View Full Version : Equipment Suggestions

Denny Kyser
March 5th, 2010, 01:27 PM
I am down to offering only basic 1 camera video and I now have a Sony EX1r, with many memory cards and all the gear along with a SD 302 mixer, I know this is way overkill. Even though I only offer one camera, still need 2 for the obvious reasons. I am thinking about selling the Sony EX1 with 2 hrs use on it and getting something lighter and quicker to set up.

I shoot the photography with a 1ds mark III and a 1d mark IV so do have video there, but still feel I need a stand alone video camera, or two for the video.

What equipment would you get if you were in my position.

Denny Kyser
March 5th, 2010, 01:29 PM
As many of you know, I had planned on getting out video for weddings, but it has become obvious I will not be. Even when I started offering only 1 camera, very basic edit (yes I still shot with a second non manned camera) they still kept booking it.

They claim there is no one else in the area offering any decent video coverage, and to get someone to travel here is way out of their budget. (customers words, not mine)

I guess this is one advantage of being in such a rural area.

So I now offer very basic video, a decent highlight show mixing stills and video, and then just solid video for the ceremony and first dance.

this is what the customers are wanting, they love it and is only offered in my top wedding package.

Elms on Vimeo

Scott Hayes
March 5th, 2010, 03:06 PM
dude, use the EX1r for unmanned and roam with the 1D IV. if that doesn't suit you, pick up a cheap Sony or Canon AVCHD HDD camcorder and use it. I have a Canon HG21, and for a single chipper, it does a fantastic job!

Dave Blackhurst
March 5th, 2010, 03:43 PM
I'm guessing by "rural" you also have tight budgets, but they still want the "service"?

Rather than selling the EX, which I presume still could come in handy for some things, I'd second Scotts idea - pick up a Sony XR500V, or one of the new XR550V/CX550V's - good low light, good stabilization, very compact and easy to set up, but should get good video results. If the EX is really not something you'd use, maybe one of the new "midsize" Sonys - the AX2000 or NX5U, paired with one or more of the above small cams? Should keep your investment a bit lower, yet stilll allow you to offer the "service" with excellent results.

All you realy need is "capture devices" with excellent quality so you've got footage to edit, particularly if you do the multicam/unmanned aproach.

Denny Kyser
March 5th, 2010, 04:48 PM
Thanks guys
I need to play with the digital slr video, I have not used it enough to know how useful it will be.

I make myself clear to my clients I photography first, video second but for what I do very possible with me and another shooter. I run a video camera, and shoot from back of church. Wife shoots from the front, or seated near the front. I do not have to fight for position with the photographer.

I just need to see how easy I can go from shooting stills to video and back to stills. If this is easy to do, I agree I have the gear I need.

My thoughts were sell the ex1r gear, and replace with the Pan HMC150, Sony HXR-NX5U or Canon XH A1s and then add a 5DII.

This would give me a dedicated HD camcorder, and 2 dslr with video/still capability.

I do love the quality of the ex1r, but do deal with rolling shutter, and to be honest, customers are looking more for decent footage and audio that is not hand held and zoom crazy than hi def.

I have a great system now, but not a run and gun kind of thing.

You are right about rural and not paying the big price, I know some leave the area to get more $$ for their talent.

Denny Kyser
March 5th, 2010, 04:59 PM
pick up a Sony XR500V, or one of the new XR550V/CX550V's - good low light, good stabilization, very compact and easy to set up, but should get good video results.

Wow these things are coming a long way, this is a very good option.

Scott Hayes
March 6th, 2010, 04:40 AM
since you mention the HMC150. I HAD an EX1 sold it and got a second HMC. put some money in my pocket. Great choice of camera, can be had very cheap. Outstanding quality video and lightweight to boot. You could buy two of them for what you'd get from
selling that EX. If you're only running it unmanned, sell that bitch, get an hmc and
maybe a glidetrack or glidecam. I'd be shooting video all day long on those Canon DSLRs.

Denny Kyser
March 6th, 2010, 08:02 AM
I got the 1d IV out last night and so far have found it easy to be shooting video and take a still. This was my concern, I do not want to take one of my cameras out of commision while shooting video, still have a job to do taking stills.

Denny Kyser
March 7th, 2010, 12:05 PM
After playing with the 1D IV for a couple more days, I am seriously considering selling my 1Ds Mark III and getting a second 1D IV, I would get enough out of the 1ds, to get a another IV and give me yet another great still camera that can step in and do video.

May end up keeping the EX1r after all.