View Full Version : Informative 7D and T2i Comparison Video

Loren Simons
March 4th, 2010, 10:54 PM
I know there have been some comparison video's already posted, but I would like to post just one more here. I talk about things such as the T2i's lack of HD monitoring while recording, and some of its benefits, in the end, its your call to make based off of your priorities, but i do hope this may help some people!

Canon Rebel T2i vs. Canon 7D on Vimeo

Alex Sava
March 5th, 2010, 12:46 AM
I appreciate every video made with the purpose of giving us more insight, especially on the 7D vs T2i thing, but we already know everything that's been said in the video, I was expecting a bit more but it was a slideshow of photos with some basic info that's been known since it was announced.

If you have both cameras available, why not make a proper versus and shoot various scenes with both cameras side by side?

No offense meant with this post by the way, please don't take it the wrong way. But when I saw you holding both cameras I thought "This is gonna be great!" only to be disappointed by the end. I wish I had both cameras right now, I'd shoot the hell out of both of them.

Paul Cook
March 5th, 2010, 01:14 AM
Yeah more of a non so subtle plug for the guys company than a useful comparison past what we already know. But hey, its information, well presented...unlike the many 'unboxing videos' that drive me crazy...;-)

Im curious as to the critique on the SD resolution on record option, given he was using a Marshall monitor - which is only SD in any case. So unless you wanted to use the 1:1 mapping - it wouldn't really matter...would it?

Alex Sava
March 5th, 2010, 02:01 AM
Is it really that hard to adjust focus with a SD image though? Is this a major problem?

I'm very scared of losing focus, I had some problems on a 35 mm film and I have a lot of camera movements in my projects, hence my concern.

Christopher Drews
March 5th, 2010, 05:37 AM
Had no idea about the limited ISO dialing on the T2i. Definitely not getting one now. I'd get another 7D first. Once Tramm builds the ML for the 7D, he'll remove the overlay from the 1080 stream. This will allow live capture and address all the codec quality issues (moire, anti-aliasing).

Or maybe this is just wishful thinking. ;)


Jon Fairhurst
March 5th, 2010, 12:21 PM
That's wishful thinking. The moire/aliasing is from the sensor. It skips two of every three pixels. The codec weakness is on smooth areas, like flat walls and balloons - especially if there is other motion and detail in the rest of the frame.

Loren Simons
March 5th, 2010, 02:52 PM
Well, as long as it helped at least one person, than that was its purpose. I had more of the fishtank shots at different iso's and what not, not sure why they cut it out, guess just time restraints. I'll see if I can get my hands on that footage again to make a more sample based review

Michiel van Baasbank
March 19th, 2010, 09:54 AM
Still haven't decided yet wheter to go with the T2i or 7D. I don't know why, but every time I watch sample clips here on dvinfo, to my eyes the 7D overall video-quality and cinematic look is somewhat better than the T2i. But I could be wrong, maybe it's just colorgrading and the longer experience with the 7D is showing. Just can't shake the feeling the 7D's footage is more pleasing to my eyes.

But for me, if the T2i really doesn't have HD-output whilst filming, what sense does it make to have an HD-focus monitor then (as I prefer a focus monitor above a Hoodloupe etc), I might as well go right ahead and buy the 7D.

Wondering if you guys see it as well, the in my opinion slightly better footage from the 7D...

Bryan McCullough
March 19th, 2010, 10:01 AM
I've had the T2i for a couple of weeks now and have been getting used to it.

I won't go into a ton here, but from what I've seen and from all the reviews, the video quality is virtually identical to the 7D. So I'd erase that from your thoughts, don't let that be a deciding factor between the two cameras.

In my limited usage there have been some little things that it appears the 7D is better in that would probably lean me to purchase it when I'm ready for another camera. The HD monitoring while recording is a huge one, and just the button placements and the more detailed controls offered.

Is that worth double the price? I don't know, but maybe. My current thought is that if I can get very proficient with the T2i then the 7D will feel like a breeze when I move to it. :)

Leonard Levy
March 20th, 2010, 01:22 AM
I just ordered a T2i but didn't know you lost HD while shooting. Don't like that.

Gabe Hoeffken
March 20th, 2010, 04:37 AM
It was my understanding both drop their output resolution when you hit record? Let me know if I am wrong.

Bryan McCullough
March 20th, 2010, 09:12 AM
The 7D does not. The 5D and the T2i do.

Jad Meouchy
March 20th, 2010, 10:05 AM
I own both a 7D and T2i and recently shot a project using both (simultaneously) with the same lenses. I can say without a doubt that the picture quality is indistinguishable.

Michiel van Baasbank
March 21st, 2010, 12:42 AM
Thanks for your response; good to hear that the video quality is the same. Still keep wondering about the weathersealing (did a project in the rain yesterday) and the HD-output during record.

Jad, as you own both cams, what do you use for focussing then? I'd like to buy a small 200$ lilliput or equivalent (which apperently supports HD-quality) but I'd like to know if SD-quality can be used for focussing as well?

Jad Meouchy
June 5th, 2010, 02:39 AM
Jad, as you own both cams, what do you use for focussing then? I'd like to buy a small 200$ lilliput or equivalent (which apperently supports HD-quality) but I'd like to know if SD-quality can be used for focussing as well?

I use the rear LCD or eyeball it by marks (not for all lenses though). I have an eye for focus so it's never been an issue.

Ryan Mast
June 5th, 2010, 11:33 AM
Aperture control wheel isn't an issue if you're using full manual lenses -- I use LOMO cinema lenses on my T2i with a PL-mount adapter, so for me it doesn't make a difference.

Not having HD HDMI output isn't a big deal if you're marking focus on a follow focus system. But don't bother using the T2i as an A-cam -- use something that gives legit HD monitoring.

The mumblings about the "in-between" ISOs are true -- it does give noise. Shoot in good light.

Moire artifacts are a killer. That's worth monitoring in preview in HD. Lost a shot the other day because I didn't check for Moire artifacts in a monitor on set.