View Full Version : 720/60p out of sync/PremiereCS4.2/NeoScene

Alex Artem
March 9th, 2010, 01:25 PM
Hi everybody,

Just finished 2 hours CS4.2/NeoScene project ( Win 7 64 Corei720 ) and found out
the final CineForm AVI master is out of audio sync.
Made couple of tests using both official V. 1.5.1 and a beta V. 1.6.0.
On 10 min render the difference more than 1 sec.
I didn't have any problem with 1080i master though.
The Lagarith codec has no problem with 720/60p at all. Just a bigger size
and longer render time. The original files are AVCHD from HMC150.
I didn't find straight answer on forum. Am I alone with this?

Thanks in advance.

David Newman
March 9th, 2010, 01:50 PM
This is not a codec issue, sync issue are always another cause. Support will help find what is going wrong. Remember 60p is really 59.94p, so if you force 60.0Hz output without a speed change on your audio you will be 1-second out of sync after 10 minutes.

Alex Artem
March 9th, 2010, 02:17 PM
Thanks for quick response

Have to double check 59.94p--60p issue.
I just use AME preset but who knows.


Alex Artem
March 28th, 2010, 02:47 PM
So 2 weeks after filing the ticket and going back and force between support i still
pretty much there. The only thing I've found out WMP plays my 720/60p CineForm
output files out of sync too. I have 2 hours project to be finished in couple of days.
Of course I can output it as Lagarith. Does anybody have any other solution?

Thanks in advance

Graham Hickling
March 28th, 2010, 09:34 PM
I'm willing to bet this is your problem:

When I export to Cineform from Premiere CS4.32 (i.e via AME), my 720P59.94 clips get converted to 720P60.00. It doesnt happen with any codec except Cineform, and only with 720P59.94 footage.

My workaround is to use a small freeware program called AVIFRATE (google for it), which lets me reset the framerate metadata of the new (incorrect) file back to 59.94, which resyncs the audio. But it's a pain in the @*## to have to keep doing this.

(Oh and before anyone asks ... yes I AM sure I specified 59.94 in the export settings).

Alex Artem
March 29th, 2010, 01:29 PM

Thanks a lot. That's exactly the case.
I've just downloaded that small program. Actually it didn't work untill
I placed on same HDD as the file. It shows the frame rate is 60.00fps
instead 59.94 I've set in AME. So after I've change the scaling that was done.
I've checked the 10 min movie and it was in sync!
Obviosly the Support knows the issue but for some reason in more than 2 weeks
they didn't give me any clue. Thanks

Thanks a lot Graham

Graham Hickling
March 29th, 2010, 03:00 PM
Glad I could be of help.

(I was surprised when NO-ONE responded to my earlier post to say "me too" ... I guess not many folk who frequent this forum export longish projects to 720P60 CFHD.)

If the problem lies with Adobe's code, I doubt it will ever be fixed in CS4. But it does seem mysterious that Cineform is the only codec that triggers the problem.