View Full Version : Charles Papert: Man of Many Talents!

Lorinda Norton
March 9th, 2010, 05:18 PM
Yes, Charles is known as SOC, Cinematographer, Steadicam Guru, and more, but...Actor?

This clip from several years ago has been posted before but not in its own thread. Like a lot of people here I've been a huge Charles Papert fan for many years now--like back when he posted helpful comments on shooting with the XL1s, among other things. (Remember the great behind-the-scenes info with pics he posted on the Jerry Seinfeld American Express ad?) Then there's his Steadicam advice, so-easy-to-understand lighting tips, and so on. Asked why he takes so much time to help on the board his response was something to the effect that he wanted to give back as his friend and mentor Garrett Brown had given of his time and experience. (Sorry if I mangled that explanation, Charles.)

So as a tribute to this great guy and his generosity to DV Info Net here's another look at his cameo appearance in an episode of Scrubs--in case some of his other fans missed it. I've watched it several times and laughed every time. Charles, you are a master at everything you do! : Steadicam Shot by Charles Papert from Scrubs (

Don Bloom
March 9th, 2010, 05:28 PM
Personally I think he should have been in the running for an Emmy. Great performance, really into character, hit his marks on every take. What more could you want from an actor.


Charles Papert
March 9th, 2010, 06:58 PM
For extra credit, see "befuddled labtech"'s more subtle command performance here:

YouTube - Dr.Cox Destroys a Lab (

Don Bloom
March 9th, 2010, 08:11 PM
Yes, a true gem of workmanship. The look on your face was, well, befuddled. Beautiful work worthy of the highest recognition possible.

(One would think I'm kissing a** here but really I just have a somewhat sardonic and cynical sense of humor and I know Charles knows that. Errr, you do know that right Charles?)

Lorinda Norton
March 10th, 2010, 01:02 AM
Ha ha! Love the glasses...but I still like the other appearance best.

I miss Scrubs. You must have had a blast working on that show.

Charles Papert
March 10th, 2010, 12:43 PM
Don, explanation aside it's pretty clear you are hitting on me. I'm batting my eyelids shyly in response.

Lorinda, yeah, the first time was the winner, I think I was actually trying to dial it down the second time. Although I recall that when ducking my head back out after the window breaks, at least on a few takes I did the "pushing glasses back on nose" bit that the situation called for and the editor didn't use it.

"Scrubs" was a lot of fun, especially in the first season (I did two). A lot of laughs.

Don Bloom
March 10th, 2010, 03:13 PM
yeah my wife batted her lashes like that at me once. Damn, that was 41 years ago.
Sorry Charles, but I know you're a taken man. <Sigh!>


BTW, what have you been up to lately? Any new stuff to look forward to watching?

Matt Buys
March 31st, 2010, 08:43 PM
I loved watching that. He did a great a job.

Charles Papert
March 31st, 2010, 10:43 PM
Don, sorry, I never got back to you.

Actually not a taken man any more these days...single again.

Been shooting a lot of interesting projects, quite a bit on the DSLR's particularly the 1D. A couple of music videos including one that is probably going to make a big splash--it's the lead single off the "Kick Ass" soundtrack and features "Gossip Girl's" Taylor Momsen. I'm not at liberty to say much other than I shot night exteriors at 2000 to 3200 ASA and there's a lot to look at...

Off to Sonoma to shoot a pilot for a new series with Anthony Bourdain.

So lots of good stuff! Mostly DP work these days, not going out as a Steadicam-for-hire much any more by choice.

Don Bloom
April 1st, 2010, 04:33 AM
Hey Charles, no problem. I know how things go.

Sounds pretty cool. Seems like a whole lot of DSLR stuff.
3200 huh? Wow, I remember back in the 70s doing still news work, night stuff we pushed the TriX to 1600, 2400 or even 3200 and man the grain was hugh!...well noone cared. It was newspapers. No one today knows what TriX is (was-do they still make it?)

Anyway have fun in Sonoma. Go easy on the vino ;-)

Charles Papert
April 1st, 2010, 10:18 AM
Looks like Tri-x is alive and well (as well as any print film these days) Don--haven't used it since the 80's myself. It would be fun to shoot something on black and white film these days, a different animal for sure.

Don Bloom
April 1st, 2010, 11:20 AM
That would be a hoot. Maybe on one of your indie projects you could convince the gods on high to do that. :-)

Charles Papert
April 1st, 2010, 11:43 AM
Along those lines, our pal Lorinda (who started this thread) gave me her 80's era video camera years ago for a project where I wanted to shoot a period home movie look. Lorinda, still haven't found the exact project to use that on for myself! It did get a high-profile rental on a Snoop Dogg video a couple years ago which was shot with all vintage tube cameras, but I'm aching to do something with it myself. You never see anything shot with that vintage of green-tinged, smeary video camera but to me it's an immediately recognizable look, from all the early home video I shot.