View Full Version : Neutral vs Faithful Picture Styles

Stan Chase
March 16th, 2010, 03:16 AM
What's everyone's opinion on the various stock Picture Styles? I find Neutral and Faithful useful, depending on the scene I'm shooting. Faithful seems to add a 'warmth' to the image that Neutral lacks, but Neutral seems to match what my eyes see when shooting.

The usual answer is modify Neutral with Contrast and Saturation down for grading purposes. But, I'm looking for the best looking results 'without' grading. Once I settle on what editing software to use, I'll do the usual suggestions.

Jon Fairhurst
March 16th, 2010, 01:50 PM
According to a Canon rep at an intermediate course, Faithful is supposed to be the most true to real life. Personally, I prefer Neutral.

Stan Chase
March 16th, 2010, 03:09 PM
This review for the 7D also mentions Faithful as being the most accurate for color..especially skin tones:

Canon EOS 7D Digital Camera Review - Canon DSLR - (

The T2i and 7D share the same sensor tech so I would think the results would be close to the same. Most of their reviews I take with a giant grain of salt but this seems to verify what the Canon rep said.

Stan Chase
March 18th, 2010, 01:07 PM
Here we have a post from another forum claiming a Canon rep said Neutral is the way to go for best OOC PQ..geez :

From the mouths of CANON: how to make the 5D look great - Page 4 - -- The online community for filmmaking (