View Full Version : Back Up & Archive

SiuChung Leung
February 28th, 2010, 04:41 AM
Hi All,

I would like to share and discuss the back up and archive work flow.

Shooting in HD put a huge pressure on our hard disk and I always fear one of the them die on me... actually it happen once..... or accidentally deleted by happen once as well. So here is our back up work flow.

Here is the list of Hard Disk

The Mac Pro have two internal hard disk
Hard Disk A:
1 TB
Stored: User file, FCP project file & Application, other recourse

Hard Disk B:
1.5 TB
Stored: Master Output, Output file, FCP Auto Save and Render...etc

There are 3 External Hard Disk
External Hard Disk C:
1.5 TB
Firewire 400 connected
Time machine back up for FCP project and Output file in hard disk A & B

External Hard Disk D:
3 TB (1.5TB X 2)
Fire Wire 800 connected
Stored: All Footage

External Hard Disk E:
3 TB (1.5TB X 2)
Fire Wire 800 connected
Mirror hard drive for Hard Disk D, Auto Mirror every 12 hrs. Any file missing from Disk D will move to a special folder. It will keep there for 10 weeks.

So the footage will be stored at Hard Disk D and get Mirror to Hard Disk E. The project file and output file will back up by time machine.


I have an e-STAT hard dock connected to Mac Pro as well. The Old project file and footage will move to a archive harddisk on the hard disk dock. I just buy new harddisk if the archive harddisk is full.

I usually archive the project once it two months.

So there is our work flow, please feel free to comment and share.