View Full Version : h264 compression settings for web

Jared Gardner
March 6th, 2010, 02:04 PM
I've got a camera that uses the AVCHD format. So far no problems. I usually export to a .wmv format and the file size is definitely acceptable. For example I rendered about a 5 minute AVCHD format video to a regular 1280X720 .wmv format and it came out to around 50mb. The problem here is that I'm doing online streaming with a flash player and it doesn't play back .wmv files, but it does play back mp4 files.

I simply want to export these files with an h264/mp4 compression that's around the same file size as the .wmv format so they'll work in a flash player for online streaming. The problem here is that after fooling around with the h264/mp4 compression settings in Vegas (the Sony Main Concept thing), the file size seems WAY bigger than the .wmv format files, and it doesn't look nearly as good either.

I may just not be choosing the right kind of compression settings. If a .wmv file can look that good and have a file size of only 50mb, then surely an mp4 file using the h264 format can too, no?

Michael Wisniewski
March 6th, 2010, 09:49 PM
What resolution and bit rate settings are you using for the .wmv & the h.264 files?

Craig Lieberman
March 8th, 2010, 05:30 PM
I don't use Vegas, but I use Quicktime through FCP.

Even my 360p resolution videos on YouTube are stunningly clear.

I export using
5000kbps (yes, that's high, but I've NEVER been on a computer that didn't load the video fast, even an iPhone!)
24 keyframes
Quicktime Movie (H.264)

Check out my videos out YouTube - craiglieberman's Channel (