Herm Stork
November 2nd, 2002, 08:36 PM
I have had a hot pixel (in the bottom right hand corner) on my GL-1 that last 5 or 6 times I used it. It does show up on playback on a monitor. Today, no hot pixel in the bottom right corner BUT I now have one in the top left corner (shows up on playback on monitor). Has anyone else experienced the 'moving' hot pixel?
Of course, the GL-1 is off warranty...I will be sending it in shortly. Canon will probably think I'm nuts - moving hot pixels!
Also, has anyone had their GL-1 with a hot pixel repaired? - I'm curious as to the cost.
Don Donatello
November 3rd, 2002, 11:48 AM
i had hot pixels where 1 would not show up till camera was ON for approx 30 min ..and the other hot pixel wouldn't show up till camera was ON for 1 1/2 hr
if you have clips that you need that have the HOT pixel .. you can MASK it/them ... several ways to do it ..
Don Palomaki
November 3rd, 2002, 01:02 PM
Hot pixels tend to appear more often in low light situations. That could cause some to come and go.
Herm Stork
November 3rd, 2002, 04:19 PM
Every time the hot pixel appears within the first 2-3 minutes of shooting and continues throughout the tape. I was shooting in a pretty bright church this last time.
I do need to use some of the clips...what are the ways to mask the hot pixel?
Don Donatello
November 5th, 2002, 09:56 PM
In Vegas Video
you use the TLTLE generator above the Video track that has the HOT PIXEL .. . start with 12 pt font .. now type a . (period that 's all you will use .)
now using PLACEMENT you can move that period anywhere in the frame so put the PERIOD right on TOP of the hot pixel .. now you can adjust the size of the PERIOD (.) to the hot pixel by changing font size
next PROPERTIES using the eye dropper take a sample of the color around the HOT PIXEL - now the period will be that color.
the HOT pixel will always be in the same spot. if camera pans/subject moves/changes just the color around the hot pixel will change .. you can change the color of the PERIOD (.) to match the changing area around hotpixel using KEY FRAMES & the eye dropper
if you don't have VV - just apply above to your editor. should be similar ...
Herm Stork
November 6th, 2002, 10:31 AM
Thanks for the 'fix' for the hot pixel.
Herm Stork