View Full Version : NTSC to PAL

Alan Melville
March 1st, 2010, 08:07 PM
Hi Guys,

I've had an enquiry from a guy in the CONUS in regards to a video he shot whilst here 'Downunder' (Autralia).

He'd like to knock up a PAL version for his buddies down here and has asked me what the best way of going about it is.

He's using PE 8, which I have no knowledge of and I also have no clue about converting to PAL.

Would someone mind chipping in and helping.



PS. Fatbiker is a forum we both use, it's for fat tyre bicycles.

Here is his email;
Hi, I'm a Fatbiker from Michigan in the US. I was just in Australia a month ago for a music seminar (Chapman Stick), in Melbourne, then drove up to Adelaide. I videotaped an entire Stick concert, now I'm trying to transfer it into a useable format for the guys back in Melbourne. He has a Mac, but my Premiere Elements 8 only has a lousy res Quicktime conversion, + a PAL DVD. Looking more like just making a TV playable DVD in PAL. Any other suggestions? I'm good with 35MM digital SLR's, rather new to video. Saw your Canon videocamera on your latest post, figured you'd know more than I would about this.

If your curious about the Stick vids I shot in Melbourne, go to:
YouTube - MichiganNS's Channel (


Chris Soucy
March 1st, 2010, 08:35 PM
You can tell him to rest easy, pretty well every PAL DVD player ever made will play NTSC DVD's straight out of the box, no conversion required.


Alan Melville
March 2nd, 2010, 06:15 AM
Chris, Thanks for that, I'll pass it on.
