View Full Version : Cannot load picture style in video mode

Ola Christoffersson
March 7th, 2010, 05:03 PM
I have been trying to use the Marvels Cine picture style with my 550D and it uploads fine into the camera using the EOS utility. However I can only select it in still mode. When in video mode the three user styles have different settings. It seems like the 550D has six picture styles. Three for stills and three for video.
So far so good - the problem though is that I cannot upload the Marvel style into the "video-style" memory slots. The upload button is grayed out when the camera is in video mode.

Am I doing something wrong or is the 550D different from the 7D in this sense?

Khoi Pham
March 7th, 2010, 05:30 PM
That is fine, just upload it via the still mode, and then go back to video mode and go to one of your user def. and then push display/enter/ and scroll to fine the Marvels preset.

Ola Christoffersson
March 8th, 2010, 09:49 AM
Thank you for your reply but that does not work for me. When I select a user defined picture style in video mode I don't get the same as in still mode. The Marvel preset is only available in still mode!

Are you sure this works with the 550D? Can you confirm that you have really done this or are you just assuming it works. Try setting up a user defined style on the same user preset that you have the Marvel preset stored on in video mode and I think you will find that you have one style in video mode and another in still-mode.

I hope I am wrong but I cannot figure out what I am doing differently from what you are describing.


Khoi Pham
March 8th, 2010, 10:30 AM
If in still mode you upload it into user define 1 then back in video mode go to
menu/ picture style/enter/user def. 1/display/enter/and arrow up or down to find the marvel preset/menu.
BTW I've done it and it works, I don't assumed something and try to tell somebody how to do it.

Ola Christoffersson
March 8th, 2010, 01:08 PM
It works!

Sorry for questioning you but I needed your detailed instructions to make it work. I thought I'd be able to select it from the quick menue like in still mode.


John Mastrogiacomo
March 16th, 2010, 06:29 PM
I had the same problem and Khoi Pham was nice enough to spell it out for me.

So if anyone else has trouble loading custom picture styles here are his instructions:

If you loaded your preset in still mode already then you it is done, you just have to find it and just have to do this:
You have to remember when you were still mode if you loaded it in user define 1,2 or 3, let say you loaded in user define 3, then:
1. Turn the dial to video mode.
2. Push the menu button, scroll to picture style and push the enter button
3. Push the arrow up and down until you get to USER DEFINE 3
4. Push the DISP. button
5. Push up and down until the red square box is on Picture Style.
6. Push enter button.
7. Push up and down until you see your preset, and that is it.

Thanks Khoi.

Stuart Graham
May 3rd, 2010, 01:06 AM
Thanks very much for that John and Khoi :)

That could have taken me ages to figure out.

The Marvels Cine picture style looks really nice.

Chris Hurd
May 3rd, 2010, 07:28 AM
For those who might not be aware of the Marvels Cine picture style:

Canon 7D Picture Style with Cine-gamma (S) Curve – free download Marvelsfilm’s Blog (