006 (Q1Q2)
Tom Johnson March 24th, 2006, 05:32 PM thanks guys for all the help so far with my?'s.. much apreciated. does anyone have a top dog way of getting my hdv footage from hc1 to a dvd the right way. seems like everything i do is uhhh not so great. I want to watch letterbox on a 4:3 tv. what are the settings you use ...i am using roxio to burn dvds. but what settings should i use for my template and render setting. i am not even messing with cineform yet till i get this correct. i need to know pixel aspect ration and frame rates to...please help i feel like i am doing something wrong and coming up with less than perfect results
Peter Jefferson March 25th, 2006, 03:19 AM particle illusion is a different beast altogether.. its a subcompositer (as i call it) as it does some really BASIC compositing... workable, but nothing al that tight. If u wanted to use PI engine with a decent compositor, id recommend Combustion, as it runs the same particle engine as PI <actually its THE particle engine of PI... Discrete just licensed it> so all ur PI emitters will work in there, BUT combustion is a super duper superior compositing program with a very steeeeeep learning curve..
as for effects, in general off the top of my head, theres Boris, Pixellan spicemaster/spicefilter/creative ease, umm.. oh theres wax, which is free, umm.. afew others littered here and there, but nothign like after effects im afraid..
Monday Isa March 26th, 2006, 07:41 AM Hi there,
I saw on a television show, don't remember which one, but on the intro to the show, they did this cool effect with the video, where it's one video playing but they had like 8 layer boxes in different shapes that over lap each other to create that scene, I also have seen another guy who has done weddings do this effect over a shot of the brides maids. It really looks nice, and I know that the images over lap each other, I don't know how they did it, to where the images that over lap were distinguishable, there was a black out line I believe. Again it was one scene in the video but cut into boxes. Any help? Sorry if this is hard to understand a bit, but I have the image in mind, and trying to explain the image could be hard sometimes. Thank you.
Jamie Hellmich March 26th, 2006, 09:03 AM I have searched the forum and found similar questions that (for me) led to "head spinning" discussions that did nothing but confuse me more.
Simply put...and regardless of down converting from the camera or within Studio Platinum...I can't find an option to render an mpg2 file in NTSC widescreen format with audio.
You can select the "NTSC Widescreen" option in project properties, but not in "Make Movie" or "Render As". I can select the " letterbox" option for NTSC DVD which is fine for my widescreen, but not for other displays or PC viewing. The aspect ratio is off, of course. (I'm getting away from simple). Also, when I do this, the clip aspect ratio is off when put in Vegas as well as is the icon on the DVD Architect menu.
I want to render widescreen mpg2 files with audio for archiving and burning to DVDs. I do not want them to have "built in" letterbox bars which ruins the clips for later editing, and requires me to "zoom" my apect ratio on my plasma display for viewing.
I can get the video format I want by selecting "DVD Architect NTSC Widescreen video stream", but of course with no audio.
Selecting "Burn to DVD" from "Make Movie" works great for the video format, but then I wind up with a separate audio and video file which does me no good except to use for burning a DVD with "DVD Architect" (which is a great program in my opinion).
This problem for me does not exist in Pinnacle Studio which I am switching over from. I simply render the movie and it shows fine on my widescreen in "full" aspect and my 4/3 television displays the letterbox bars and all is well.
Again, if I use the "DVD Architect Widescreen video stream" option in Vegas, I get the same desired result but with no audio.
I guess I could burn the DVD in DA, and then pull the file off of the DVD via "Import" from "DVD camcorder disk", but that is a workaround that should not be necessary.
Am I missing something here?
David Jimerson March 26th, 2006, 10:36 AM Do you mean, it's all one image, but it's split up into smaller, individual rectangles, which seem to overlap each other, maybe with some shadows, etc.?
Something like this?
This can be done by using multiple tracks, cropping, and track motion. Basically, you put the same video on, say, 8 different tracks, all starting and stopping at the same time. You then use the crop function to pick the parts of the image you want for each "sqaure". With a little 2D shadow in track motion. Then, for a neat effect, you can move the individual slices around and have the pcture sort of "assemble itself," if you want.
Assuming this is the kind of thing you meant.
John Rofrano March 26th, 2006, 10:44 AM The templates are yours to change as you see fit. Since audio and video are separate streams on a DVD the default options for widescreen video don’t include audio. But you can easily make your own template. Here’s what you do:
Choose File > Render As...
Select the "DVD Architect NTSC Widescreen video stream" template.
Press the Custom... button on the right
Select the Audio tab in the Custom Template dialog
Check the "Include audio steam" option
Place you cursor in the top Template combo box and give it a new name
Press the Save Template icon to save your new template
Press OK to apply this template to your render
You will never have to do this again. Now any time you want a widescreen render with audio just select your new custom template and your done.
Monday Isa March 26th, 2006, 12:00 PM David thanks! That's exactly what I was thinking. Cool, thanks for the input. 2D shadowing in the track motion, I didn't think about that.
Jamie Hellmich March 26th, 2006, 12:39 PM Thanks John,
But the "Custom" button is not available at that point, it is "grayed out".
Is this because I am using "Movie Studio Platinum"? It it is, I am REALLY disappointed. To this point I have really been impressed and pleased with Vegas software.
Edit: I actually went back and checked, all other "save as" formats allow use of the "custom" function. But MPEG-2 does not on my program (Vegas Studio Platinum 6.0A)
John Rofrano March 26th, 2006, 12:46 PM Ouch!, I didn’t realize that. I just checked and you are correct, the “Movie Studio” version of Vegas doesn’t support changing the MPEG templates. I have the pro version so I forgot that. (sorry) I would contact Sony support and see if they have a solution. It would seem logical that there was at least one MPEG2 template that was widescreen with audio.
John Rofrano March 26th, 2006, 12:49 PM Here is one "top dog" way. ;-) Go to the VASST website on the Freeware ( page and download DVDPrep ( It was designed specifically for people who just want to make a DVD and not be bothered with what template to choose. The options should be obvious. Select whether you are NTSC (in US & Japan) or PAL (everwhere else except France) and whether you want Normal 4:3 or Widescreen 16:9. DVD Prep will take care of the rest. It will also remember your last settings so you can just push the button and go next time.
Jim Rog March 26th, 2006, 01:27 PM Hello
i don’t know if this is possible or not but i have some footage with bright green rapped around my self and i want to replace the green with a picture or a video so when i am moving the video plays where the green was around my body
Please tell me if this can be done, and how, and if it can be done in vegas
Thank you for your time
Emre Safak March 26th, 2006, 01:33 PM Sure. It is called chroma key (
Edward Troxel March 26th, 2006, 01:34 PM Add the Chroma Key effect and pick that green color (using the eyedropper) and the green will become transparent.
Dean Orewiler March 27th, 2006, 03:38 PM I just purchased Vegas Movie Studio + DVD - which includes DVD architech Studio and ACID XMC....
First of all, I'm new to the video arena. This program is OVERWHELMING, at least to me....and I'm hoping there is something out there I can watch that will show somebody doing a project and showing how Vegas can edit it. If you know of anything, please let me know.
Also, I bought this software thinking that I can render the footage eventually to 24p...can this be done?? It's saying I have to have the full version, and somebody else told me I could do it with this....can I also crop to the widescreen format, too with this version.
Any help would be appreciated.
Dean Orewiler March 27th, 2006, 04:01 PM Also, if I cannot render in 24p in this version or do the 16:9 cropping, what single software plugin out there will work with this software so I can do it without going with their $600 full version?
On the version I have now, can I at least add a music track and a foley track?
Douglas Spotted Eagle March 27th, 2006, 05:37 PM for a tutorial DVD.
No, you cannot render to 24p MPEG with this application. You can do 25p, however. That's one of the differences between the pro app and the consumer version, is 24p conversion. You CAN do 24p avi with pulldown or not, but only in avi, not mpeg
Yes, you can add foley, V/O, etc with this version. 4 tracks of audio are possible.
Kyle Fasanella March 27th, 2006, 07:48 PM Hey guys I am attempting to create a DVD with files that are .AVI and need to be converted to mpeg 2 for DVD software to burn them. What is a good program to encode this and what are the settings? I am looking to get my stuff in the highest quality possible on a DVD that can be access by all.
I have tried getting DVD files with premiere pro, TMPG converter, and EVEN VEGAS. All I get are videos in really low quality and wrong aspect ratio. I seem to be very unlucky in this type of encoding and can’t spend any more hours testing out types of settings encoding. Please Help. I prefer to use Vegas with DVD Architect if possible.
I shoot HD and would like to keep as much quality as possible. What are some tips for keeping the video looking good? What’s the highest quality bit rate?
Please help me with settings.
Dean Orewiler March 27th, 2006, 08:17 PM i'm running into the same problem...maybe somebody can save us both.
Douglas Spotted Eagle March 27th, 2006, 08:19 PM Vegas with DVD Architect is all you need. You're delivering in SD, but you'll want to start with the HD template that you've (hopefully) been editing with.
Length of project is important. If you don't have length to worry about (sub 60 mins) then render to 8.5Mbps, avg at 6Mbps or so, and render to the widescreen format if you want the best. Set the sampling to BEST, not GOOD, and let er' rip. We do this at least 2-3 times a day if not more, and quality from HDV to SD is not a problem, factor, or issue.
Dean Orewiler March 27th, 2006, 09:19 PM How does Vegas Movie Maker + DVD plat compare to Adobe Premiere 2.0 Pro?? I just purchased Vegas, and I'm not too happy that I can't give it a 24p rendering in MPEG and I can't do a 16:9 transfer with sound...Premiere can do both from what I have been told...Any ideas??
Douglas Spotted Eagle March 27th, 2006, 09:45 PM First, Vegas *can* do a 16:9 export with sound, where did you get information it can't? Of course it can.
Second, you're comparing a $99.00 application to a 499.00 application. If you wanna compare Vegas (full version) to Premiere Pro, that's different. They each have their merits, but you'll find that in this forum at least, folks like Vegas better. In many avenues, Vegas is superior. That said, Premiere Pro can't do a decent 24p conversion, just look at the forums for confirmation of this. I've got PP2, and it stinks at converting. Vegas is superior to all but the most expensive tools. Why do you want 24p anyway? What is your reasoning behind the demand that no other consumer app can do?
Peter Jefferson March 27th, 2006, 11:54 PM DSE beat me to it, but asking this q is like asking what the differences are between a VW and a maseratti...
but when comparing Vegas with PP2, then u might have a viable comparison subject
Peter Jefferson March 28th, 2006, 12:08 AM or u can use pixellan spicemaster and create it much faster using AB edit tracks and using the PiPs available through that, basically treat it as a transition .. hell u can even animate the frames and displace them too for a much more organic look
I do this all the time for dance parties etc but not for weddings
Dean Orewiler March 28th, 2006, 07:20 AM what would you suggest for getting as a plug-in to get the things the full version of Vegas can do - like the 24p conversion. I guess you guys might be able to tell me what is demanded in festivals for the best quality. I have an XL1S that takes amazing video, but I made a DVD last night from Vegas Movie Maker and it was noisy and highlights were blasted out from the original footage. Can you direct me in what may be wrong. I also want to shoot with the 16:9 guides and crop to widescreen with sound with Vegas movie maker. Can I do this with this software? I really thought this program would be a more user friendly than it is. It seems to have been written by technical / software gurus instead of people who will actually use it.
Monday Isa March 28th, 2006, 08:06 AM Hey Peter thanks for your input as well, but I don't know anything about pixellan spicemaster, can you explain that software or plugin. Sounds cool though. Thanks
Douglas Spotted Eagle March 28th, 2006, 09:02 AM
They just created a new product as well, and have a demo for you to use.
Well worth the free look and tryout, IMO.
Steven Davis March 28th, 2006, 10:06 AM I seem to remember that it did. It's a shame that Vegas 6 doesn't.
Steven Davis March 28th, 2006, 10:07 AM [QUOTE=Douglas Spotted Eagle]First, I'd recommend upgrading to 6d.
It appears that between fixing the missing embedded file, and upgrading to 6d, the issue has been resolved. Thanks for your help.
Edward Troxel March 28th, 2006, 10:41 AM You mean render OUT to flash? Vegas 4 did not render to flash.
Douglas Spotted Eagle March 28th, 2006, 10:50 AM I seem to remember that it did. It's a shame that Vegas 6 doesn't.
Screenblast (early version of Vegas Movie Studio) did do export to Flash, but only one version, to my knowledge. No version of the full app has ever exported to Flash.
Steven Davis March 28th, 2006, 11:47 AM Ok, this is a perfect example of what tequila does to the brain. Thanks guys.
Mike McKay March 28th, 2006, 12:54 PM Ok, I just switched from Premiere to Vegas 6d. It's been tough, but Vegas is quickly growing on me. I shot some stuff with my FX1 in HDV and downconverted in camera into a new file with Widescreen NTSC DV settings.
On the timeline, everything looks great, but in the Preview monitor window it's squashing my clips into non 16:9 distorted image?
I tried another 'new file' setting, I think it was regular NTSC DV (non wide) and it put black bars top and bottom to make 16:9.
I'm new so bear with me.........does the Vegas preview window not show "full" 16:9? Looks like the aspect ratio of it's monitor is always 4:3 ish....even un-docked etc. Is this right?
David Jimerson March 28th, 2006, 01:01 PM Right-click on the preview window and choose "Simulate Device Apsect Ratio." You can also choose this in Preferences.
Mike McKay March 28th, 2006, 03:17 PM Ok that was stupidly easy. Thanks. I hppe you guys don't have to answer to many repetative noob questions on this site. I did search for awhile.
However, what does 'simulate' mean? Is the preview not dealing with the native aspect ratio?
Right-click on the preview window and choose "Simulate Device Apsect Ratio." You can also choose this in Preferences.
Douglas Spotted Eagle March 28th, 2006, 03:23 PM Computer displays are square pixel, and Vegas works under that premise, so it must "simulate" the aspect ratio rather than actually provide it, because the rest of the display is still showing square PAR.
Mark Duckworth March 28th, 2006, 07:30 PM Hi,
I am having this irritating problem. When I split a clip the audio portions of the now two clips are set to fade out and then in at the split point. So it looks like this \|/ . I have tried turning automatic crossfades off and on and auto-ripple. It is just an every so slight fade that you can't see unless you expand the time line so you can shuttle frame by frame but you can hear it. I have been going through and manually fixing this but it is starting to really bug me. I have Vegas 6D and I am working with HDV. If anyone has any fixes or suggestions it is appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Edward Troxel March 28th, 2006, 08:01 PM Turn off: Options - Quickfade Audio Edits
Mark Duckworth March 28th, 2006, 10:08 PM Perfect. Thank you.
Bob Grant March 28th, 2006, 11:25 PM Depending on how you're editing your audio you might very much prefer to have those small fades.
Without it you can get a cut between two samples that are dramatcially different in level (from say a positive to negative value) and it sounds horrible, that's why that small fade is there. I find these little nasties in a lot of video edited in other not so audio aware NLEs.
Graham Bernard March 29th, 2006, 12:48 AM Computer displays are square pixel, and Vegas works under that premise, so it must "simulate" the aspect ratio rather than actually provide it, because the rest of the display is still showing square PAR.
Ah-hAH!! Thanks Mr.D! - That's another "mystery" sorted out. Or maybe it was your "Plain-English" that did it for me? [PAR=pixel aspect ratio]- Vegas IS very clever to do this - yes? - Grazie
Sean Seah March 29th, 2006, 07:06 AM Hi guys. I have 2 short clips here which I think r really nice. The first, is the writing text effect. I like to know what software can I use to create that. The example below writes chinese text.
Second effect is warping of an entire block of characters. IT looks as if the text block is rotating about an axis. At the same time, blocks of images fly in to fill the screen. Its look like an AE production to me. Can it be done in Vegas 6?
Jeff Mack March 29th, 2006, 11:13 AM My timecode has been eating my lunch. Here's a quick synopsis. I did a 3 cam shoot in HDCam 1080 60i. I captured the footage via firewire & a J-h3 deck. My intention is to do the SD ofline in Vegas 6 D and my partner to take my EDL's and do the Online in HD. My edl's don't work because Vegas is picking up different t/c. How I know that is that when I captured my footage, I set the deck to superimpose the t/c on the image. When I tell vegas to add the t/c to the media, it adds some other funky t/c that is way off. Hence my edl's don't sync. Sony showed me how to use eser set t/c on each media. I then went to the beginning of the clip and wrote down the t/c superimposed and went to media properties ands added that as my starting t/c. I'm almost through when I realize that two cams were on drop frame and one was on non-drop. Can anyone tell me if the selection of drop/non-drop must be made prior to capture? My t/c's still drift about 5 seconds in 3 minutes which I guess is due to drop frames.
David Ellis March 29th, 2006, 07:53 PM I purchased Movie studio + DVD platinum and found out that this program is quite difficult to learn. Does anyone know of any beginner training videos for this program? I really appreciate the great information from this website. Take care and GOD bless!
Randy Stewart March 29th, 2006, 08:44 PM David,
VASST just released their training DVD for VMS. See it here: There's 4 hours of instruction. It's only $49 too. I've got one coming. Looks really good.
Randy Stewart March 29th, 2006, 09:00 PM VASST has just released a plug-in that will make your video look like a sketch or cartoon and several other very cool effects. It's only $39 too. Check it out here: I gotta get this.
Edward Troxel March 29th, 2006, 09:13 PM You can also look over my newsletters ( While written for the full version, most aspects apply to the movie studio versions as well.
Douglas Spotted Eagle March 29th, 2006, 09:19 PM LOL, there are also several dozen tutorials and downloadable training files that will open in Vegas Movie Studio that can be found at the VASST ( website as well.
but overall, you can't beat the forums for good information, and getting it fasst.
Look how fast you got 3 responses to your "training resource" question!
Patrick King March 30th, 2006, 06:27 AM David,
Even though I own Vegas now, I recently downloaded one of the Studio product trials and though I haven't installed it yet, I saw that it comes with a series of free Tutorials. If you haven't done all of those then that's exactly where you should start. It will explain the Vegas interface and basic workflow.
Mr. Troxel's Newsletters are the next logical step (free and quite an education) and these will lead you to two conclusions:
1. You'll want to buy some quality instruction to get your money's worth, and Mr. Douglas Spotted Eagle is a huge favorite in this area.
2. You'll want to upgrade to Vegas ; )
Jeff Toogood March 31st, 2006, 07:56 AM I have down up a rough draft of a project for a client. I would like to display some sort of timecode or minute counter on the frame somewhere. So they can watch it and make notes of changes etc.
Is there a way to do this in Vegas?
Edward Troxel March 31st, 2006, 08:43 AM Just add a Sony Timecode effect to one of the tracks.