View Full Version : greetings from Austin

Geoff Kaiser
March 7th, 2010, 01:29 PM
Hi everyone....I've enjoyed reading stuff here greatly, and am excited to start posting. I'm from Austin TX and video has always been a hobby for me, not a profession. (I wanted to be many things as a kid in the 70s, one of them was a filmmaker, and if all this technology was around then I'm sure I would've pursued it...I'm soooo jealous of the tools the average highschooler has on thier desktop today...ah, if I only had access to that back then...sigh).

Anyhoo.....I'm a musician (on a small budget) and want to make some music videos of myself and so have been getting more serious about video. I bought two cheap used DV camcorders to go along with the one I've had for years to I could film myself from multiple angles. And more recently I just got a used AVCHD cam (Canon HF100), so I'm excited about getting some hi-def stuff going too.

Greetings everyone!

Reed Hewitt
March 8th, 2010, 08:50 AM
Greetings, Geoff!

Good to see another Texan join in the fun. This place is amazing; it's like having all the brightest minds in the world of digital video over for dinner every day.

See you around.
