View Full Version : Waiting on my HDR-AX2000 to arrive...
Sherri Nestico March 11th, 2010, 01:40 PM tomorrow. It will be replacing my HVR-V1U that I put out to pasture when I got my Panasonic HMC-40 last year. Not having to fiddle with Firestores and their added weight has been fabulous.
Would it be safe to assume the shotgun mike that came with the V1U will also work on the AX2000? I want to re-use as much of the accessories from the V1U as I can.
Ladd Bodem March 11th, 2010, 02:06 PM Hi Sherri,
Congrats on the AX2000. I love to see a real world comparison of the HMC-40 and the AX2000 from your prospective.
Adam Gold March 11th, 2010, 07:36 PM The mic will work, but you should probably set AUDIO TRIM to +12dB. This according to the Z5 manual, which specifies that the newer XM1 included with the Z5 and NX5 needs trim set to zero, but the older NV1 mic supplied with the V1 needs a setting of +12.
Sherri Nestico March 11th, 2010, 09:29 PM OK, thanks for the tip, Adam!
Knowing me, I'll be up all night tomorrow fiddling with it.
Bob Krieger March 12th, 2010, 09:59 AM Sherri, In your opinion, how did the V1U compare with the HMC-40 lookwise, low light situations, and in ease of editing? I know the V1U is HDV tape based and the HMC uses SD cards. Also, if I'm not prying, why did you select the AX-2000 over the NX5U? There seems to be just a $500.00 difference and it seems to me that the extra record modes, possibility of getting the FMU later on, HD-SDI , and other future proofing options would make it worth the extra bucks.
I'm going to be making a purchase this summer to replace my venerable PD-170 this summer and am looking at all sorts of options. Tape based is also still on the table! Thanks!
Ladd Bodem March 12th, 2010, 10:20 AM Also I think the NX5U comes with GPS, a bigger battery and the ECM-XM1 Microphone. I agree that the $500 difference seems to favor the NX5U.
Ron Evans March 12th, 2010, 11:30 AM Difference in Canada is even less at around $200 to $300. That is why I got the NX5U
Ron Evans
Sherri Nestico March 12th, 2010, 11:36 AM Bob,
Both the HMC-40 and the V1U are outstanding in daylight. But strangely enough, one of the reasons I got the HMC-40 is that I wanted to see if other similar cameras sucked in low lighting as badly as the V1U does (or did for me anyway). The icing on the (wedding) cake was when I was shooting pre-wedding b-roll inside my cousin's house at mid-day with the V1U and no external light. The footage was horrible! I cranked up the gain and most of what I got was a grainy mess.
I can happily report that the HMC-40 does very well in low light, even with the gain cranked up to about +18. And as far as ease of editing, Premiere Pro CS4 can handle HD files now, but not terribly smoothly unless you have a super-fast computer. Since I used a Firestore on the V1U, there wasn't really any difference in the work flow between the two cameras - it's just plugging in a Firestore vs. plugging in an SDHC card to dump the files.
And as far as my choosing the AX over the NX, it's just basically that I don't need all the extra bells and whistles the NX has. My work is 100 percent Web-based breaking news, so I don't need a lot of record modes or tweakability.
Bob Krieger March 12th, 2010, 12:23 PM Ah.. very cool! Thanks for the quick response. I'm definitely considering going completely digital. I have the machine to handle the files and have even tested some og the AVCHD files floating around on my editor (CS4, Win7 64 bit, 12GB Ram, etc.). Not a prob!
I am leaning more toward a Sony product because I already have a dearth of Sony batteries, LANC controller, etc. that would plug right into an AX200/NX5U. I'd have to start from scratch going Pany, but if the price were right and the pictures clean, I'd do it.
One last nosy question... are you buying the cam for yourself or is the paper (web news guys) buying it for you? I'm asking because I'm always interested in corporate reasoning over personal reasoning!
(I find personal reasoning usually more reasonable!... if that makes any sense!)
Adam Gold March 12th, 2010, 12:55 PM Bob,
DV Tape is completely digital as well. Your PD170 isn't any less digital than the NX5. And I think you mean "plethora". Dearth means shortage. Plethora means surplus or a lot of something. ;-)
Bob Krieger March 12th, 2010, 01:46 PM Adam,
I have been properly shamed. Yes, I meant "Plethora" not "dearth" and I realize also that DV tape IS digital as well. I meant to say solid-state and not tape based.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go stand in a corner for a while with my nose against the wall.
Sherri Nestico March 12th, 2010, 01:56 PM Hey again Bob,
I'm buying the camera myself. I'm a gadget freak and I've had Sony camcorders over the years and really like them.
The company bought two V1Us and Firestore FS-4s about two years ago to shoot prep sports. They made the decision to buy the V1Us because one of our junior photogs attended a video bootcamp and that was the camera used in the bootcamp. (I actually had pushed for the V1U previously, but the company kept resisting. The bootcamp somehow validated my choice. Love their logic.) After one season of shooting, the cameras were packed away and are hardly used unless we're working on a special video project.
Bob Krieger March 12th, 2010, 03:19 PM That's kinda what I thought would happen. I worked for a company here in south LA that asked my opinion on camera gear and such. They wanted a three camera studio with studio cams that doubled as field cams.
At the time I suggested BetacamSP rigs and BetaSP decks in the studio. The PVW(?)1800 series was coming out and they wanted good gear but wanted to be frugal as well. They bought nice DXC327 cams with Hi8 VTR's!!! The source decks were also Hi8 and one of the principals of the company knew someone who could get a deal on equipment and we ended up with MII mastering decks! Later on, we edited on the VideoCube nonlinear system and kept mastering to MII, even though we always had to send the master out to be dubbed onto Beta for broadcast.
It seems most of the "bosses" aren't going for what works, but for what works their budget only!
(As a side note; I do rememer a number of times I had to set up the studio with the three cameras on weekends because the bosses, who weren't married, liked to take potential girlfriends through there to impress them! They even had one wall painted Chromakey Blue to get that "pro" look even though we had NO chromakey ability!)
Sherri Nestico March 12th, 2010, 08:56 PM Hi all,
After a rough day - torrential downpours all day, getting into a fight with the guys at the body shop over my car - I am finally checking out the AX2000.
I'm having a bit of a snit with the gain control. Logic would dictate that it works similarly as the V1U. Apparently not. I am now immersed in the owners manual.
I have to say, it's a very substantial-feeling camera. Can't wait until I can finally figure it out...:)
Bob Krieger March 13th, 2010, 09:46 AM Sherri, love your HMC-40 videos! Can't wait so see what you can do with your new baby!
Daniel Casper March 21st, 2010, 10:21 PM Hi all,
After a rough day - torrential downpours all day, getting into a fight with the guys at the body shop over my car - I am finally checking out the AX2000.
I'm having a bit of a snit with the gain control. Logic would dictate that it works similarly as the V1U. Apparently not. I am now immersed in the owners manual.
I have to say, it's a very substantial-feeling camera. Can't wait until I can finally figure it out...:)
Hi on this board:) I just got my AX2000 last Monday and I agree, the iris and gain is really wierd to say the least. Be carefully of the little toggle switch next to the iris button. I did a musical and the ax2000 was one of the cameras I used. The button was set in the h, or High mode, which I wasn't aware of and I had to turn the iris down to f11, almost close to get a decent picture. The grain in the video was horrible!!! I now figured out to set it on the l, or Low setting and adjust the Iris from there. I am still learning with this camera. It has a lot of settings and if we don't know, or learn how to operate it, there is going to be a lot of bad footage! I shot with it again tonight a talent show, with better results. What I found so far, my picture quality, for stage performance on my old vx2000's still seems better than my new ax2000. The picture seems soft and I still can't get the clear, vivid picture, like my vx2000's do. I still have a lot of work to do to figure it out. I was shooting in the sd mode.
The hi def on this came is awesome and the picture quality is great. But then I was outside in bright light. The slow motion record feature is awesome as well. Lots to learn. Please share what you find if anyone is using the new camera.
Ron Evans March 22nd, 2010, 07:21 AM I assume the AX is like the NX5U so the manual switch just means manual is allowed. The switches for gain and iris have to be set for them to go to manual and the levels for each one of the gain switch positions are set in the menu. IF you have the display on ( if its like the NX) the iris, gain and shutter speed will show on the LCD with an A next to them if they are in auto. Pressing the gain switch or the little iris button will toggle between auto and manual.
Ron Evans
Michael Murie March 22nd, 2010, 09:39 AM What I found so far, my picture quality, for stage performance on my old vx2000's still seems better than my new ax2000. The picture seems soft and I still can't get the clear, vivid picture, like my vx2000's do. I still have a lot of work to do to figure it out. I was shooting in the sd mode.
Do HD based video cameras - as a rule - produce SD footage that's as good as a good SD camera? The downsampling the camera has to perform (on the fly) to go from the HD to SD probably makes it difficult.
Ron Evans March 22nd, 2010, 10:14 AM The SD on the AX2000 and the NX5U is MPEG2 at 9mbps which is not as good as DV. IF you are going straight to DVD it may have some use but if you want to edit then likely the final output will not be as good as using the HD files and then downconverting after editing. IF all your needs are SD then likely the FX1000 would be a better choice as this will record DV to tape.
Ron Evans
Daniel Casper March 28th, 2010, 11:17 AM Is it better to record 1080 footage in 60i, or 30p? Thanks:)
Ron Evans March 28th, 2010, 11:50 AM It depends what you mean by better? IF you want smooth motion then record 60i if your intent is video for the WEB then 30p is OK. I personally don't like the slow frame rates so 60i or 60P is it for me. 30P is not part of the Bluray spec and SD DVD is interlace so if either of those is your final then 60i will be better.
Ron Evans
Daniel Casper March 29th, 2010, 07:42 PM Thanks Ron:)