View Full Version : Just a random day in the slopes

Christofer Thelin
March 15th, 2010, 11:43 AM
For once I got to just go to the slope to ride, not to shoot some pro-riders do insane stuff.. just.. just be sixten again and ride basicly.

Hade some friends with me and I got the 550D as a crash cam to compleat my larger kit (containg the EX1 asf.) on friday so I feelt it was the right time to try it out.

This is the somewhat shaky result. All handheld.

Nice little camera but were sensitive to camera shake.. even with the action grip it cant be compared with a larger camera like the EX1.

Christofer Thelin
March 16th, 2010, 06:18 AM
Sorry, noticed that the link was broken.. fixed it

Gabe Hoeffken
March 19th, 2010, 02:44 AM
Nice video. Pretty brave taking your cam over that kicker. I don't think I ride well enough for something like that. Makes me want to hit the slopes.

Christofer Thelin
March 20th, 2010, 01:15 PM
Ahh, na that kicker is just a small bump ;)

Just get out and start hitting the kickers, im glad I dont have to jump behind the proīs for once.. These days the jumps are just insane..

But itīs fun just to ride for once, as I wrote earlier, these days I mostly stand on the side and shoot when others ride, sucks, but thatīs what you get when you grow older.. canīt be on top of the game forever iīam afraid..

The three of us used to ride alot back in the days, Sampo acculy rode for Forum snowboards (the guy in all black) I pretty much lived in Breck/Keystone 2004-2006.. I guess you find some videos around the net somewere where my hair was longer and the attitude more juvenile ;)

Cheers and thanks for watching, will be more soon, going on tour/shoot with RipCurl/TTR/Nitro Snowboards asf now for a couple of weeks