View Full Version : Vegas crashes with NeoPlayer's codec

Eugenia Loli-Queru
March 12th, 2010, 07:15 PM
I have 3-4 different installations of Vegas on this PC, all installed in parallel (no collisions). I used to have NeoHD installed on the same PC, and later the NeoSCENE trial, it all worked fine. Then, I uninstalled that (clean slate as far as Windows Uninstaller was concerned), and installed the NeoPlayer. Both the previous version and the current one in beta cause ALL installed versions of Vegas to crash here, 100% reproducible. Vegas crashes when it tries to read the CF files and create thumbnails. The .dll that's causing Vegas to crash is Cineform's according to the very small error message that pops up (nothing of substance really, just an 0x address).

Please note that I have renamed the old cfhd.dll that Vegas Pro used to come with, in order to force Vegas to load the VfW NeoPlayer version instead of its own. If you're going to test this, please make sure that only NeoPlayer's version is available to Vegas.

Also, NeoPlayer does work just fine inside media players (e.g. WMP), it's only Vegas that's crashing with it. XP SP3 32bit, 3 GB of RAM, Pentium 4 at 3 Ghz.

Eugenia Loli-Queru
March 13th, 2010, 08:57 PM
You can ignore this question, I filed a support ticket with Cineform instead, with more info.

Michael Wisniewski
March 17th, 2010, 09:24 AM
Were you able to find a solution? Just ran across the same thing myself.