View Full Version : Southland HD-DSLR Meetup Group

Emrys Roberts
March 11th, 2010, 06:11 PM
Southland HD-DSLR (Burbank, CA) - (
Since I moved to LA, I’ve been searching for a good meetup group to network and meet local talent. Unfortunately I wasn’t finding too many groups that specialized in cinematography that I would have easy access to.

I attended Philip Blooms HD-DSLR Meet up down in Venice, CA (The LA HD-DSLR meet up. Lots of pics taken with Noktor F0.95 lens and AMAZING pro HD-DSLR RIG! | Philip Bloom ( last weekend, and had a lot of fun. I was able to meet some great people that live and work locally and are starting to become HD-DSLR shooters. I wanted to keep attending these types of meetups locally, but realized that I really couldn’t find any groups that had this same focus. So rather then wait for one to come around, I decided to start one myself.

My hope is to make a very solid HD-DSLR and cinematography meetup group to network, make friends, and even have a way to learn something new if possible. So if your in the southland area and want to get connected with other shooters, click the link above and join the group. We’ll try to meet every month and possibly change up the venue if we can, possibly even find new interesting places to shoot. :)