View Full Version : SDHC adapters, SDHC cards, and the new firmware
Clark Peters March 9th, 2010, 10:17 AM Some early reports have indicated that the new EX firmware is allowing successful use of SDHC cards and adapters that gave Media Restore errors under the old firmware.
Would users be willing to share the combinations of cards and adapters that are now working? This information has appeared in some posts within the new firmware thread. I was hoping we could gather it together in its own thread.
Bo Skelmose March 9th, 2010, 10:29 AM Great Idear. I use kensington adapters and 16 gB transcend class 6 cards (red belt).
The first I tried worked completely - the rest do not - can only overcrank to 720/60p in 20 to 30 seconds. I am looking for a 32 gB card that works with overcrank to 60P without problems - sandisk 32gB class 10 - maybe ?
Zsolt Gordos March 12th, 2010, 05:38 AM Sandisk cards did not work for everyone here. I use MxM reader with ATP 16Gb and 32Gb cards, everything works, overcrank to the max too.
On the other hand I have EX1r, if that matters. Transcend and Sandisk cards died on my with Kensington adapter.
Bo Skelmose March 16th, 2010, 11:39 AM I bought the Sandisk 32 gB class 10 card - and it works in 720/25P and overcranked to 60 P without problems (Kensington adapter and EX3)
Ned Soltz March 16th, 2010, 11:57 AM EX-1 and EX-3 both with new firmware update.
Kensington cards and (original) Hoodman cards
16gb Transcend (green) and 16gb SanDisk Extreme III - Overcrank 720p24 60fps for 3 min without media error. Stopped at that point.
32gb SanDisk Ultra II - Same results overcrank. No media errors on formatting. These cards used to require formatting twice in camera in order to work. Note that these are from the January, 2009 batch that both Craig Seeman and I purchased from J&R. I have generally not heard good results about any other 32gb Ultra II's
Ned Soltz
John Hedgecoe March 18th, 2010, 09:20 PM When I bought my EX1, quite some time ago now, I also bought an 8GB Transcend ExpressCard34 SSD card. At the time, it was not even recognized by the camera. Under firmware 1.11, nothing changed. The SSD card was a no go. No surprise as it was a USB type card and even came with a USB adapter.
Now under firmware 1.20, much to my surprise, the SSD card is recognized and it formats properly in the camera. I am, as I write this, using the SSD card in the EX1 to record footage.
I will say that it is slow to finish writing after pressing STOP - about 5 or 6 seconds (not accurately clocked) before the light turns from red to green.
If you try to start recording before the light turns green, the camera will not start recording but finish it's wrap up of the previous task. This would only be a problem for anyone who does a lot of short clips in rapid succession.
I think this opens up another avenue of alternate media for the EX series of cameras. Anyone else who has ExpressCard34 SSD cards might want to take a second look and report on their findings.
Additional Info:
S&Q recording. Ok, I have never tried this before so I am totally unfamiliar with it. But this is what I got:
1080P30 - no go, could not increase frame rate above 30.
720P60 - no go, could not increase frame rate above 60
720P30 - 60fps... worked for a little while them gave media error. Plays back ok though.
720P30 - 48fps... worked. I let it run for a few minutes without errors.
I also tried an SDHC card that had previously never worked (media not recognized).
Using an e-films MxR adapter and a 32GB Topram Class 6 SDHC card, the combo worked without a hitch. Formatted the card and recorded 1080P30. Did not try S&Q.
Reformatted both cards (SDHC and SSD) without any problems.
Things are definately looking up :-)
Clark Peters March 28th, 2010, 12:02 PM I have upgraded my EX1 from 1.03 to 1.05 (Sony Service while getting warranty repairs done) to 1.11 (DIY) to 1.20 (DIY).
Using MxR adapters purchased last November and Transcend 16gb Class 10 cards purchased last week:
The cards formatted with no problems;
720P30 overcranked to 60 fps for over 8 minutes without any media errors;
I have been unable to force media errors by pushing record before the red light turns to green. I turned record off, then back on within one second. I did this more than 5 times without a problem. No media errors, no lost clips.
So far I am one happy camper.
Bo Skelmose March 28th, 2010, 01:10 PM Hi.
Bought the 32gB Transcend ExpressCard34 SSD but my EX3 do not recognize the card - should have bought some more sandisk 32gb class 10 card instead - in fact there is no more reasons to test any other as the kensington/sandisk 32gB class 10 combination because it works perfectly.
Ronn Kilby March 30th, 2010, 08:51 AM Similar results regarding overcranking on 16GB Transcend cards, E-Film adapters, Kensington adapters etc. The surprise was that I can now reliably record on Lexar 8GB SSD cards. I have 4. They would only sporadically work before. Still no overcranking, but otherwise work fine - and cheap.
Ben Vallack March 31st, 2010, 09:38 AM I've used the E-Films MxR adaptor with a Sandisk Ultra II 16GB Class 2 with full 60fps with no issues, after the firmware update. Quite thrilled about that as they're not expensive cards! Just ordered another 3 in fact.