View Full Version : Film Students and Canon 7D
Gavin Blyth March 2nd, 2010, 06:55 AM Hi new im new to this but i was wondering if there were any film students out there using the 7D for their projects. Love to see some student work and also any general thoughts on their experiences with it.
I bought mine a few months ago and shot this YouTube - For The Record (
We found it to be a great tool. However we'll be saving to invest in a viewfinder as shooting in an Aussie summer is really bright and makes it hard to see for focusing.
also a rig for better handheld stuff might also help thinks along
it'd be cool to see some constructive criitism of our film and also see some other student films out there
Craig Campbell March 2nd, 2010, 11:24 AM Hi Gavin, I work at a University and our Wildlife students are using the 7d for the projects, I shall try and post some examples soon.
I think for students it is an amazing and very affordable camera, two of our students have already bought one and more are to follow. Good that 18-21 students are using cameras like this at our University to shoot the projects and even buying them.
Jonanthan Carr March 2nd, 2010, 11:28 AM Columbia, School of Visual Arts, New York Film Academy to name a few.... 35mm adapters seem to be on there way out, seeing that kids who would of rented out a adapter, now are renting or buying a 5D mark II or a 7D.
Ethan Lane March 2nd, 2010, 02:19 PM I bought mine a few months ago and shot this YouTube - For The Record (
this is funny man good work. some good shots in there as well
Gavin Blyth March 2nd, 2010, 07:06 PM thanks ethan, we had a lot of fun making it.
that would be great craig cant wait to see them.
i was looking into those adaptors like the Letus and the one from Redrock to use on my schools cameras. But by the time i would have bought the rigging and a lens it would have cost about the same as 7D maybe more.
John Wiley March 2nd, 2010, 07:24 PM I think with the 550d out now even more students will be using these cameras. Not only because of the DOF control and big sensor but also because it offers full manual control with proper zoom, focus and (on some lenses) Iris rings - no other camera offers as many dedicated controls at this price point.
Gavin - a student from Byron Bay? Are you studying at SAE by any chance?
Gavin Blyth March 2nd, 2010, 07:30 PM Yes i am. I just finished my third trimester, starting second year in a few weeks. Did you go there too?
John Wiley March 3rd, 2010, 07:01 AM No I went to Griffith on the Goldy. I'm From Lennox so SAE would've been perfect for me... just too expensive though.
I do know a few people who do music production courses and I'm very jealous of the networking opportunities they get there. It's the perfect environment for a film-maker looking to get into Music Video Production.
Justin Mitchell March 3rd, 2010, 05:59 PM I am in a media productions student and I own a 7d, heres a link to a couple things I've done. Some for school some for fun.
Justin Mitchell on Vimeo (
and one more at Fry Fest on Vimeo
Alex Sava March 3rd, 2010, 07:40 PM The 7D and especially the T2i/550D will be film students' best friends, there is no doubt about that. This is still something new but in a year or two it will catch on and the other manufacturers will try to keep up with Canon, not to mention where they'll go from here.
However, I've seen loads of student films shot on 35mm film, having the proper "film look" and they were still bad movies. I think a famous director once said, the means of making a film become cheaper and easier, but one thing will always be the same... You still need a good idea.
So a good film will be a good film even without a shallow DOF or a "Full HD" resolution. Whilst you can give all the Hollywood gear in the world to a bunch of untalented/uninspired people, and their movie will still be bad. Hence, Transformers 2. Also, if you really, really, REALLY want to make a movie, you'll make a movie, you'll find the money to rent/buy equipment and it will just work out one way or another. Look at Robert Rodriguez.
So while the "7D era" of independent film-making will allow more and more people to have a great image for a small price, just an increase in image quality will not make the bad movies better, maybe just a bit more tolerable, so nothing will REALLY change.
But the optimist in me hopes this will motivate more people to start making movies, now that it can be done with a few hundred bucks.
Jesse Haycraft March 3rd, 2010, 11:06 PM I've been using DSLR's on my student films since I bought a D90 the month it came out. As a high-schooler I've found it to be an incredible tool. I can carry my 7D all through the school day with my textbooks and laptop and just whip it out and get awesome footage whenever I want. Add a crew and I've got a full-fledged production going. In high-school it probably works differently than in college since I often work with non-film people on my films. They always ask why I'm using a stills camera to shoot a movie - and I have to explain to them that it has a "movie mode." :)
I've applied to USC, Chapman, NYU, and FSU for film. Hopefully they'll let me use my "stills camera" for the first few projects until I can move to film or Red!
Here's something I did recently (granted it's not with the movie mode, but still relevant I think): Life at 8fps on Vimeo
Jesse Haycraft March 3rd, 2010, 11:14 PM But the optimist in me hopes this will motivate more people to start making movies, now that it can be done with a few hundred bucks.
That's the key I think. I can't imagine how I would ever have gotten into filmmaking as early as I have if I couldn't afford the equipment (my parents certainly won't pay for it).
Alex Sava March 4th, 2010, 12:50 AM Yeah, like Stu Maschwitz calls these things... The "no excuse" cameras.