View Full Version : Nighttime test of 5D Mark II in Native 24P

Randy Chia
March 16th, 2010, 06:22 PM
Hey all,

Just wanted to a post a quick nighttime test of the 5D Mark II's native 24P (Firmware 2.0.3).

Initial Thoughts:
1. Rolling shutter is still really apparent but as always, is minimized with the right stabilization. It's pretty apparent in some shots that didn't end up in here.
2. Great to have the lowlight functionality with 24P. Definitely been missing that when using the 7D as of late.
3. The weird artifacts on bright objects is still apparent. You can see it on one of the flood lights a few shots in.

Drake (native 24p test on the 5dmk2 2.0.3) on Vimeo

Richard Gooderick
March 18th, 2010, 04:11 AM
3. The weird artifacts on bright objects is still apparent. You can see it on one of the flood lights a few shots in.

Thanks. Could you give a timing for the artefacts. I looked twice and missed it.

Matthew Roddy
March 18th, 2010, 04:35 PM
Check out the left-most light at 21-22 seconds, for one example.

Tony Davies-Patrick
March 18th, 2010, 05:00 PM
The black spot could possibly be connected with tiny marks on one of the outer or inner glass elements. Take a look closely also at a small spot which enters the scene just after the lens flares and is directly above the blackspot on the lamplight.
That Richard missed it during normal viewing shows that it is not a truly serious problem for most scenes.

Randy Chia
March 18th, 2010, 05:44 PM
The black spot could possibly be connected with tiny marks on one of the outer or inner glass elements. Take a look closely also at a small spot which enters the scene just after the lens flares and is directly above the blackspot on the lamplight.
That Richard missed it during normal viewing shows that it is not a truly serious problem for most scenes.

Not a problem with a glass element. Just stumbled across this...

16x9 Cinema | Video Production | Photography | Motion Graphics | Visual Arts | Atlanta, Georgia - Blog - Black Dot Problem Reported on Firmware 2.0.3Update (

Tony Davies-Patrick
March 18th, 2010, 05:59 PM
Thank you for the link, Randy. I hope it's not another firmware issue...or reverting back to the old black spot problems seen in the first issued 5D-2 bodies.

It only seems to be happening in badly blown out highlights or very overexposed scenes and bright street lights in a night scene. I've not noticed it in clips where a bright sun is part of the scene.
I'll try some tests with my cameras over the next few weeks to see if it is going to be a major problem.